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Page 11: Runners

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Color and DIALOGUE coming in a few hours!  Wanted to get this up right away, though.  Thanks for your patience and we apologize wholeheartedly for the extra wait!

EDIT: Color and dialogue up!

Flat colors on this page were done by Kaezrer.  Welcome to the team!

I just launched a new comic, called Dreamless.  It’s illustrated by Sarah Ellerton of The Phoenix RequiemCheck it out.

57 Responses to “Page 11: Runners”

  1. Rob Says:

    I don’t mind waiting, really. There’s a new page of Marry Me, +Ev, and Dreamless to hold me over. The fact that they’re actively working on the comic again is enough to suffice me, so what if the update is a few days, or even a week or two late? It’s better than the over six month waiting period we had earlier. 🙂

  2. Des Says:

    Rob…that’s only if we don’t have another 6 month wait for the next page…I do agree with Sam though, kind of a really bad start not having a page ready and posted when it was supposed to be up after they said updates every Saturday.

  3. Altair Says:

    Last Blood is back.
    And it’s still free.
    And Bobby Crosby and Sarah Ellerton are doing a comic together, which I’m still having a fangirl moment about.

    Normally, I’m very pessimistic, but I’m having a glass-is-half-full moment here. Patience is a virtue, y’all.

    And aren’t we accustomed to waiting by now? Just saying.

  4. ivan Says:

    You can wine and bitch about the slow updates, but anyone who read the last GN shouldn’t be surprised by this. With the last GN Bobby had so many projects going on he just got caught up in this thing called life. Now he’s added at least one new comic if not more. He’s got a life aside from Last Blood. Enjoy the comic, check for updates, because they will happen, it’s only a matter of when. or maybe Read it again from the beginning, since it has been a while. And most importantly, the comic gets updated on Bobby’s schedule not ours, DEAL WITH IT!!

  5. John Says:

    Seriously ppl who whine and bitch about new post just go fuck yourselves. There are plenty other webcomics out there with new posts maybe check them over and come back here once a week.


  6. Justin Says:

    Just a side note on speed Maurice Greene is the worlds fastest man and his top speed is 27mph. If you figure that they retain at least human strength reduced mass and no need for breath figure 30-35 mph tops. Now this may be abit out there but i think the top speed for a biped is something like 45mph but i may be wrong.

  7. eyelid Says:

    question – why is it that the zombies’ blood, which is famously revolting and putrid (see Math’s comments at the beginning of the 1st GN), doesn’t bother Rage? He’s, like, licking it and stuff. Does he just not care? Also, if he’s ingesting the zombie blood, does that satisfy his need for human blood?

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