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End of Volume One

Friday, December 21st, 2007

Decided to put this page up so we don’t spoil the ending for people who are going directly to the latest page from links as opposed to reading through the archives.

The second graphic novel will begin WITHIN 10 DAYS FOR SURE, POSSIBLY ON CHRISTMAS DAY. And I’m finally going to start showing screenplay pages by Christmas Day at the very latest! I’ll continue to update with script excerpts after the second GN starts, on days when a new comic page doesn’t go up.

Thank you for your patience as you wait for the sequel to start, which will be VERY SOON!

62 Responses to “End of Volume One”

  1. Grym Says:

    Merry Christmas! And happy Kwanzaa (Tomorrow)!

    Can somebody make it 11:59? I suppose I could sleep off the rest of the day…

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    This first screenplay page won’t be that great of a present, just to let you know! Most will probably be bored by it.

  3. woothoot Says:

    happy birthday last blood!!!!(merry christmas too)

  4. Diego Nuñez Says:

    Well, if I hadn’t got a Wiiiiiiiii for christmas, this would have been the best Present

  5. Sim^moN Says:

    Merry X-mas to you both, Bobby and Owen!

  6. Krasno Says:

    “Well, if I hadn’t got a Wiiiiiiiii for christmas, this would have been the best Present”

    If they were going to make a videogame out of Last Blood it should be for the Wiiiiiiiii 😛
    How awesome would it be to hack and slash zombies as Math, or snipe them as Grady?

  7. Tegu Says:


  8. saphira Says:

    wow youre so weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yet it was such a good webby read

  9. james terll Says:

    amazing story read it all in one day i couldent stop

  10. EUan Says:

    Wow. Bloody wow.

    Came across this graphic novel while trying to do research for my own zombie novel. Blown away. Truly amazing.


    Love it.

  11. EUan Says:

    Did I say how truly great this was? I don’t know if i was clear enough.

    One day, read the thing twice.

    Really good.

  12. Omar Says:

    Happened to stumble upon Lastblood yesterday. I could not stop reading! Fantastic work!! I will be requesting this at my comic book store! Awesome story.

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