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Screenplay Page 2

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

Finally finished another page of the Last Blood screenplay. I’ve been incredibly lazy recently, even more than usual, which is hard to do. The strike appears to be ending very soon (although nothing’s guaranteed there), which would be a great time to sell a screenplay, so hopefully I’ll write a million pages in the next very short period of time.

Finished this page literally five minutes ago, so things will probably change before the whole thing’s done. Already made a few small changes to the first page, which you should obviously read before this one, although that link simply shows the original version from December.

Page 2 features the first significant changes from the comic, since we now see The First Zombie controlling his zombies much much earlier in an extended opening scene. Not positive that it’s a good decision at the moment. It serves two purposes: to make things more clear and to make things less clear.

What it makes more clear is the powers of The First Zombie, to help illustrate right from the start how it was possible (or at least a lot more possible, for you skeptics) for him to kill almost everyone on Earth so quickly. Even after the schaemiac situation was explained in the comic, people were still whining about how “zombies can’t kill everyone in only a month” and it seemed like none of them had even read the comic and understood that they had a leader who could control all the others with his mind. Zombies are dangerous enough without that — with it they’re unstoppable, especially if that leader has any brain at all and can smell us out from hundreds of miles away. What this page makes less clear is what exactly is going on in this movie for a first time reader/viewer. In the comic version people thought “Oh no, a zombie bit a girl!” Now they think “The zombie has fangs and telepathic powers? What’s going on here?!” Might be too much too soon, but I’m liking it for now.  I can already picture it as a nice little deleted scene if it doesn’t work, though.  I want a Last Blood DVD to watch right now.

And that’s the end of the first scene, by the way. Page 3 starts off with a new scene at the school that features dialogue from April, Jimmy, Murdo and Grady.

113 Responses to “Screenplay Page 2”

  1. Randy Says:

    Hi, been reading from around the beginning and love the comic, it is one of the best on the web.

    On repopulation:
    Besides the fact that the last comic and this one don’t even deal with it, and if Bobby wanted to end the series with just two people left on earth (or none), I think he has shown us that the story will be great however he decides to end his story.

    Ok that’s out of the way; I think that AL_tech has actually put the non-issue about repopulation to rest. So after all the zombies are taken care of and they get around to dealing with future survival, you have a population of around 20 or so people who can be parents (after some of the vampires change back, just a low estimate). Say those twenty have 10 kids, some of the other vampires a few years down the line take the cure, and some of the humans become vampires, 15-20 years later we have the original 10 kids of child bearing age (no issues about teen pregnancy in a post-apocalyptic world, please) Plus some Vampires who have switched back, say another 10, so we get 10 more kids, of significantly different genetic stock (due to the various genetics of the vampires from different cultures and ages) Some of the people switch back and forth for several hundred years and can mate with there great-great grand cousins and now you have a repopulation scheme that involves the vampires, one that I doubt we could find evidence for in any biology text today. The vampires change everything we can predict about genetics and repopulation. So let’s move on.

    Can’t wait till whenever the next page shows up, both of you (Bobby and Owen) have done a great job, thank you!

  2. FilmDude44 Says:

    First off, I’ve enjoyed reading LB – mixing zombies and vampires is a great twist and you’ve been able to create a lot of dramatic tension in the process.

    One thing that everyone should keep in mind about the screenplay… if it is sold (especially to Hollywood) it will most likely undergo any number of rewrites by a studio hired writer. Ultimately, the director, editor, producers, film company and another other number of factors will determine it’s final outcome. As readers of the comic, we can only hope they at least remain true to the spirit of LB!

  3. Louis Says:

    deprecate me all you want. I have patience threough delays, I understand that the creative process does not work on a time clock. The phrase was supposed to be “blown off”. that said, free or not, when you say you are going to release an update on MWF, release one, tell us that you are working on it and that it is going well, or that you are really trying to refine a story point to get it just right, or that, hey, I took two weeks off and I’ll get back to it when I recharge. Whatever. While free to us, the book is an attempt to generate income for the producers. Keeping the fans on the hook is part of the job.

  4. Anko Says:

    “While free to us, the book is an attempt to generate income for the producers. Keeping the fans on the hook is part of the job.”

    Obviously enough fans are kept on the hook to produce a reasonable income, otherwise I’m sure the updates would either stop completely or become more frequent. And I’m also sure that there are perfectly good reasons that the comic doesn’t update as often as some people would like, but if those reasons aren’t made public I don’t mind. I doubt that pestering Bobby about this will do any good, since he obviously has better things to do with his time – instead of replying to annoying comments he could be out there actually writing the comic.

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I have patience threough delays, I understand that the creative process does not work on a time clock.”

    What? Your entire reason for posting here is to say that you have no patience and that your #1 reason for quitting comics and not suggesting that your friends read them is because you refuse to wait for “late” comics, as opposed to some good reason like the comics being bad. So no, you’ve already said very clearly that you have no patience and don’t understand how the creative process works. And why in the world would you not suggest a friend reads the completed first graphic novel for free online simply because they’d have no clue when the next page would go up online??? Makes no sense on any level. People in general who whine about the schedule of online comics should basically just kill themselves for being so fucking stupid and pathetic. I’m an extremely pathetic person, but I’m nowhere near as pathetic as those people, people like you.

    “that said, free or not, when you say you are going to release an update on MWF”

    I don’t think I’ve ever once said that and no one who actually reads the comic and has a brain in their head cares in any fucking way if there’s a sign that says “MWF” when they KNOW from reading the comic and counting how many suns have passed since the last one that there IS NO SET SCHEDULE AND SOMETIMES WEEKS GO BY WITHOUT A COMIC AND THAT THAT IS VERY NORMAL FOR THIS COMIC. The only reason to whine about the schedule is just to hear yourself whine because you’re an asshole. Even brand new fans, and you implied that you’re not a brand new fan, can simply look at the dates of each comic or see the highlighted days of the calendar and very easily see that there is no set schedule. It takes half a second of using your eyes and brain. Fuck you for making me explain this for the 2,000th time in these comments.

    “While free to us, the book is an attempt to generate income for the producers.”

    LOL at someone as stupid as you having any clue about what this book is for and how its goal would be achieved. Putting this book ONLINE is simply a NICE THING FOR MORONS LIKE YOU. That was the entire goal of it, and it’ll be removed from the internet if assholes like you keep whining about stupid shit, and the stupidest shit ever to whine about is the schedule of it. The reason the MWF sign is still up, as I’ve said a million times, is just to piss off assholes like you, because there’s no way I’d ever do anything that a piece of shit like you wants. The point of this book is to help get a big movie deal and/or help raise money for the film I make myself and help to entice cast and crew to work on it (and work as a loose storyboard). The point of making the book has absolutely nothing to do with “keeping online fans on the hook” and that will have nothing to do with achieving the goals of the making of the book whatsoever. Also, last week lastblood.net had 10,000 more visitors than the previous week.

    I sent Owen the script for Page 7 ten days ago.

  6. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “One thing that everyone should keep in mind about the screenplay… if it is sold (especially to Hollywood) it will most likely undergo any number of rewrites by a studio hired writer.”

    Just to let you know, I’m currently back in a phase where I’m very much wanting to make it myself. Not gonna sell it unless I get a trillion dollars for it and/or I’m also hired to direct it.

  7. Brellchild Says:

    I keep seeing a road sign with directions and distances as they pull back and fade, but maybe that’s just me and my vivid imagination.

    ‘Los Angeles 120 Miles’ has such possibilities…

  8. Lance Says:

    I’m not even going to begin an argument over genetic passed intelligence. I will simply say this. Although certain genetic problems create fluxuations in the inteligence of a person. It is by chance and life experience that determines a person’s overall views and ability. For example, just because genetics dicate a person can be strong, if they did nothing to improve this they can easily be beaten by a genetically weak person who has trained their body. So to put it simply Addison is the way he is because Bobby said he didn’t get it from his mentor, who hasn’t even been clarifyed as the one who made him and because HE’S ADDISON FUCKING PAYNE and kicks ass through his own ability. So take that annoying arguing people.

  9. JT cool Says:


    When you make it big and become so powerful with your ideas and creativity and make it to hollywood.

    Can you please kill Anne Rice in the ring of honor? Please?

    Her stories are a tarnish on mankind and considering Last Blood is like the only thing involving vampires that is GOOD I feel you are the only one with the right to kill her.

  10. Zaldaran Says:

    “Just to let you know, I’m currently back in a phase where I’m very much wanting to make it myself. Not gonna sell it unless I get a trillion dollars for it and/or I’m also hired to direct it.”

    Awesome, I’m interested to see if your directing is as great as your writing. Will Owen have any specific part in the making of the movie? I keep wondering if he’d want to do some of the make-up/special effects.

  11. Owen Gieni Says:

    Sorry about the wait gang. New page has been sent off. I was having some computer issues. Still working them out. Things will soon be better than ever though. Thanks for your patience.

  12. Trilbydude Says:

    Hm, diabolical.

    I LIKE IT! hahaha!

  13. Amanda Says:

    Mmm. Your not bad at writing. I like it.

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