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Page 12: Scotch

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Grady and Mac are the best.  Sorry for the standard lateness!

Flat colors on this page by Kaezrer.

96 Responses to “Page 12: Scotch”

  1. Alex_h Says:

    He rembered the scotch i wonder if he rememberd someones porn also lol.

  2. Courtney Says:

    Everything cool Bobby? It’s going on two weeks now… I suppose you’re pretty busy with the other comics, as well. (and you were never that good at keeping dates anyways lol)

    How many do you have right now? I know you were trying for one every day, and I’m following Dreamless and Marry Me too – how are things with the others?

  3. Jabber Says:

    Oh, so glad I decided to check for updates! I’d slacked off on stopping by the page once the pages slowed down, but if you’re updating again I’ll be back to pagestalking. =)

    Love the colors! Also, I really like the fact that you brought the ‘scotch’ thing back in- with all the awesome zombie and vampire coolness, most writers wouldn’t bother to refer back to a minor conversation piece that happened between a pair of humans. (Not to mention it’s an awesomely humane trait to want alcohol after the end of the world.) Good way to add a little flavor! (Literally! Heh, heh, heh. ….Sorry.)

  4. khaotik Says:

    Thursday, January 29th, 2009

  5. Cat Says:

    …Do you have a point, khaotik?

  6. Pander Says:

    Jeff Says:
    “@Pander: What about Chuck Norris?”

    Chuck Norris only thought he killed Batman. What the song doesn’t say is that at the very end, Mr Rogers takes off a latex mask, and… beneath….. is BATMAN… aka Mac. He cleverly switched himself and Alfred moments before the fake batman was crushed between the Texas Ranger’s thighs.

  7. kamika Says:

    Still no new page.. Quite dissapointing considering your promise to bring a new page every saturday

  8. Jon Pander Says:

    Btw, this is the same person as Pander. I forgot that I was using the full name in my comments.

    So if it says Pander or Jon Pander, you cna blame the same person for whatever stupidity or snarkiness I might happen to post.

    Khaotik, thank you for letting me know what date you posted the date. It’s a load off my mind.

    Alex_h: “He rembered the scotch i wonder if he rememberd someones porn also lol.”
    Oh they’re gonna need a lotta porn, especially since Val’s dead. With Val alive… porn not so vital. Without her… the world’s a little more dead. Well technically it’s almost all dead, given the topic of the comic. Although given the fact that she was a vampire, whether she is alive or dead doesn’t make much difference, since …. you know what? My train of thought is getting too confusing for me to keep track.

    khaotik: “typical. i thought this was going to be a great system for the comic. until the schedule got totally ripped.”
    I took the schedule out for harvey wallbangers. My fault if it got ripped. Blame me, please.

  9. jon Says:

    bobby is it really a good idea to insult fans who are simply inputting their opinion on your work? I mean not every one is going to like the color, the color imo is fine though i still prefer b/w the color is fine, but insulting fans is prolly the worst way to make money.

  10. Bobby Crosby Says:

    jon: You have no brain in your head.

  11. Amy Says:

    jon: Writers and artists constantly get critiques, when someone protests something idiotic like the color vs b/w, it gets annoying. I’m a graphic designer student and for what Bobby and Owen are trying to do for this volume, color is the best.

  12. Jon Pander Says:

    Just so you know, while I am both Jon Pander and Pander, I am not Jon. 🙂

    So, unlike Jon, I do have a brain in my head and I’d never say anything about you saying stuff about people who say stuff about you saying stuff to people.

    Jon: “bobby is it really a good idea to insult fans who are simply inputting their opinion on your work?”
    Yes, it is. It keeps the rest of us entertained.

    “I mean not every one is going to like the color,”
    Everyone that matters likes the color.

    “the color imo is fine”
    See? you like the color too – you don’t need to say more.

    “though i still prefer b/w”
    b/w is good. Color is good. it’s all good. Shhh.

    “but insulting fans is prolly the worst way to make money.”
    Possible Responses:
    A) I guess Bobby will not be getting that check you were going to send him. I’m sure he’ll cope with the monetary loss.
    B) insulting fans worked for Don Rickles.
    C) Shhh.
    D) hehe. He just insulted you (a fan?) in a response to you asking if it’s a good idea to insult fans. The irony… truly funny 🙂
    E) He only insults the fans who are stupid or repetitive. The rest of us bozos are safe.

  13. khaotik Says:

    i did have a reason for posting the date. I thought that perhaps it would make the new page come a little faster by making everyone realize what the fricking date is and how overdue we are for a new page.

  14. Kanian Says:

    Khaotik, shut up and go suck on a hat. It’s imbeciles like you who annoy the writers so much they freaking stop.

    Go annoy people on halo with your prepubescent shrill voice.

    On another note, loving the new pages Bobby and Owen, keep it up, I survived the other wait, and I will stick around for as long as it takes for the next pages, it is free after all.

    Almost forgot, not sure if this has been addressed lately, but about how many more pages till we go back to the B&w past part?

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    It’s possible that we won’t actually return to it. I originally planned for lots of flashbacks, but that might not happen now. Might simply be for the opening scene, saving the flashback stuff for a separate graphic novel (probably the third one).

  16. khaotik Says:


    What makes you think that I’m a “prepubescent?’ Simply because I wonder how a movie can be made about a comic that can’t even have 1 page made in 2 weeks? Why don’t you shut the hell up and go jerk off to your anime porn.

    btw, I’m 19, so I’ve crossed that barrier.

  17. Jon Pander Says:

    khaotik: I think he wasn’t saying you were prepubescent… just your ‘shrill voice’. Devil’s in the details, chap.

    khaotik: “Simply because I wonder how a movie can be made about a comic that can’t even have 1 page made in 2 weeks?”
    Actually the first GN had a deadline, which Bobby clearly met. Sometimes we had quite a few pages each week. Bobby seems to be pretty good on the deadlines that matter.

    “Why don’t you shut the hell up and go jerk off to your anime porn.

    btw, I’m 19, so I’ve crossed that barrier.”
    You’re never too old for anime porn. There is no age barrier. SHHHH.

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    A lot of people have said some insanely retarded things about why they think producers would want to make movies out of comics, but khaotik wins for stupidest thought ever about that (which I’ve heard, at least). Why in the world would it matter how often the comic updates, especially when it’s during the second graphic novel that’s telling the story about a possible second movie, jeez. I’m not sure if the producers who are making “Last Blood” even know that this web site exists and I’m 99% sure they’ve never read a page of it online.

  19. Dan Mayer Says:

    Good for you, Khaotik. You passed puberty. Now, if you could just get over those annoying mannerisms, too.

    I’ve said this before, but maybe someone will read it this time.

    Everyone who’s complaining about the lack of updates, stop it. Being rude to the author isn’t motivating, it’s just rude. It’s little wonder Bobby gets short with some of his “fans.” No real fan would be an obnoxious SOB to the person who produces the comic they’re a fan of. He’s not sitting around in a recliner doing nothing because he likes pissing you off. He’s got other things to do. The update will come when it comes.

    If you’re really tired of waiting for new pages, why don’t you GO DO SOMETHING ELSE? Last Blood will still be here when you get back. There are other webcomics and other websites that can occupy your free time until the next update. The Zombie Hunters has been pretty consistent on weekly updates, in my experience.

    @Bobby: Nice pages, but I think I liked the B&W better. 😛 I’m joking, of course. Color or no, Owen’s work always looks great, and your writing hasn’t faltered yet. Keep it up, and good luck in all your endeavors.

  20. Jen Says:

    I have read a few of the comments, and can’t believe how rude a few of the people have been. Why is it people have these unrealistic expectations that the world should cater to them? How on earth did they manage to get to this stage of their life? I miss natural selection.

  21. Kanian Says:

    Heh, funny Dan, you got my meaning exactly.

    To Bobby,

    Ah well, that sucks, I liked that bit, but oh well. Can’t wait Bobby.

  22. An Actual Fan Says:

    Jen: How silly a thought, of COURSE the world is supposed to cater to us! Ya know, especially those of us who have no talent, do nothing for society or have any abilities. Even more so when we criticize the people that do have talent.
    Amirite khaotik?

  23. Earwax Says:

    All said I would like to see what is next.

  24. Jon Pander Says:

    Bobby: “khaotik wins for stupidest thought ever about that (which I’ve heard, at least).”
    Wow… actually that’s quite an honor for khaotik. This ‘forum’ has a history of having quite a few stupid things said.

    “I’m not sure if the producers who are making “Last Blood” even know that this web site exists and I’m 99% sure they’ve never read a page of it online.”
    Judging from comic book-based movies like Fantastic Four, The Hulk (the first one at least), The Punisher, the third Spider-Man, Catwoman, X-Men 2 and Batman Begins, I have to agree – I doubt that most execs read comic books, period. I think even less of them read webcomics.

    I might be wrong (also might be right – you might have even said this in the past and I don’t remember), but I tend to see this webcomic 9and Marry Me) as you having a very novel way of generating interest for your movie ideas.

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’ve said that on almost every single comments page.

  26. NotGoodEnough Says:

    @Bobby & Owen: Keep up the great work. Being an artist who often cannot find the time or motivation to create, I understand some of the issues that come up when creating something as grand as a graphic novel. Most of the time, those who dump flaming statements are people who simply have no idea what it takes to do it. Sometimes it’s just people who can’t control themselves. Lack of patience and such.

    In regards to insulting “the fans”? I say go for it. As mentioned previously by others, it’s entertaining. Especially how bent out of shape some people get and to what extremes they take it.

    I say, if you want to bring a flame to any sort of post like this, expect to get dumped on. You lose all credibillity as soon as you lose your cool.

  27. the Van of Hocking Says:

    finally, new posts. at the moment it has been worth the wait.

  28. Kelvin Says:

    I’m confused when I see people surprised that Bobby is an asshole. This guy is a writer of a comic about zombies, vampires, slaughters and death, not puppies and koalas saving the orphanage. Then people have been asking the same questions and making the same comments since page 10 and what else could you expect?

    On another note, I like the zombies in black and white more. Both the style and skill are definitely there in the coloring, but with the nature of the comic I maintain that black and white is more fitting.

  29. Jon Pander Says:

    Incredibly Cool Jon Pander: “I might be wrong (also might be right – you might have even said this in the past and I don’t remember), but I tend to see this webcomic (and Marry Me) as you having a very novel way of generating interest for your movie ideas.

    Bobby’s response: “I’ve said that on almost every single comments page.”

    Proof positive that even when I’m not listening to what you’re saying, I’m sitll in full agreement with what you say. Heh.

  30. el d Says:

    I really love the art and the story, so thanks for all this.
    id like to see more updates since you said so, but i understand that you got other things in your life than free webcomics. Thanks again for doing great job.

    Ps. i would love to see animation film made with the style of the comic.

  31. Ross Says:

    Hello, I started reading this comic a few months ago and caught up to current pages a month ago. I agree with most of the people here that this comic is freaking awesome; storyline, and beautiful (color or no color) art alike. Thank you Owen and Bobby!

    Anybody who seriously has nothing better to do than bitch about the schedule needs to shut up before karma kicks them in the groin…


    Thnaks for the new comic!!

  33. Kanian Says:

    *glances up at the most recent post before his*

    How the hell did that get past the post screening?

  34. Jon Pander Says:

    Obviously the Wholesale Nutrition Supplements marketing department has high regards for webcomics where everyone on earth dies.

    I can see the motto now…
    “Because when everyone else is dead, your health is even more important.”

  35. Dan Mayer Says:

    😀 I want to see that in a future comic. Somewhere in the background, just put a random poster ad for vitamin supplements.

  36. Chris Says:

    Dude, got any horny goat weed?

  37. Jon Pander Says:

    Oh I have an even better one.

    “Ten out of Ten Zombies prefer eating people who have had a full daily supply of liquid vitamins.”

  38. charles Says:

    A lot of search engines rely not only on how often a website is selected from a search list but also on how many other websites link to it.

    The advertisement isn’t necessarily supposed to gain customers who would click on the link here, but fool the search engines into raising it’s ranking in search results.

    But yeah, I’m betting they could use some good vitamins considering the lack of good food they’ve probably been experiencing. Probably help the libido and all that too. Which is great if you’re trying to repopulate the human race.

  39. Cat Says:

    AAAh, the comments. I missed all of these. =D

  40. Knives Says:

    Is there any level of greatness that Mac and expecially Grady can not achieve?

  41. Kanian Says:

    Hey Bobby, just politely wondering, hows the next page coming along?

  42. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Didn’t get Owen the script until four days ago, so the lateness is entirely my fault, as usual. Hoping for a new page this weekend, but don’t know. Owen has a very busy schedule.

  43. Jon Pander Says:

    Please do not compare Mac to Grady. Grady is cool and all, sure, but not Mac level cool. It’s like saying that Alfred is as cool as Bruce Wayne. Obviously he’s helpful to Batman, but he just doesn’t have that special zing that puts him in the same league.

    In other comments, I would like to tell you Mac’s secret weakness. He’s unable to not be awesome. That is all. Thank you.

  44. Jon Pander Says:

    My brother has informed me that Alfred -is- actually some sort of ultra cool british ex soldier or something. So it seems I may be wrong.

    My bad. I’m waiting to see a “Grady Attack”

  45. foolishworld Says:

    YES-YES-YES !!! Bobby’ Back !

  46. Amy Says:

    A Grady attack would pretty cool. What would he do though? Throw flaming bottles of scotch?

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