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Page 38: Who Cares?

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

In the words of artist Owen Gieni, “Math is being a baby.”

48 Responses to “Page 38: Who Cares?”

  1. Mewt Says:

    Dear Math,

    Quit’cher bitchin’.


  2. Mewt Says:


    First Post!

  3. Bumtown Says:

    You know, Math. No matter what this chick did to you, there’s no reason you can’t at least bang her out of vengence. I mean, she’s hot as hell. Look at that corset, she’s dressing like she wants it….

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Also gotta keep in mind that this is a crucial time where big decisions need to be made that will determine if two species go extinct or not. He’s considering going to Mexico to help the 200 there instead of staying with only 33 in South Dakota, and he’d have to leave instantly if he wanted to make much of an impact in Mexico. Also, it’s not like anywhere is very private in that school, and Math probably thinks that it would hurt the trust the humans have in the vampires if they find them going at it.

  5. James Says:

    wait theyre in south dakota

  6. steve Says:

    Their trust? so are most of the humans more like April or Howard then in what they think of the vamps?

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’m not saying the humans actually have trust in the vampires, but I’m saying that whatever level of trust they do have, it could be diminished if they’re then having sex in the humans’ home basically in the middle of the day. And to answer your question, most are still undecided. The vampires just showed up about six hours ago.

  8. Jim Says:

    Actually, it might sort of normalise them in the humans eyes. I mean, if i was suddenly confronted by some people claiming to be vampires, who have a pile of weird and wonderful abilities, i’d be afraid of them on several levels. But there’s something about knowing they do basic, normal things that would kind of set my mind at ease. Something shared, i guess. ‘Hey, they aren’t that different to us in some ways.’ Whereas the idea of Zombies doing anything even remotely normal like that just doesn’t seem to fit, hence they are a more fearsome and incomprehensible enemy.

    But Math, stick to your guns, brotha! Don’t let yourself be weakened by the needs of the flesh!

    Val + Principle Howard OTP.

  9. MaxwellEdison Says:

    At first I thought this page was gonna go as follows:

    Val: There’s what 5 billion of them against 50 of us, and 200 humans? Thats not nearly enough to constitute a viable breeding population.

    Math: But the submarines . . .

    Val: Forget the submarines, wanna do it?

    Math: No thanks. I am too filled with angst.

    Val: Oh go cry to your myspace you youtuber.

    And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why Bobby does the writing and not I.

  10. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Also, Jim;

    Your post put the image of zombies makin with the makeout session right before I went to sleep. Know there is a special place for you in hell.

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I think that writing probably would have been better than my crap. Just wrote Page 39, though, and I think the story might start getting better now. Finally learning a little about the characters and having a good character moment or two, which has been missing from the book so far.

  12. Alex Says:

    They should round everyone up at the school. Get Mac and make for Mexico. Keeping those last 200 humans alive is more important then anything.

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Yeah, but what good could two more vampires really do? There’s over 40 there already probably. Also, Math probably knows that the survivors in Mexico are completely surrounded by a billion zombies and that there’s no way they could get in there to help anyway.

  14. Colt Says:

    Nothing could make up for what you did to me…

    Hmm, that doesn’t read like he’s happy about her saving his sanity. More like he’s a little upset with someone.

    just out of curiosity, how are the vamps doing in terms of numbers any better than us humans? Or will that be revealed later?

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I think I’ve said about 3,700 times that there’s about 50 vampires. And in my last comment I said that there’s probably over 40 in Mexico.  And yeah, Math’s upset with Val.

  16. Alex Says:

    “Yeah, but what good could two more vampires really do? There’s over 40 there already probably. Also, Math probably knows that the survivors in Mexico are completely surrounded by a billion zombies and that there’s no way they could get in there to help anyway.”

    True, but those 200 people in Mexico are more important then anything. Without them, there not much hope for the human race and the vamps in turn.

    The risk trying to get there would somewhat be worth it. Hope you don’t just killed all the Mexico people and vamps off Bobby, at least not right way. 😀

  17. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’m 99.9% sure that I’ve already said what the fate of the people in Mexico would be in the comments. Feel free to search for it.

    “True, but those 200 people in Mexico are more important then anything. Without them, there not much hope for the human race and the vamps in turn.”

    That’s all wrong actually, for too many reasons to start mentioning now. Don’t worry, it will all make perfect sense.

  18. Lydia Says:

    From a female perspective, there’s not THAT much wrong with what he just did (or didn’t do).

  19. Chris Says:

    Math holds quite a grudge. How do vampires meet if there are only fifty of them around the world? Sense or is it that only a vampire can create another and after they do so, they keep tabs on each other?

    Also how were the vampire forces distributed during the attack? Were most of them already in that area before the zombies attacked? We know that Davan was in Canada but since she mentioned only her powers of flight but no super strength I kinda must believe some other vampires were there as well to help her. If there were, then the rest of the forces shouldn’t they be coming out of Canada and reach Math and Val rather than going for Mexico? Will we get to see more vampires in the future, I’d like to see how that makes the humans feel.

    has any vampire been killed at this point? I think I remember Crosby saying that tfz was after vengence probably for locking him in the coffin(though how come he couldn’t break out of the wooden thing earlier is interesting) but i think something about him wanting them to suffer like he did came up…

    is the location of Payne at this point very important? I’m thinking that a guy like him needs something like his own giant undersea lab. I’m wondering where this guy is hiding that zombies can’t find him.

    I kinda had a bit of a bad thought, what if the “happy ending” is something like Payne comes up with a serum or something that replaces the vampire’s need for blood. They can breed vampire babies and feed them the serum. That way some form of non-undead life does get to live on after they kill/deal with the first zombie…

    this comic has me on edge everyday and makes me wish that i could just timetravel to the end so i could read the entire thing and won’t be tortured waiting for each update. Very few webcomics or books I’ve read have done that to me.

  20. Nara Says:

    I think Val was the one who ‘turned’ Math? or maybe she ate his last girlfriend.. 😀

  21. Nara Says:

    So Vamps in this story can only feed off humans right (some books they use any blood they can find when desperate) also, I can’t remember if you ever answered whether zombies go after animals? I think you said no. I guess in a way the two would be linked, if vamps couldn’t eat anything non-human, then neither can zombies.. its an eco-nuts dream come true! the animals will inherit the earth! and I as a crazy-cat-lady envision cats as the new dominant species *wink* 😀

  22. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “How do vampires meet if there are only fifty of them around the world? Sense or is it that only a vampire can create another and after they do so, they keep tabs on each other?”

    Sure, all that, many possible ways. When Math and Val met, though, one of them wasn’t a vampire.

    “Also how were the vampire forces distributed during the attack? Were most of them already in that area before the zombies attacked?”

    What area? It was a worldwide attack which spread almost instantly to EVERYWHERE. And the vampires don’t have regular “forces” — no leaders or anything — but many grouped together to help each other out. They were all traveling to various places, wherever there were survivors.

    “We know that Davan was in Canada but since she mentioned only her powers of flight but no super strength I kinda must believe some other vampires were there as well to help her.”

    Devian was probably only in Canada for a day or two. Most of the groups of humans the vampires found didn’t last long at all. Recurring trend. Too many zombies.

    “If there were, then the rest of the forces shouldn’t they be coming out of Canada and reach Math and Val rather than going for Mexico?”

    Depends on many factors. There are about seven times more survivors in Mexico at the moment, so most would want to be going there.

    “Will we get to see more vampires in the future, I’d like to see how that makes the humans feel.”

    Tons, yes.

    “has any vampire been killed at this point?”

    No, but some have probably killed themselves. And yes, TFZ wants them to go through the same torture he did, so he doesn’t want to kill them.

    “is the location of Payne at this point very important? I’m thinking that a guy like him needs something like his own giant undersea lab. I’m wondering where this guy is hiding that zombies can’t find him.”

    Why would the zombies want to find him? They want to kill HUMANS to then make vampires suffer through 65 years of torture. And no, his location isn’t important. I don’t even know where he is. We’ll see him before the end, though, and he’ll be responsible for some pretty important things, but nothing that could be guessed at this point.

    Glad you’re liking the comics.

    And Nara, you’re correct about Val and about the animals.

  23. Mewt Says:

    Bobby, you seriously need to just put up a FAQ somewhere by this point. If someone asks how many humans or how many vampires there is again, I’ll cry.

    If someone asks why TFZ was in a coffin at the bottom of the ocean, or why he didn’t escape from aforementioned coffin, I will again, cry.

    At least with a FAQ, we have the option of saying ‘HAHAHA U IDIOT ITS IN PLAIN SIGHT LRN2WEBSERCH’, which we still have now but is slightly less valid because, who -really- wants to dig through 1000+ Old comments?

  24. Mewt Says:

    Oh. And I’m going to assume Math was turned into a vampire by Val, hence why he goes all emo with ‘Nothing can make up for what you did to me’. Either that, or Math fell in love with Val, turned her into a vampire, and she ditched him afterwards. Either way warrents a ‘Nothing will ever make you a good person again!’ mindset.

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “And I’m going to assume Math was turned into a vampire by Val . . .”

    Good assumption, since I just said that in my last comment! When I said Nara was correct about Val (she had just said that Val turned Math into a vampire). Also, Val not only turned Math into a vampire against his will so they could be together forever, but then, pretty soon after that, she found someone she liked better.

    And thanks for reminding me to explain the coffin thing again —

    “(though how come he couldn’t break out of the wooden thing earlier is interesting)”

    I’ve explained this several times, but anyway: As Math says, after a couple weeks without blood, the pain is unbearable and your mind starts to go. You can’t even move basically after a couple weeks. After a month you’re probably totally frozen in place and it’s like you’re dead, except you’re in horrible pain at all times. Anyway, after about 65 years, something CLICKS/CHANGES and you’re suddenly officially a FIRST ZOMBIE and you get unfrozen and the pain goes away.

  26. Owen Says:

    If things go according to his crazy plan in 65 years TFZ will have 50 other sentient zombies to deal with, although he will be the only one with an army of zombie fodder at his disposal.

    I second the FAQ

  27. Bobby Crosby Says:

    The FAQ seems like a good idea, but at this point it would almost entirely be made up of big spoilers for things that haven’t been fully revealed yet in the comic, and although I’m obviously fine with giving spoilers in these comments, it’s only a small percentage of people who actually read through all these comments, as evidenced by all the questions people ask in comments which have already been answered a million times in other comments. But if we put up an official FAQ at this point, it would basically just be like, “Here’s a list of all the spoilers.” Anyway, if someone wants to find all the spoilers, they could just read through the comments, and I think I’ll start simply not answering the repeated questions, but just saying, “Read through all the comments and you’ll find your answer.” An FAQ would obviously be good for after the first graphic novel is done, though. And who knows, maybe it’s good now too, but not in a public sense, like not in the list of links up on the right or anything, but just something to post when someone asks a question that’s already been answered, we can just link to the FAQ. Blah! I’m sure glad I type insanely fast.

  28. DracoPsycho Says:

    Hmm… I wonder, in panel 3 Val’s face becomes a little bit “boney” than usual and in panel 5 you can clearly see cheek bone, is it becoming a real face of a vampire or should I clean my glasses?

  29. Owen Says:

    I just always meant for Val to have high cheekbones, as opposed to April’s more rounded girly face. I’d love to draw some full on “vamped out” vampires though.

  30. Bobby Crosby Says:

    You’ll get your chance!

  31. Nara Says:

    what do the vampire eyes look like in colour? obviously from the drawing they dont look like human eyes (they seem to have no white) so is it black where in humans its white and then regular iris, or do they have crazy colour iriss (like purple or lime green)
    I sympathize with Math after Bobby’s explanation, now I think shes a skank 🙂 or at least a shallow/selfish inconsiderate with no-concept-of-responsibility-person. heh, all Val fans will now pounce to her defence!
    i think Val should have purple hair. naw, im just being silly.

  32. ShinoTenshi Says:

    Math is beginning to remind me of Guy from your other comic, a bit. And Val is so very definitely a redhead, in personality and appearance. I also like that girl you mentioned you were drawn to as a Val person, she looks the part…and I’d love to see her in that outfit, lol.

    Math strikes me as a decent guy, deep down, that’s still trying to do some good in the world despite the odds stacked against him. Val doesn’t seem to have so much that drive in particular, but just that she’s along for the ride and probably bored (and aparently more than just bored).

    And yes, this is my first post. I like to lurk. 😛 Great comic btw, definitely going to go see this in theaters. I don’t see many zombie flicks, but this one looks to actually have promise. Cheers, keep up the awesome story, and the wonderful art! One thing I wonder, the art style compliments the story VERY well (faded/washed out, post-apocalyptic look of the paper, not all lines are perfectly solid, etc) will the film production be able to hold that same feel, I wonder? If so, then you may just have a winner on your hands there, mate!

  33. Vo Says:

    Hey Bobby! How did TFZ become a Zombie?
    Just Kidding. trying to make Mewt cry!

    Ok, so Val converted Math, against his will, and then ditched him for someone else. Is the someone else male or female? Vamp or not? What happened to this someone else? Why don’t vampires like disco? Who really shot JFK? Why do my socks keep disappearing in the dryer? Will you use hammerspace at all? Is this too many questions?

  34. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Val had to have left Math for TFZ. Forbidden love in a coffin built for two at th bottom of the Pacific. And JFK was shot by Bobby Kennedy, who later assasinated himself and Martin Luther King Jr. to cover it up. As for the socks, they are neatly disasembled and placed in your lint trap for easy storage.

    And as for the eyes, the sclera (white part) is actually a rich dark brown. >>>SPOILER ALERT

  35. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Accursed fake HTML tags. i i iSPOILER!!! Bobby told me he is going to have the vamp actors get the right color eyes by pouring Hershey’s syrup into them. This should also help them portray the vamps as having a deep inner rage.

    Sweet, delicious, chocolatey rage.

  36. Mewt Says:

    *Cry, Sob, Whimper*

    Actually, that would make a disturbing amount of sense. Val left Math for TFZ, and then left TFZ the same way. He hates that he’s a vampire, loathes even more the scorn that Val created in him, and so he’s up for wiping everything out!

    And April, of course, is like his granddaughter or something odd like that.

  37. Ledd Says:

    Mewt that is an excellent theory

    cept a little overkill that a guy would destroy the human race
    to kill off all vampires
    jsut to get back at a girl who broke his lil heart
    that makes TFZ a total pussy

  38. Jim Says:

    As i type this from my special place in hell… 😉

    I wonder if TFZ thought that through. Soon enough (Well, not really SOON… but soonish considering you’re virtually immortal.) he’ll have about fifty other zombies to deal with, with extra vampiric powers etc who are probably going to be terribly unhappy with him. Unless he has some way to control them too, or hide from them or something, he’d better start watching his back in 2072 or so! Maybe he should take note of that submarine idea…

  39. Bobby Crosby Says:

    First, none of that will apply to this story. Second, why would TFZ care what happens 65 years from now? He would have already won by putting them through that torture, which is his entire goal. After that, he doesn’t give a shit if they “kill” him.

  40. Paul Cowan Says:

    Ooo, the humans in the school could be in trouble if the 200 people in Mexico are wiped out first. 50 hungry vampires are gonna descend on 33 humans.

    Maybe principal Howard is right not to trust them!

  41. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Doesn’t really make sense. The vampires’ main goal is to keep the humans alive for forever, and Math has already said that they don’t need much blood at all. The only time the vampires would ever hurt the humans is if it became 100 percent hopeless, meaning there’s ZERO CHANCE that the humans won’t be eaten by zombies, and then what would you rather have if you’re a human? Getting your blood drained by vampires or getting ripped apart by zombies and turn into a zombie yourself? Principal Howard has never been right about anything in his life.

  42. Chapin Says:

    Ehh Paul if the 200 humans in Mexico die, the vampires are quite possibly screwed. It was said that Math didn’t eat long enough and was frozen with pain before Val saved him. If the 200 in Mexico are killed, I’d wager that they’d meat the same fate as Math before they’re able to get to this group of humans.

    Simply put, the vampires will fight to defend the humans in Mexico. If the humans die, it’s because the vampires got overrun. Obviously TFZ doesn’t want the vampires dead, but I could see him having his minions contain the vampires for a couple of weeks until it’s GG them.

    Couple of questions though, sorry if they’ve been addressed, just started reading comments for this one.

    1. Can Math not smell TFZ? He seems to know how many zombies are surrounding the guy a long ways off, and he can smell the vampires. Is TFZ special and can avoid this?

    2. Why isn’t TFZ with his main forces in Mexico?

  43. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Can Math not smell TFZ? He seems to know how many zombies are surrounding the guy a long ways off, and he can smell the vampires. Is TFZ special and can avoid this?”

    It has been addressed, but it’s OK. There’s two possible answers: #1 is that he thinks it’s a certain invisible vampire checking up on them, and #2 is that TFZ has a way of masking his smell.

    “Why isn’t TFZ with his main forces in Mexico?”

    TFZ’s “main” forces are absolutely everywhere. It’s not like he needs a large number to defeat 200 people or 33 people. Probably less than 10,000 zombies could take out 200 well armed humans, even with vampires protecting them, and the TFZ has over five billion zombies under his command. TFZ’s in America because, as I’ve said in the comments before, he’s related to a character who we’ve already met in the story, among other reasons.

  44. Chapin Says:

    kk thanks, think I’m all caught up now.

  45. Katticus Says:

    sweet chocolatey rage.

  46. mac Says:

    “When Val and Math met, one of them wasn’t a vampire.”

    That should _really_ go without saying, guys… There couldn’t possibly be any other betrayal, especially after the previous page about who was whose last sex partner.

    I hope you aren’t going to drop this hint in the movie; clue hammers just don’t fit in well.

  47. Bobby Crosby Says:

    It’s a “clue” to nothing of importance, though, so it doesn’t matter. The fact that Val turned Math plays zero role in the entire story and probably plays no role in any sequel either.

  48. Tegu Says:


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