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Page 8: That Thing

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

I wonder what that thing is.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

281 Responses to “Page 8: That Thing”

  1. scott Says:


  2. Micah Says:

    ‘Sarcasm’ got banned? Awwwe… I didn’t even get a chance to respond to his idiotic tirade telling me to fuck off simply because I said he wasn’t funny. Seriously though, you’d think if someone chose a name like “sarcasm” they’d at least use sarcasm or irony in what they said, even if they weren’t funny. Anyway, I’ve probably already said it, but Bobby, Owen, great work as always. Can’t wait for more.

  3. Kamatu Says:

    Sullivan = smarts. He was already the uberathlete and possibly the straight A student before he went off to war, the granddaughter shows signs of both. Addison = smarts, so this could possibly be the linkage. Of course, Sullivan would need more time to gain the knowledge and facilities needed to even come close to filling Addison’s shoes, so all that would have to show now is that he is quick on the uptake.

  4. Owen Gieni Says:

    Sorry Gang! I was just informed that there wasn’t a new script after all. Bobby said soon though. I’ll have something next week for sure (and maybe word on a NEW Crosby-company horror comic).

  5. Anko Says:

    But Addison’s intelligence was naturally high, it’s not his vampire power.

  6. Demon! Says:

    So we know that other comics have more priority than LB, and we’re more patient now 🙂

    However, I can’t stop wondering – if LB was updated more regularly, would it produce more profit than the others (and have a higher priority)?

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    As I said many times, the main problem is there’s no deadline with LB anymore, as there currently is for MM, and as there was for LB at various times in the past. The main problem other than my lack of effort, that is. I’ve pretty much been doing the bare minimum for a while.

  8. Demon! Says:

    Well, yeah – there are good times and bad times.

    Hopefully, there will be more good times ahead. LB, in terms of plot, is developing really nice. I’m dying to see some young Francis/Sully flashbacks at some point 😉

  9. blueaegis Says:

    heh, you know…
    everyone, including me, will be a zombie if this were all true ^_^
    but you know…. if i WAS a zombie, i rather let val decapitate me and use me as a gold ball XD
    not rage
    with superspeed
    doing the old swithcheroo
    cause i dont want my brains to be eaten.

  10. Anth Says:

    “Personally I love a cool power that involves a disablement. It sounds twisted, but it is also character defect I can’t resist” Kind of like cyclops from xmen? I suppose that’d be an interesting twist for one of the vampires, and i also wonder whos going to turn math into a vampire? Would he reain his smell from his past vampirism and gain whatver he would from whoever bit him next?

  11. Jon Pander Says:

    Shayna:”I figured it would suck pretty bad if I couldn’t use my voice anymore (I sing). ”
    And yet you’d still be able to type. Where’s the justice in that? 🙂

    “But what if I had a voice that would shatter stone and warp steel. I would have to deal with being mute, except when I decide to destroy things.”
    Of all the powers to steal from the comics, the fact that you stole Black Bolt’s power simply leaves me speechless.

    Get it?! It’s a pun! Speechless! HA!
    *looks around, hears crickets chirp, otherwise… silence*
    Ah you guys suck.

  12. Tegu Says:

    I’d pick someone like Jamie Braddock. He’s more in line with my preferences.

    And yes, that was a good pun. In third grade. Sorry man, just old. Might have been better in person, but text like this, it’s got no inflection.

  13. Sethaius Says:

    “You guys fucking suck” …. I think I’ve said that before…. It was just after I got tasered by some cops…. But…. That’s a story for another time…. lmao!!! 😀

  14. marques Says:

    update pls! =/

  15. Shayna Says:

    Jon, I have fully acknowledged that I am not well versed in comics, so I will bow to your superior knowledge and ask a question?

    This ‘Black Bolt’ character, was he written before 1963 when Frank Herbert’s Dune was published?

    If not, then I would have to argue that ‘Black Bolt’ was a knock-off idea from the wyrding module in Dune. That is where I got my idea from.

  16. Jon Pander Says:

    Tegu: “And yes, that was a good pun.”
    Thank you! 🙂
    “In third grade.”
    I mean… screw you! :I

    “Sorry man, just old.”
    Like yo mama!
    Yo momma’s so old that when she was in school there was no history class!

    “Might have been better in person, but text like this, it’s got no inflection.”
    It did have inflection, but that all cleared up after I rubbed some ointment and neosporin on it.

    *pause while that stupid cricket continues to chirp amidst silence*
    You guys SUCK!

    And I hate that cricket.

  17. Jon Pander Says:

    marques: “update pls! =/”

    Marques, I have it on good authority that the above comic is actually how Last Blood ends. Sorry. That’s the end.


    By good authority, I mean a special source.

    By a special source, I mean I’m making this all up.


    bah…. joke isnt coming out right. Need something better.

    Tegu’s momma so old, she made Fred Flintstone’s bed rock!

    There. I feel better now.

  18. Shayna Says:

    Wilma: ” I’m the kinda girl who uses a porcupine for a scub brush, an anteater for a vaccum and a worm for a tampon.”

  19. Tegu Says:

    Your momma…

    Is so old…

    She served at the Last Supper.
    She sat behind Jesus in the third grade.
    When I told her to act her age, she died.
    On her drivers license, it says expired.

    Is so fat…

    She puts her lipstick on with a paint roller.
    She walked in front of the TV and we missed two episodes of Friends.
    She has to pull down her pants to get in her pockets.
    Her belly button doesn’t have lint, it has sweaters.
    Her blood type is Ragu.
    She went into a restaurant, looked at the menu, and said “Ok.”

    Is so dumb…

    She failed a survey.
    She put a stamp on a fax.
    She took a penny to the bank and asked for change.
    She died at a drive in movie theater. She went to see “Closed for the Winter.”

    Is so ugly…

    She went to the beauty parlor, and it took them three hours for an estimate.
    She went to a strip club and they paid her to keep her clothes on. And that money is sending you to college.

    Is so drunk they found traces of blood in her alcohol stream.

    Got anything else to say about my momma? I’ll be sure to forward it to the afterlife.

  20. Dr.Thrax Says:


  21. Swag Says:

    I’m worried.

    I love this comic, and it hasn’t been updated in a VERY LONG time.

    Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t read through all the comments so there might be something going on I don’t know about. Still, this makes me sad!

  22. Shayna Says:

    This is the saddest excuse for intelligence I have EVER SEEN Tegu!

    Your mama jokes! Come on! And a list of them! If this were an anonymous post forum, I would shoot your ass!

  23. Shayna Says:

    Before everyone has a cow, I meant to say “If this WEREN’T an anonymous post forum, I would shoot your ass!”


  24. Shayna Says:

    See how upset I am! I can’t even spell correctly today!

  25. Mims Says:

    Shayne… Don’t you have anything to do besides read these comments and rant about them?

  26. Bill M. Says:

    Okay, I’ve had some thoughts in the interim of a new comic. If a wrestler should play Rage in an eventual movie, there should only be one choice, that of ‘Lionheart’ Chris Jericho, since upon review, Rage is more feline in his lycantropic appearance than lupine.

    Next, Anko, you are the seriously hardcore fan, thus you are the Parker of Lost Blood.

    Finally, please drop the “Yo Momma” jokes… they’re like dinosaur turds, old and crappy.

  27. Tegu Says:

    He opened it up, I merely ran with it.

    And if you are suffering from the delusion that I need to prove my intelligence here, and I shall do so using “yo mama” jokes, I pity the April fool. I just know jokes, and felt like sharing. Thought it might be a good distraction from the bickering,

    It seems I was wrong.

  28. Altair Says:

    Natural Progression of Comments:

    1-7 days after update: People are happy, joking around, saying how awesome the page is, even having conversations and making predictions. Some stupid questions are asked.

    8-15 days after update: People start grumbling, asking more stupid questions, and asking semi-politely for an update. The predictions get rediculous, and usually feature Chuck Norris or other pop-culture in-jokes.

    16-23 days after update: People start waging all-out war with eachother over anything and everything. People get banned. People wage more war with eachother over whether or not the banned people should have been banned in the first place. The banned people come back with different emails and screen names and start new fights People demand an update, using all caps.

    1 month after update: We go into severe LB withdrawl. The ‘yo momma’ jokes appear. People like me get bored and do things like this.

    The next step is nuclear war.

  29. Devath Says:

    I disagree. That was hilarious. Seriously.

    And to all y’all out there…
    Do what you want. Seriously.
    But… Flames are unpleasant to read…
    Most of the time.


  30. Devath Says:


  31. Dandelion Says:

    Heh i wanna meet someone like rage!

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