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Pin-Up: Matheson

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Sorry about no new page — entirely my fault — but enjoy Owen’s new pin-up!  New page on Friday.

24 Responses to “Pin-Up: Matheson”

  1. Alice Says:

    ;-; He’s so handsome.

  2. Bumtown Says:

    Quite possibly the coolest Math pic yet.

  3. Chris Says:

    Very cool, the fangs I notice are very pronounced. But he doesn’t look completely angry. A bit nervous or worried, kinda like when a person is torn between fight or flight. Something in his eyes, I wonder if this was on purpose?

    the writing is interesting since I think it was written by a child, or a somewhat illiterate person because of the second line “it wood be..” I presume it grammatically be “it would be” Plus the kinda choppy style is like how my little cousins write. Can’t really read it though, seems to be a couple of runon sentences describing a person. I wonder what the significance of it is to Math…

  4. Owen Says:

    The childlike writing and the brick wall behind Math are just to bring the idea of the school into the composition, plus creepy kid writing is plenty goth. I am trying to approach Math’s sense of inner conflict when ever I draw him though, and I’m glad people appreciate it. I’ve always had trouble with drawing Math, I still can’t get him right even after 40 pages.

  5. Ledd Says:

    whats teh writing say
    maybe its just cause im retarded but i cant read it

  6. Lydia Says:

    I’ve died inside. It’s the hair.. gotta be the hair.

  7. Vo Says:

    wow. that’s really creepy…..I love Owen’s work even more now. You so totally rock, dude. I’m kinda curious as to what the writing says, but I also understand the artistic license to not realy have it relate if it’s just aesthetic.

    PS. Vampire in hungry mode = scary. Vampire in hungry mode plus large sword = need new pants.

  8. Posalootly Says:

    Niiiice. I really like this style of art, it works really well with the comic. There are so many comics that have a real dissonance between content and art style and it bothers me. But this? perfect.

  9. Mewt Says:

    “Bring to me, my brown pants!”

  10. Owen Says:

    Bobby got me the script for the next page, it’s a great one. I was a bit too drunk from drowning my sorrows after watching my Calgary Flames get clobbered and I didn’t think I could do it the justice it deserved so I decided to hold off til I was sober.
    Anyway, I’ll have the page for you later today. Spoiler: It features zombies!!!!!

    Thanks for being patient.

  11. Northstar Says:

    Hey don’t worry about no new page. hehe. *randomly glomps Math*lol I might just print this out and hang it up on my wall.

  12. Nothing Says:

    This was an awesome page. Will you be selling any of the pin ups as posters?

  13. Kate Says:

    I want an angsty, pretty vampire.

    Pretty please? I’ll take care of him.

  14. Bumtown Says:

    Please no angsty pretty Vampires. You want Angst go read Anne Rice. Anne Rice ruined all of Vampire culture and that’s the REAL reason no one has bailed out New Orleans. Cause God and Government hate Anne Rice and The Vampire Chronicals.

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “This was an awesome page. Will you be selling any of the pin ups as posters?”

    Not sure yet. Maybe!

  16. Ledd Says:

    Owen, i wouldnt get your hopes up for the flames
    they barely made playoffs
    so i dont have as high hopes for them as i once did

  17. Ryah Says:

    This is wonderfully done! *drools over Math*

  18. Christine Says:

    O_O Need…this novel.

  19. RegularJoe5 Says:

    ooh, yummy!


  20. Altair Says:


    I see why Math gets the only kiss in the entire comic.

    (Please, pretty please sell the pin-ups as posters? Or t-shirts? That would be so awesome…)

  21. Tegu Says:


  22. Trilbydude Says:

    Wow. matheson’s a sexy sex… for a vampire.

  23. Niach Says:

    In page 40’s discussion, I just went on at decent length about when Math is sexy.

    Screw reading all of what I wrote because this is it. Now.


  24. Tk Says:

    i’m just curious but is his name a reference to richard matheson?

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