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LAST BLOOD #1 Variant Cover

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

Today’s post features the variant cover for the first issue by Remy “Eisu” Mokhtar, the great artist who makes No Pink Ponies and also illustrates one of the other comics that I write, Marry Me.  I really like it.  Thanks, Eisu!

7 Responses to “LAST BLOOD #1 Variant Cover”

  1. Lydia Says:

    First comment.

    I THOUGHT it looked different. Looks more… hm, animated? Then I saw your comment and it all made sense.

    Good work, as always. Oh, I liked the previous cover too.

  2. Nick Says:

    Is there going to be more of the story on Friday? lol

  3. Grogo67 Says:

    This cover is good but I like the original one better. It better represents what the comic is all about.

  4. Mewt Says:

    I’m disappointed by the lack of pink goggleglasses from Marry Me somewhere along the background…

  5. Ledd Says:

    its definitly cool
    though obviously different
    i really like it aswell

  6. Vo Says:

    Most excelent cover

  7. Tegu Says:


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