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Page 42: Give Jimmy a Gun

Monday, April 16th, 2007

He gonna need it.

33 Responses to “Page 42: Give Jimmy a Gun”

  1. Mewt Says:

    Oh snap. Jimmy just up and wants a gun! With good reason!

    FirstPost FTW!

  2. Chris Says:

    smart little bugger.

    Too bad it looks like he’s fated to die. The new world order, whatever it may be, could use his mind. Ah well, maybe he’ll get a chance to kill a zombie before he goes.

  3. steve Says:

    a little TOO smart if you ask me 😉 I think he’s a zombie in disguise and he’s working on infiltrating the humans! I know I’m not gonna turn my back on that kid!!!!

  4. Nara Says:

    Bobby is a meeeeeeaaaaannnniieeeeeeee showing more of the adorable kid to butter up our hearts just before he KILLS him horribly!!! hahahahaha. Id want a gun too yo. Maybe a nuke or two…

  5. Alex Says:

    Power outage?

    Of course there must be no power… no one is left to run the power plant.

  6. Schon R Boll Says:

    Go kid go…… Guns are good for you…. Make you grow up strong and safe………. I think they should give him a gun and get him to start practicing.. Kid sounds tougher then the rest of the people that would not help them when they need it.

  7. Ledd Says:

    whatevs, that kid is dead in a few more pages

  8. Bish Says:

    What ever happened to the good old days when all kids wanted was a pokemon or a tamagotchi.

  9. Chapin Says:

    Little whiny brat! Why when I was his age… I had to walk barefoot 15 miles in the snow up hill just to see some zombies. You didn’t see me crying for a gun by golly! I went to the nearest tree and built a gun out of wood, which doubled as a stake in case my vampire allies turned on me… AND THINGS WERE BETTER THEN!

  10. Edward Says:

    I don’t have the sharpest mind at the moment, but haven’t they been holed up in that school for a fairly long time, more than a couple of days?

    I mean, I certainly would raise an eyebrow if my family stayed in a school and some people started going “missing.”


    But maybe I’m looking too much into this.

  11. Jim Says:

    Give him a gun and let him use Principal Howard as target practise. What red blooded man-child didn’t want to take to his principal with a firearm when they were that age?

  12. Grogo67 Says:

    “You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!”

  13. Sara Says:

    Hell I say if you start to teach the kid now by the time he gets older he could become one of the best snipers around (despite the fact there are so few:P)

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I don’t have the sharpest mind at the moment, but haven’t they been holed up in that school for a fairly long time, more than a couple of days?”

    One month.

    “I mean, I certainly would raise an eyebrow if my family stayed in a school and some people started going ‘missing.’ ”

    Who’s going missing? No one left at all. Mac was the first person to leave the town in that month and good reason was given for it.


    Who’s coming? There was never any of that. Zombies never even got CLOSE to the school until the past few days and even then the biggest group (before the huge one that the vampires helped to take out) was only TEN, as Grady said on Page 9, and Murdo took them all out from a far distance. The kids have heard some shots and been told that the guys are hunting and stuff like that. People shoot guns constantly in South Dakota anyway. And the kids were never in a spot to see any zombies — been kept in the gym mostly where there aren’t any windows.

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I don’t have the sharpest mind at the moment, but haven’t they been holed up in that school for a fairly long time, more than a couple of days?”

    One month.

    “I mean, I certainly would raise an eyebrow if my family stayed in a school and some people started going ‘missing.’ ”

    Who’s going missing? No one left at all. Mac was the first person to leave the town in that month and good reason was given for it.


    Who’s coming? There was never any of that. Zombies never even got CLOSE to the school until the past few days and even then the biggest group (before the huge one that the vampires helped to take out) was only TEN, as Grady said on Page 9, and Murdo took them all out from a far distance. The kids have heard some shots and been told that the guys are hunting and stuff like that. People shoot guns constantly in South Dakota anyway. And the kids were never in a spot to see any zombies — been kept in the gym mostly.

  16. Colt Says:

    still they’d have to be pretty dumb not to think something was up.

    you sure this kid’s gonna zombiefy and it’s not just an elaborate trick to throw us off the scent?

  17. Mewt Says:

    Dear Bobby.


    Sincerely, Mewt.

  18. Lydia Says:

    Cute, Mewt. 😛

    This is rather surprising. I mean, if they’re kids… maybe… you could.. fool them for a month. And it’s not like they were never let out. This is certainly surprising. I’m not sure lying to the children is a good idea, though.

    And the little nooblet is gonna turn into a zombie… did the bodies he found have anything to do with that? Or the dog?

    Don’t have to answer if it involves spoilers! ^^

  19. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “still they’d have to be pretty dumb not to think something was up.”

    They’re little kids!

    Lydia: Nah, finding the bodies has nothing to do with his zombification, or the dog! Or, if it does, it’s just part of the off-screen movie/comic. Might be part of the novelization!

  20. Chris Says:

    I’d buy the novel!

  21. Colt Says:

    kids or not, their either not very bright, overly sheltered even before the outbreak or unlike any other kids I know if they haven’t figured somethings not right with the world after a month.

    you have said its isolated so that gives some leway, but still it would be rather unusual for the kids not to worrry at least a little, unless the adults have a ‘really’ good cover story.

    of course zombies would be rather unusual too so these people would have thought a month and a half ago

  22. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “kids or not, their either not very bright, overly sheltered even before the outbreak or unlike any other kids I know if they haven’t figured somethings not right with the world after a month.”

    The oldest of the kids is like 11 and they believe what their family tells them.

    “but still it would be rather unusual for the kids not to worrry at least a little”

    And why are you assuming that they’re not worrying?

  23. Owen Says:

    The kids would be aware of the nuclear war though, right?

  24. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Nah, closest one was Chicago probably, 800 miles away, and then Denver’s 900 miles away.

  25. Mewt Says:

    Pft. Like I believed anything my parents said past the age of 7.

    My childhood was a fair mix of disbelief and gummybears!

  26. Vo Says:

    I think everybody has missing the most important part of this thread. Zombie Dog! Jimmy going to have a Zombie Dog!
    Now, we just need an ironic dog name for Zombie Dog.

    Something like Chuck Norris……..:)

  27. .......damn Says:

    my little bro is 10 years old, and if the world got killed by zombies, im sure that he would know it…..

  28. Bobby Crosby Says:

    He wouldn’t know it if he was living in this exact situation in the story and no one told him. A little more info on that coming up in the next page in four hours.

  29. Euphoria Says:

    Maybe TFZ has been hiding in the pile of dead zombies…it would make the perfect disguise, all he has to do is wait and well, he’s used to doing that by now =]

  30. MaxwellEdison Says:

    TFZ was only hiding in the dumpster to get some supplies. He plans on entering the school talent show with his act: Zombie Head Puppet Theater Presents: Hairspray!

    Next year he takes on Macbeth.

    Admit it, you wanna see it.

  31. Yanson Says:

    Hah! There was a Rolling Stones song – “Jimmy’s got a gun” 😀

    Jimmy’s gotta get the gun and I’m sure he’ll whack some zombies! Right after that he’ll be bitten (out of ammo?) and will become a weapon of great potential in the hands of TFZ.

  32. Tegu Says:


  33. Niach Says:

    Aw, Murdo, don’t give Jimmy a gun. It would just be too sad.

    Even though Jimmy gon’ die turn into zombi know how.

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