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Page 10: Open Wide

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008


This page kicks some serious ass. Anyone who complains about anything in the comments for this page should just kill themselves. Great job by Owen on this page. For the past few pages Owen’s been following my sketches almost exactly, and it’s pretty cool to compare them side by side, so I suggest checking that out —

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!


149 Responses to “Page 10: Open Wide”

  1. Colton Says:

    “Bows to the glory of the hypnotoad”

    -PFT yeah right, that stuff only works when the person in question is not super intelligent, o wait. garblpsjkkahks………………………………………

    Still lovin it Bobby :).
    And yes Tyler Mane, PURE Awesomeness with a can of whoopass to boot, and Jon Pander continues to draw me into his comments…. :).

  2. Jessica Says:

    Micah: I am not from the UK, sadly, but from Canada. We like to pretend we’re still part of the British Empire in our rather numerous coins and in our spelling.

    Loki90: If I ever knew you, I have mercifully repressed the memory.

    Jon Pander: Definitely not the fellow from high school then. I shall henceforth read all of your comments with a Brooklyn accent.

  3. Jon Pander Says:

    Jessica Says: “I am not from the UK, sadly, but from Canada. We like to pretend we’re still part of the British Empire in our rather numerous coins and in our spelling.”
    I like Canada. It’s one of my favorite states in the USA.

    “Loki90: If I ever knew you, I have mercifully repressed the memory.”
    I like this girl… she’s got spunk.

    “Jon Pander: Definitely not the fellow from high school then. I shall henceforth read all of your comments with a Brooklyn accent.”
    If you’re a hottie and want me to be from another high school, I will be.
    As for the Brooklyn accent… “How you doin’?”

    Colton: http://www.futurama-madhouse.com.ar/animated/toad_animate.gif

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:


  5. ModdyPride Says:

    Wow, Jon Pander… You make me giggle… actually, more than giggle. You make me laugh my ass off.

    Bobby: If I wasn’t poor, I totally would… *sigh* Wait… I got paid… mabe I shall not be so poor soon… Yay!

  6. Jessica Says:

    Jon Pander: “I like Canada. It’s one of my favorite states in the USA.”
    I wish I could argue with that statement. We spell things differently, darn it! And say “zed”. And our prime minister rolls over like a dog when the US tells him to. LeSigh.

    “If you’re a hottie and want me to be from another high school, I will be.”
    I don’t look much like Maggie Beckett, if that’s your standard. I can’t comment otherwise, as I’m likely biased.

  7. Dr. Poppy Says:

    This comic is is one of the little things that make me smile.


  8. john Says:

    best page ever

  9. Jenn Says:

    YAY! New update.

    Seems like forever but it’s worth the wait.

  10. Eloweasel Says:

    Awesome new Page! The Movie will be very interesting methinks, I wonder how the cast will compare to the lifelike looking characters in the comic?

    I wish Addison hadn’t died, he was awesome. Really awesome, although I would have liked to see what was under the glasses.

    Last Blood is so worth the wait, does anyone know if the Movie will have the same title as the comic? Or something different? I wish I was a zombie movie fan.

  11. the glock Says:

    so in i-am-legend, they were are shaemics or something?

    and shouldnt rage have broken his hand by landing on it at somewhere near 120 miles per hour?

  12. Ethan Says:

    HAHA! Finally we can get back to the zombie action now that Marry Me has been finished. Not that that wasn’t a great comic, but I have been waiting for Last Blood to return forever.

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I wrote this page the same day I wrote Page 81 of “Marry Me.” The two are not connected in any way.

    the glock: Nothing in your comment made any sense.

  14. Shaun Says:

    I think I know what “The Glock” Is saying… I think he means that there were Shaemiacs creating the Zombie/Vampires or whatever the hell those were… Which there weren’t and even if there were it’s unrelated in every way…

    And rage was running 120mph when he hit those zombies, which should have destroyed every bone in his hand… which makes NO difference due to the regeneration that all vampires possess.

    It made sense, but one question was completely irrelevant, and the other one was already answered about a hundred times by now.

  15. pandaman1982 Says:

    The Glock just forget the golden rule of all fiction, the badass>>>than any rule or law. This applies to all badasses right up until the point where they meet an even greater badass then themselves. At this point the natural distortion of rules and laws created by the badasses will ultimately favour the greater badass through a drawn out and brutal conflict where they will each undergo what should be mortal wounds for any normal individual. Unless of course the greater badass completely eclipses the lesser, if that is the case then he dies quicker than a triad mobster who thinks it’s a good idea to get in the way of Chow Yun Fat when he’s wearing sunglasses and chewing on a toothpick.

  16. Lewis Says:

    yoho all.
    so i read 90% of the comments and all I have to say is this

    1- I hate a lot of idiots
    2- “Anko Says:

    June 23rd, 2008 at 2:54 am
    “Plaid is, as everyone knows, the most awesome of awesome patterns.”

    I disagree. Polka dots are much more awesome.”

    anko you are wrong you have to have the black/white swirls that make people dizzy

  17. FrozenSheep Says:

    Umm marry me is over (for the most part)
    When do you think we start seeing updates.

  18. postulio Says:

    would the graphic novel be autographed by you ? i bought the first 2 issues autographed by you before.

  19. JR Says:

    damn…this comic is tight…

    and the movie should be tight….if its low budget itll suck though….but it could be one bad ass movie ya know

  20. L.C. Says:

    Two words: HELL YEAH! Generally not a big fan of zombie/vampire combos, but this one works. It works very well. *nods wisely like a mini Yoda thingy-ma-bobber*

    Bobby, I bow before the awesome storyline. And I worship the April-is-seriously-insane-but-Matt-is-even-more-insane-cuz-he’s-the-human-formerly-known-as-the-vampire pairing.

    Owen, I bow before the awesome art.

    Jon Pander: Sire, you totally rocketh my socks. And I know ’tis absolutely dorky to type like this with a Star Wars reference, but I can’t help it. Forgiveth me.

  21. Jon Pander Says:

    Was moving. Order Marry Me now. It will encourage him to keep making more webcomics, and frankly if he didn’t I wouldn’t know what to do with my time. Plus the world is short on awesome at the moment, so this sort of thing should be supported.

    Jessica Says: “I don’t look much like Maggie Beckett, if that’s your standard. I can’t comment otherwise, as I’m likely biased.”
    I’m willing to still agree with you if you have hottie attributes. Maggie Beckett is just the alpha hottie to which other hotties should aspire.

    Eloweasel Says: “I wonder how the cast will compare to the lifelike looking characters in the comic?”
    I have it on good authority that Bobby will not be using actors in the movie, but rather he will be using felt puppets. Like the muppets.

    “I wish I was a zombie movie fan.”
    Heretic. Come over to the dark side where we all love zombie movies.

    the glock Says: “so in i-am-legend, they were are shaemics or something?”

    Yes. They were. And Bobby wrote I am Legend. It’s a big secret but he’s actually Richard Matheson. And he’s 72 years old.

    Ok I’m lying. Are you surprised?

    They are infected people in I am Legend – it’s a hard science fiction vampire/zombie book. Originally it was about vampires, but in interviews, Matheson had admitted he was heavily influenced by zombies and ghouls, not just vampires. Later ‘zombie’ genre visionaries like Romero said I am Legend was their inspiration.

    “and shouldnt rage have broken his hand by landing on it at somewhere near 120 miles per hour?”
    He wears invisible armored gauntlets on his hands which are made of awesome. Shhh.

    Oh, and you spelled Shaemiacs wrong, glock. Anko is going to rip you a new one.
    I will cheer.

    Shaun: “And rage was running 120mph when he hit those zombies, which should have destroyed every bone in his hand… which makes NO difference due to the regeneration that all vampires possess.”
    Rage’s bones are also laced with awesome. Sort of like Wolverine’s are laced with adamantium. Shhh.

    JR Says: “damn…this comic is tight…”
    Word, G.

    “and the movie should be tight….”
    Word. To the mother, G.

    “if its low budget itll suck though….”
    Whachoo talkin bout? Evil Dead. Low Budget. High Awesome. The first Night of the Living Dead. Low budget, high awesome. Flash Gordon, freakishly low budget and you could see the strings on the bird men. Still high on awesome. Shh.

    “but it could be one bad ass movie ya know”
    Ya, Word. It be slammin’.

    L.C. “Jon Pander: Sire, you totally rocketh my socks.”
    Verily, I doth rocketh them?
    “And I know ’tis absolutely dorky to type like this with a Star Wars reference, but I can’t help it.”
    I may forgive your dorkishness if you give me $20.

    “Forgiveth me.”
    Seriously, where’s the $20?

  22. Jon Pander Says:

    Ack, I spelled schaemiacs wrong too. STupid c key stuck.

    Anko, please spare me. It was the C key, honest.

  23. Megan Says:

    erm… updates?

  24. Derrick Says:

    Is there a way to sign up for an alert when she updates?

  25. sco3tt Says:

    Save money on the movie, let all of us in the forums be in it.

    Oh, and I’m finally done reading page 10 so go ahead and put up 11. Thanks for waiting for me! I’ll try and read faster but all that awesome got in my eyes.

  26. JT cool Says:

    Holy crap! What happened to the peaceful comment page I left about a month back?

  27. Anne M. Says:


  28. jon pander Says:

    Derrick: “Is there a way to sign up for an alert when she updates?”
    Bobby will be most displeased that you gave him a sex change.

    sco3tt: do not look directly at the awesome next time. It’s like a solar eclipse. Incredible to see but if you’re not careful it will burn your eyes out.

    JT Cool: It was too peaceful for our warlike, Rage-worshipping psyches so we mentally supressed it like a boy scout supresses the private, ‘special’ merit badge lesson his scout leader taught him before the police took him away in handcuffs.

  29. the glock Says:

    whao u had surgery?!

    what for?

    hope ur fine, and that this has not hindered comic production, and umm, i would like to say tha tagainst all of these arguments about how zombiefication works, almost every zombie story has a different way of explaining it, so it doesnt matter, its up to the author.

  30. Warsnake Says:

    Yes it’s possible to get warned when there is an update.

    it’s called RSS-feed. 🙂

  31. ModdyPride Says:

    …If I was in the Last Blood universe, I would want Rage to be my friend… It would suck royaly if he was not…

  32. Al Says:

    Admittedly I don’t read all the forum stuff, but I was wondering if Bobby might post some of his past work in the interm. Sorta of a tid bit to tide some, like me, over, and expose more of the cool shit that is. I would find it hard to belive that someone who has brought a wicked story like this to us, doesn’t have other gems in his portfoilio. If there is a link for this sorta stuff already, I bow my head in shame.

  33. Anth Says:

    Wow, comments have slowed down to a crawl these last few pages

  34. JMBrown Says:

    This the first time I’m commenting and I just have to say you are definitely in my Pantheon of Comic Book Gods which include Joss Whedon, Mike Mignola and Frank Miller. Also I heart Rage very much.

  35. Johnny Vamp Says:

    I must admit Rage does have a certain lethal charm to him, that being said, Way to go on making this comic(The entirety of it). I only wish they came out faster, the anticipation is killing me…

  36. JustanotherZombiefan Says:

    Great job. Keep doing it. You’ve got the spirit to make this one of the greatest zombie comics ever….so don’t let the story die a slow and cruel death by disappearing from one day to the other.

    Even if I still like what you allready did.

    That’s all I wanted to say…with poor words!

  37. daemon Says:

    I think I just had an orgasm…

  38. Jon Pander Says:

    the glock: “whao u had surgery?! what for?”
    Bobby had too much awesome flowing through his blood, so they had to remove some and give it to more needy people.

    daemon: “I think I just had an orgasm…”
    Accessing possible replies:
    A) Ew.
    B) Heres a tissue, go clean yourself up.
    C) Confuscius say, When having computer sex, wear a keyboard cover.
    D) Drool from Anne and semen from Daemon. Bodily fluid is apparently the new way to repond on the forum. Makes sense, only fair that the other fluids make a showing, since there have been already been too many people like Wolf 22 who’s dumb questions piss everyone off 🙂

    Get it? pi- oh forget it….

  39. Matt Says:

    well, i guess its a good date to read the comic considering it just got updated. wicked awesome, know you get this more than you could possibly spend time reading, but just think you should always get to hear it.
    im so sad that math lost his vampirism, he was crazy stuff

  40. Djjiggens Says:

    Andrew: Well, keep in mind that the Zombies DO still have their brains, as Rage has aptly shown us, so they DO have the ability to feel emotion still, although they would be primitive forms. My guess would be that their fear creates anger at the source, so instead of running, they lash out at it. That, or their hunger out-weighs their fear.

  41. Arkus Says:

    I saw Bobby at Comic Con today. He signed the Last Blood and Marry Me books I bought. And then I got two complimentary pins (at least I think they were) with Coleman and Fairbanks on them. I was happy.

  42. Zach Says:

    Awesome. I love this even more than Marry Me!

  43. Katy Says:

    Hey, Bobby, you OK? We’re worried about you, and we’re missing the Last Blood awesomeness, so here’s hoping you are fine and we’ll soon see some new and awesome pages!

  44. Danielle Says:

    Hey Bobby! Just writing to say how much I love yer damn work. I got to meet you today at comic con. I was the chick kinda smiling this big, dorky cheeser. Dark hair, dark eyes, arab. I had you sign a book for me and my friend and kinda made you feel bad for not updating as often as you do… yeah that evil fan chick. I had all these questions I wanted to ask but got so happy I was like kinda like… uuuh. Blank. Heh, anyway keep up the good work, would love to hear from ya.


  45. Jessica Says:

    Jon Pander, I see that you have quite the fan club over on the Marry Me comment board. Why haven’t you tried collecting fangirls here? Afraid vampire and zombie fans will bite?

    You know, I’ve been saddened by the decrease in comments in general. Where’s Anko disappeared to? Barely commenting more than once these days.

    We obviously need to spark yet another pointless and annoying debate so the wits can sharpen their claws again (like the one about whether or not the zombie apocalypse could work). ‘Course, that would probably upset Bobby.

  46. monkeyboy Says:

    I spit on your mother, and your mothers mother for making a comic that i enjoyed, and stopping it so i am destined to keep coming to this site, to check if there are more pages, just be to dissapointed by your lazy faggot ass every fucking time.

    I curse your soul to the darkest pits of hell… jibba jabba jibba… i hope you fucking die hard.

    Fuck you

  47. Edgar Says:

    hey guys, if youre ever in pa near port alleghany, im taking ye out to dinner. great work… actually makes me feel inadequate as a writer, so you should feel pretty good about yourself.

  48. lukeoneil47 Says:

    I have enjoyed reading this free online comic. It’s a great premise, and there are some really cool characters.

    I think the most fascinating thing for me here is seeing the writer/creator interact on the boards and try to justify the things that commenters find fault with.

    It’s always sort of demeaning when an author does that in my opinion. If the work stands on its own, then let it. When you’re reading a book or watching a movie you don’t have the writer/director there to tell you how stupid you are for not picking up on everything.

    Also, this is a pretty long read on its own, nevermind the thousands of comments littered throughout. I wouldn’t expect people to read through every single one. But what do I know?

    Then again, this is sort of a unique format, posting one page at a time online, so I suppose the rules are a bit different.

    Anyway, I certainly look forward to reading the continued story. Thanks for your efforts.

  49. John Moore Says:

    Will this ever be continued?

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