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Page 61: Val’s Drink

Monday, June 25th, 2007

Again, poor Murdo.

60 Responses to “Page 61: Val’s Drink”

  1. Tori Says:

    Yes, there will never be a corny ending dream sequence in this! That is the worst kind of scapegoat to make the public ‘happy’.

    I hate how so many people cater directly to the mainstream audience. You can’t do this because it might tick off the Catholics. You can’t do this because it might demoralize the youth. You can’t do this because it might upset black people. People need to understand that books, movies, etc. shouldn’t always be ‘happy’ since life isn’t always ‘happy’. Hiding from the problems of the real world will not solve them.

    You can tell I feel strongly about this issue. 😛 Oh well.

    Anyway, keep up the good work with both this and Marry Me. 🙂

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Thanks, Tori.

  3. Necavi Omnes Says:

    Dude, wouldn’t it be kick-ass if the dog got zombie-fied? XD
    Do it Bobby, do it!

    Oh, and I’ve noticed the lack of reply to my multiple email attempts. Sooooooo. I think… I will just make a page on Xanga or something to post pictures and stuff on. Like, a portfolio on the web. =D ‘cept these wont be angle shots.
    Hmm… Which place would be best to do this… Angelfire, maybe?


  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Necavi: Still haven’t received a single e-mail from you and I’ve checked my spam folder and everything. You’re doing something wrong in the sending, don’t know what. Also, no zombie dogs, sorry.

  5. Ironhead Says:

    Tori, are zombies really a “problem of the real world?”

  6. Rawr Says:

    squee panel 2 has PUPPY MAN hehehe

  7. Rawr Says:

    yea i wrote squee

  8. zhinka Says:

    I would love to see this made into a short for cannes,or even a longer feature, can’t wait till its in production!

  9. Tegu Says:


  10. Dandelion Says:

    so sad, jimmy was scary lookin

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