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Page 44: Timeline

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

CLICK HERE to see a brand new Addison Payne pin-up by Owen!

66 Responses to “Page 44: Timeline”

  1. Colt Says:

    And believe me, absolutely any complaint or argument that anyone has about ANY aspect of this will be VERY easily explained. I’ve thought about all of this at length and it’s all perfectly fine. Feel free to keep saying pointless things, though.

    I agree you’ve thought this out very well indeed, but you don’t seem to have thought out possible vs plausability. yes things are possible, but it gets increasingly less likely that all these things could happen and then the story gets completely unbelivable and there’s no point continuing to read it.

    but I guess its pointless to say that as you’ve got everything fixed in your mind of how things happened, ah well just another movie I won’t be seeing I guess. shame you started out so well.

  2. Brellchild Says:

    It would be pretty hard to quarantine a plane when the zombie they spot starts killing people in bloody ways. When the passengers run out the doors screaming about bloody mayhem, 90 percent or more of guards will let them past (at least for the moment). What the guards don’t notice is the two or three normal looking zombies in the crowd who aren’t making any fuss at all. TFZ is that sneaky I think.

    To put the confusion in perspective I have to use an example that some may find offensive – I do not intend to offend, only to show what the first day might be like.

    Remember that shooting at Virginia Tech? Imagine that was TFZ’s initial attack. Every person killed gets up again a few minutes later as a zombie and starts helping TFZ spread. Except that not everyone is killed and turned immediately – many are bitten but left alive to run screaming out into the streets (and past whatever police containment may be in place).

    Now give the attack director GENUINE military experience in what works and not works. Then give them PERFECT communication and control with their subordinates.

    Imagine you are the cops facing this.

    Then imagine you are watching the news that day in whatever manner you were watching the news the day Virginia Tech happened.

    Now imagine what both of the above would be like if the attackers did not need to rest, were fanatically loyal to TFZ, and could only be killed by perfectly placed head shots.

    Anyone else recall that Hollywood bank fiasco from a few years back where the bank robbers had body armor and endless ammo? That’s what trying to kill one of these guys is like.

  3. Nara Says:

    i want my fiiiiiiiiiiixxx!!! neeeeeeed it! where is the new comic its my birthday and i want my comic!!! (its not really my birthday, that was sunday, Im just being whiny) I think this page should be forwarded to all Noobs, I think moost noobs questions have been rehashed and reanswered here XD fun to read though!

  4. Courtney Says:

    I show up to read this AWESOMELY TERRIFIC COMIC and you’re late. 🙁

    Sorry about being a stickler before, it’s just much more… Much easier to conceptualize when you take a rundown like that, the heading straight for the airport thing. Even if that isn’t exactly how he did it, the fact that it is physically possible to be done is all we need to know. Sometimes you just gotta give the slower people a real rundown before they get it.
    [ x.x i guess i’m one of the slow people now

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Ironhead: There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the backstory and it’s rather amazing that people complain so much about it when my story is somewhere around a TRILLION TIMES MORE PLAUSIBLE THAN ANY OTHER ZOMBIE STORY/MOVIE, and yet people have such a problem with this one. It’s my opinion that even though almost all zombie movies are horrible, even the ones WITHOUT A MAGICAL TFZ make sense on the level of how zombies take over and how simple that would be. But WITH TFZ, it’s child’s play.

    “yes things are possible, but it gets increasingly less likely that all these things could happen and then the story gets completely unbelivable and there’s no point continuing to read it.”

    LOL. And how does it get “increasingly less likely”? What causes that? These things are not only POSSIBLE — they’re extremely easy. Bye!

    Nara: Happy birthday!

    Courtney: Thanks! Now that’s the proper, adult response when you question something and think you’re right and then it’s explained away properly, unlike Colt and Ironhead who simply refuse to see the obvious truth because they can’t admit they’re wrong.

    Nara and Courtney: New page within seven hours or so probably!

  6. Nara Says:

    Yay!!! I love backstory pages the best so Im really anticiapting the new page 🙂

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    The new page actually doesn’t have any more backstory! But it does have more MAC!

  8. Bluefinger Says:

    You think 28 Days Later is a rubbish movie? *GASP* D:

    Meh… I’m sure you have perfectly good reasons why you don’t like it. I enjoyed it though…. but anyway.

    Don’t listen to all the whiners complaining about the ‘discrepancies’ of your scenario, since considering how you’ve developed the story, it seems very plausible (even though vampires and zombies don’t exist in reality). Even when considering military strength, once the number of zombies exceed a certain number (which they did very quickly), humanity quickly becomes screwed. Bullets can do a lot of damage, but considering how zombies are pretty much already dead and are extremely resilient, if they surround you, there’s no hope for you, since they’ll just keep on coming, getting closer and closer until you run out of ammo or they just get close enough to get in a bite or two. Zombies don’t get tired, they don’t NEED to eat (though they just want to anyway), whereas humans need food and rest, and a relatively fragile in comparison. With zombies, the numbers game works, because even if you arm a group of people to the teeth, its only a matter of time before they run out of ammo, or become too fatigued to continue to fight (let alone insane or suicidal). So all in all, this comic is just fine.

    So keep up the good work! ^_^

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “You think 28 Days Later is a rubbish movie? *GASP* D:”

    I’m sure I could name lots of other movies that I hate that you’d be even more shocked by! I hate almost everything, in movies and in general.

  10. Ted Says:

    I’ve got a couple questions.

    1. How long is the zombie incubation time/symptoms?

    2. Is TFZ super-intelligent?

    A remark about the zombies breaking down any force with sheer numbers. No. One tank could plow through zombies without even stopping. Try pulling a tank apart with your bare hands, it really doesn’t work, so without intelligent zombies, there would be a lot of military survivors. A tank can travel 60 mph, and getting caught under the tread would turn a zombie into essentially a liquid. Not to mention NAPALM dropped from a plane. This would be ridiculously effective, dead flesh already holds a fire, but with napalm, the fire sticks to the target. Considering zombies feel no pain, they’d see no reason to put it out. It could take an hour and smell really bad, but eventually they’d be a blackened skeleton.

    However, as I take it, TFZ has some sort of “bee queen” thing going on where he can control all zombies as a single part of the same organism.

    Though I don’t see how you can get bent out of shape about criticism, since you’re more than willing to criticize “almost everything” and say it’s bad.

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’m not getting bent out of shape about criticism AT ALL — I’m merely RESPONDING to people who are saying incorrect things and I’m saying what the actual situation is. It is annoying when people refuse to believe obvious things, though.

    “1. How long is the zombie incubation time/symptoms?”

    I think I’ve answered this 2,000 times. If the bites/injuries you sustain from a zombie wouldn’t normally kill you (meaning if a regular human hurt you in the same manner), you die within 24 hours, even from just a tiny scrape of teeth on your arm that draws a little blood. And if you did just have a simple bite like that, you progressively get worse over the 24 hours. In the first few hours you probably look totally normal still, but just feel sick. 12 hours in you probably just look super sick, but nowhere near like a zombie yet, and it’s probably not until maybe 20 hours in that you start looking REALLY WEIRD.

    “2. Is TFZ super-intelligent?”

    No, just a regular smart guy.

    “A remark about the zombies breaking down any force with sheer numbers. No. One tank could plow through zombies without even stopping.”

    So what? They have billions to plow through, so many that the tank would get stuck over the 10 foot high pile of dead zombies that it makes, but the zombies wouldn’t even care since they have so many left after that. If you drop literally 1,000 people on top of a tank, everyone in that tank will be dead very soon after that. But even if they WEREN’T, there’s no problem. The First Zombie also uses weapons, as I’ve said many times before, and he uses bombs.

    “Not to mention NAPALM dropped from a plane. This would be ridiculously effective, dead flesh already holds a fire, but with napalm, the fire sticks to the target.”

    Once again, the zombies are EVERYWHERE, though, and they’re out in all the houses in the fucking world getting to absolutely everyone, totally spread out, everywhere. It’s not like they’re all in a big group for you to drop napalm on, and killing them all is only a secondary concern to KILLING THEM ALL BEFORE THEY KILL 99.9999% OF THE WORLD. It’s a mad dash to try to kill them all and there’s no time. Eventually, as I said recently, it would be just the military (mostly) and the zombies left on the planet, and then when there’s five billion zombies against the MAYBE 100,000 soldiers or so left on Earth by that point, it’s just a matter of picking them all off, swarming them, going all over the place. Wouldn’t take long.

  12. Bluefinger Says:

    “I’m sure I could name lots of other movies that I hate that you’d be even more shocked by! I hate almost everything, in movies and in general.”

    Fair enough… if its a habit of yours to hate everything, then go for it. Just makes you more interesting (well, as long as you hate everything for a reason… otherwise its just lame).

    Oh, and Ted, a tank may be a formidable vehicle, but it takes PEOPLE to drive the tank. One tank team may be able to hold off and kill many zombies for a while, but its only a matter of time before fatigue/hunger/thirst starts setting in. Plus a tank has limited ammunition and fuel. All an armoured vehicle will be able to do is last a little bit longer than the ground troops. Planes will require the bases to be defended before they can take off, so a relentless assault by zombies will put them out of use. Zombies don’t have morale, fatigue, so taking them on is damn hard. You can’t just isolate yourself in a easy to defend passage, because zombies aren’t like humans in nature. They don’t care if they die. They see a human, they will do their hardest to get a bite out of that human. The military is geared around taking out other people… not zombies, and though modern weapons can be very effective at killing, when up against a million zombies, it becomes whole different scenario.

  13. Ted Says:

    That’s what I’m saying, without a super intelligent first zombie, I don’t really understand who the zombies can do anything more than one thing at a time. Imagine having to give orders to a gigantic, mindless horde. Thought doesn’t work at instantly, some people think very slowly. To fly a plane would probably take all the First Zombie’s focus. “OK pull this switch… press that button.” I can understand something like “Kill all humans.” Simple, to the point, need only be said once.

    That brings up of course, how intelligent is each individual zombie and do they have any recollection of their past life? Shaun of the Dead they had some extremely vague memories, but only the most basic possible. NOTLD had zombies being too dumb to even open a door using the handle.

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Somehow didn’t notice this last comment by Ted until now.

    “Imagine having to give orders to a gigantic, mindless horde.”

    That mindless horde all wants “braaaiiiins” and they don’t need a leader to go get 99.9999% of the brains on Earth. After that it’s just a case of picking off the remaining humans, which is what TFZ mostly helps with, due to his ability to smell blood and other strengths, like flying planes and dropping bombs.

    “To fly a plane would probably take all the First Zombie’s focus. ‘OK pull this switch… press that button.’ ”

    He flies the plane himself, although he could probably get others to fly planes as well on suicide missions and such. He doesn’t really need others to fly planes, though.

    “That brings up of course, how intelligent is each individual zombie and do they have any recollection of their past life?”

    No recollection, very dumb.

  15. Boris The Spider Says:

    Hahahaha, what’s with that fellow from the IT Crowd hidden in the Addison Payne pin-up? The comedian actor fellow, what’s his name… jolly good!

  16. Tegu Says:


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