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Page 46: Action!

Friday, April 27th, 2007

Please enjoy this Mac/Devian fun, courtesy of artist Owen Gieni.

61 Responses to “Page 46: Action!”

  1. Yanson Says:

    sorry, I’m kind of sleepy… *checks for bites on his body*

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    All of those questions have been answered several times in massive detail. Zombie bites have no affect on vampires. Military can’t do shit against billions of zombies.

  3. Yanson Says:

    I was kidding about the military, but I’m curious about the zombies’ chances against the vampires.
    So, basically if there is a bunch of zombies and a vampire, there is no way to kill the vampire? Seriously, how can the vampires die (excluding starvation)?

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Um, I answered that in the post directly above your first post on this page — “All vampires have healing abilities, yeah. Can only kill them with the stake through the heart.”

  5. Yanson Says:

    But the zombies can’t use stakes 🙂
    Or can they? Well, they surely can use bombs… What if a vampire gets blown to dust?

    Sorry for my little brainstorm, (I really read thru the comments) but this plot makes me go crazy 😀 I’m curious about the chances of the vampires protecting the humans.
    How a vampire can die is not really important. They can smell blood and sense zombies (?). Couldn’t that help them stop the outbreak during the first day? I know that now all their base are belong to zombies and they have nowhere to go. The only things they could do now is to wait for the weapon to kill the zombies (oh, where does Payne get his red gatorade from?), try to find and kill tfz (has he got some cloaking abilities?) and protect the humans of course.

    I’m also curious about “turning” the people to vampires. How do vamps “turn” and how do they drain blood? If there are only about 50 vampires these must be different things.

    And what about the Bulgarian Dracula? What was all this and how was it contaminated? Is this going to be mentioned further in the story?

  6. Dominov Says:

    all their base are belong to zombies


    Hehe, I had to.

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “But the zombies can’t use stakes 🙂
    Or can they? Well, they surely can use bombs…”

    If they can use bombs, obviously they can use stakes, but what does that matter? You’re forgetting that the zombies DON’T WANT TO KILL THE VAMPIRES. They want to torture them through decades of no blood. They don’t want to kill them.

    “Couldn’t that help them stop the outbreak during the first day?”

    How? There’s only 50 of them. Nothing they could do. By the time a vampire even first heard about what was going on there were already tens of thousands of zombies. Too late for them to help.

    “The only things they could do now is to wait for the weapon to kill the zombies (oh, where does Payne get his red gatorade from?)”

    Payne? Do you mean the red gatorade Math had? Or are you wondering about Addison Payne and the other vampires and their blood? Either way, they got their blood from humans, of course, and they can go 10 days or so without blood and still be strong enough to walk around and such, but probably not fight anyone after 10 days. As Math said, after two weeks it was already torture and he couldn’t move or whatever he said. Math got his bottle of red gatorade from the last group that he and Val tried to save, but failed (obviously), shortly before they came to the school in SD.

    “And what about the Bulgarian Dracula? What was all this and how was it contaminated?”

    It was hundreds of years ago and it was contained (not “contaminated”) because there were fewer means of travel back, easier to contain it when all anyone can do is WALK.  There were also probably more vampires back then, and far less humans in general.
    And I’ve answered the other questions way too many times to repeat.

  8. Drek Says:

    From observing the comments in this strip, since it is posted via a blog technique – we will eventually get to a point of redundancy.

    “Um, I answered that in the post directly above your first post on this page”

    Would a page on this site dedicated to factoids or discovered trinkets of info be useful?

  9. Tegu Says:


  10. Wazza Says:

    G’Day there from Oz Bobby, and to all the people haunting this comic!

    Just wanted to say that I’ve been an avid reader since I stumbled onto this site. It’s brilliant (hell, that word doesn’t do it enough justice…) and I’m going to have my eyes glued to the screen when more pages come up. Bring it on!

    Why did I post on this page, you ask? Quite simply due to that I reckon I’ve got a good guess at Mac’s present thoughts in these panels:


    Yep, knew you’d all agree with me there 😀

    Well I’ll quit bugging you all now. Happy New Year to you all when it comes to your corner of the world. Have a safe one!

  11. ModdyPride Says:

    MAC IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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