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Page 13: Straggler

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

Grady and Mac continue to be the best.  Sorry for the standard lateness!

Flat colors on this page by Kaezrer.

73 Responses to “Page 13: Straggler”

  1. Sam-I-Am Says:

    Hey… what is keeping that zombie’s guts from spilling out all over the place?

    Great comic btw! I’ve spent most of my day reading it.

  2. Ro Says:

    # Jon Pander Says:
    February 19th, 2009 at 1:14 pm

    Gregor: “huh.. They should all turn themselves into vampires.”
    Provided that there’s enough formula for everyone, that’s actually a rather good idea.
    BAD idea….
    Well, considering that if they ALL turn themselves into vampires, what will they eat? They’ll starve and then become zombies in the end.
    I think what he meant is that they should turn into vampires, kill the zombies and then drink the formula to turn into humans again.

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I think what he meant is that they should turn into vampires, kill the zombies and then drink the formula to turn into humans again.”

    After just a few days without any blood, the vampires get pretty weak, and after two weeks they can’t move. It would take over two centuries to kill all the zombies. There’s a decent amount of formula, but not nearly enough for any scenario along these lines to work.

  4. minishaw Says:

    Why cant they drink blood bank blood???? Also there should be 4 or 5 humans left in space 0.0 at the new space station 5 more people for feeding on 0.o

    But i really think all they need to do is get inside a building like fortnocks have the vampires defend it and keep the humans in a vault then keep a rotation going with the vampires for feeding and rest tactical choices =s

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Read any of the first 50 or so comments pages for my million times repeated answers to most of those questions. You make lots of incorrect assumptions based on faulty logic that doesn’t take into account the details of this story.

  6. Jon Pander Says:

    Actually I was meaning they all turn into zombies, go to somewhere the zombies might not be able to easily follow, like on a boat in the middle of the ocean, then use the formula to turn some of them back into humans.

    Since, so far as I’ve seen, when they are not being controlled by a schaemiac, zombies don’t seem to have much interest in vampires.

  7. Ebony Says:

    “It would take over two centuries to kill all the zombies.”

    Bobby, I’m sure you have a wonderful, amazing plot line for this story, but reading the comments just makes me more certain that this story is just going to end with everyone dying one way or another… I should really stop doing that D:

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’m a fan of happy endings.

  9. Jon Pander Says:

    Ebony: “Bobby, I’m sure you have a wonderful, amazing plot line for this story, but reading the comments just makes me more certain that this story is just going to end with everyone dying one way or another… ”
    Wouldn’t be the first time that happened in a zombie movie 🙂

    Bobby: “I’m a fan of happy endings.”
    As are we all Bobby. As are we all.

    Though for some of us, this statement is more applicable to massages than storylines.

    Anyway, I’m sure whatever the outcome I’m going to like it. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to go out and get a massage.

  10. Rob Says:

    “Actually I was meaning they all turn into zombies, go to somewhere the zombies might not be able to easily follow, like on a boat in the middle of the ocean, then use the formula to turn some of them back into humans.”

    Or better yet, why don’t all the humans and vampires move to the Azores islands? They’re far enough off the cost that a zombie’s acclimated sense of smell wouldn’t pick them up. There, the humans can prosper creating an agrarian society. The vampires would then continue the hunt against zombies and return to home-base for blood stock-piles.

    Only challenge? Getting to the Azores. 🙂

    It’s a good plan, but that removes so much conflict that’s needed in a good story. (Actually I bet this idea has been proposed before, and beaten down. But I’m too lazy to check the archives. =P )

  11. Cat Says:

    But, see, YOUR idea of happy and OUR idea of happy may not necessarily coincide.

  12. Jon Pander Says:

    Rob: An island is a problem, because it’s already been shown that a zombie, while not able to float on water, can just walk along the ocean floor and walk onto the land. If you’re on an island, it’s not going to stop zombies from walking (or running underwater) to the island.

    Main reason I said ‘boat’ in the middle of the ocean instead of an island in the middle of the ocean. Unless zombies float, or are controlled by a schaemiac, not very sure how they would be able to get on a boat in the middle of the ocean.

  13. charles Says:

    Well, I guess the ending of the previous Last Bloody was a reasonably happy ending… If you discount the massive loss of human life.

    The ‘Ginger Snaps’ series is an example of some truly unhappy endings. The fully happy endings usually belong to romantic comedies while unhappy endings are almost exclusive to the Horror and Thriller genres. The in-between endings can go as far as every ‘good’ character in the movie dying but ‘good’ still being considered the ‘winner’ or something similar to ’28 weeks later’ where you’re left uncertain on calling it happy or unhappy.

  14. Rob Says:

    JP: Ah, but see, the Azores are a very specific group of islands. I remember first looking them up when Math was talking about his smelling ability reaching 800 miles. IIRC the Azores are about 900 miles offland, so I doubt the zombies could smell them due to their extended lineage.
    (Val->TFZ->Zombie->Another Zombie->Another Zombie->etc.)

    Unless of course they can still smell underwater, which while unpleasant, isn’t outside the realm of possibility. I mean, this is a world filled with vampires and zombies. 🙂

  15. Jon Pander Says:

    Rob: They can smell even through water or whatever, according to Bobby. Their smell ability is bound only by plot. I remember Bobby mentioning that when people started making claims about how people could have hidden from the zombies by being in submarines or whatever.

    If you’re going by a completely scientific basis, scents simply can not travel the extent that Valerie, Math or Francis were able to smell. It’s not supposed to be scientific though. It’s powered by plot instead. It’s the same way that zombies and vampires are able to exist. They existbecause of the power of plot.

    Basically, Word of God. Bobby says super vampire smelling can smell through insanely long distances – so they can. Period. Bobby says super sniffers can sniff out people through water – they can.

    That’s sorta why I mentioned being on a boat in the ocean 🙂 Even if they can smell em, they wouldn’t be able to get at em now that they arent controlled by a schaemiac.

    To be honest it’s all a moot point- Bobby has a clear plan for how the story will progress – we’re just discussing this stuff like this because…. we have too much free time on our hands. 🙂

  16. Jon Pander Says:

    charles: “Well, I guess the ending of the previous Last Bloody was a reasonably happy ending… If you discount the massive loss of human life.”
    Yeah, but those people who died mostly sucked anyway.

  17. Ro Says:


  18. Cat Says:

    Thirded. All in favour, say aye.

  19. Jon Pander Says:

    Aye! Motion carried. Jon Pander is grand poobah of the comments board.

    Democracy, ain’t it great.

  20. the Van of Hocking Says:

    kinda makes you want to be one of the vamps so you can help end the rest of humanity… sorry… i hate damn near all people lol

  21. An Actual Fan Says:

    Mac’s lost hs mind and he’s gonna butcher Grady! D:

  22. Jon Pander Says:

    An Actual Fan: “Mac’s lost hs mind and he’s gonna butcher Grady!”
    Man… Bobby’s gonna kill you for giving away the twist surprise ending.

    I bet you shouted out that Bruce Willis was a ghost in the movie theatres in the first five minutes during The Sixth Sense also.

    the Van of Hocking: “sorry… i hate damn near all people”
    Yeah – people suck.

  23. ray Says:

    Stragler zombie craving brains

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