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Page 107: Gotcha!

Saturday, December 1st, 2007

Finally we see who I consider to be the most important character in the Last Blood universe. (Well, other than Francis, of course, but he’s now a dead whiny little bitch.) He will almost certainly be the main star of the first sequel. Exciting!

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

278 Responses to “Page 107: Gotcha!”

  1. Snake Says:

    and a* sorry

  2. Jonathan Says:

    Just a reminder to everyone who hasnt read all past comments for this page http://z15.invisionfree.com/BobbyCrosby_Fansite is a new Forum for Bobby’s projects!

  3. Jesse Says:

    Addison F**king Payne’s younger, pot-addicted brother, Albert Flippin’ Payne, originally coined the phrase “zompire.” But Addison, so used to having the upper hand due to not being exposed to lead paint as a child or playing Super Nintendo 17.5 hours a day, coined a better phrase to keep Albert in his place.
    Moral: Addison F**king Payne makes being a jerk awesome.

  4. NiamhBlack Says:

    I realize the need for some concept of reality in a fictional story….but please remember that this story does deal with zombies and vampires, there’s already a degree (you can take that term loosely) of non-realism in the story.

  5. Jonathan Says:

    “Addison F**king Payne’s younger, pot-addicted brother, Albert Flippin’ Payne, originally coined the phrase “zompire.” But Addison, so used to having the upper hand due to not being exposed to lead paint as a child or playing Super Nintendo 17.5 hours a day, coined a better phrase to keep Albert in his place.
    Moral: Addison F**king Payne makes being a jerk awesome. ” Oh man thats great. i LOLed

  6. Tegu Says:

    I know this does not affect this story, but for those that want it, here are two cool guides.



    Now PLEASE, don’t tell Bobby he’s wrong because of something you read in there. This is BOBBY’s story, and he can have whatever the hell he wants happen, and it’s legit.

  7. xenon Says:

    i will be sad to see this chapter of the story end.

  8. Carolyn Says:

    And the award for the stupidest little boy in the world goes to…

  9. Kristen Says:

    One of the best pages yet.

  10. Xarmando Says:

    Hat’s off to the creative team behind this comic, probably among the top three zombie-themed projects of the last few years [right up there with The Walking Dead in my opinion]. And yes, it really is a very-very good movie material if you ask me, so good luck to that creative team as well, I’m really looking forward to watching this film!!! Keep up the good work fellas!!!

  11. IGOR Says:

    I bet when all of this is over Sulivan and Graddy will come back to school and have a game of bassketball ;).

  12. Aquamage Says:

    the little boy says “our moms down there” so she grabbed a bro and sis? thats kinda disgusting for repopulation don’t you think? =)

  13. Jaysburn Says:

    Oh. My. GOD!
    Aquamage, at least Ctrl+F Brother and Sister or something before you say something that’s been said about 20 times!

  14. Cat Says:

    “the little boy says “our moms down there” so she grabbed a bro and sis? thats kinda disgusting for repopulation don’t you think? =) ”

    Not for repopulation, she just grabbed the first two kids she could.

  15. Tegu Says:

    This just came to me. If Math can run that fast, why aren’t the rest of the vampires. I know they are carrying the kids and you can sprint for short distances faster than you can run for long distances, but if you can sprint, I’d imagine you’d try and run a little faster anyway.

    Also, if I may over a very humble suggestion that has a good chance of being short down or ignored. Why aren’t any of the vampire’s drinking? As far as they know, it’s either a massive retreat or a massive battle coming, and they are already low on blood. I can see Math saying “I’m sorry.” As he jumps out the window, drinking a little from April.

    And for Devian, she should definitely drink from that kid. Not only does she need it to fly very far with additional weight, but LWB (I meant to spell it that way) deserves it.

  16. Cat Says:

    “If Math can run that fast, why aren’t the rest of the vampires. ”

    I suspect it’s because their job is to protect the humans, so they’re running with the pack in order to protect them should the zombies catch up. Dun’ hold me to it.

    “Why aren’t any of the vampire’s drinking?”

    That’s a good question, but I suspect (again) it’s because drinking would waste time and right now they just need to run like hell.

  17. NotStephenColbert Says:

    “This just came to me. If Math can run that fast, why aren’t the rest of the vampires. I know they are carrying the kids and you can sprint for short distances faster than you can run for long distances, but if you can sprint, I’d imagine you’d try and run a little faster anyway.”

    Ooh, there’s an idea. Let’s run faster into the horde of zombies.
    They don’t know it’s Sullivan’s horde and that they’re friendly 😛

  18. Tegu Says:

    Not to be argumentative, but they didn’t see the Sully Saviors till just rest, they were behind a hill I think Bobby said. But the protection thing is prolly true.

    And I very well could be very wrong, but it looks like all the vampires are holding somebody. It’s real easy to take a bite while running. But then again, the only feeding we saw took place on a bed, so there may be other things then just biting involved.

  19. Xarmando Says:

    P.S.: OK, and even if a lot of people involved in the movie had to go on and place their homes on quadruple-mortgage, this would have to be the most kick-ass casting for this movie and would be well worth it…:

    April: Natalie Portman [or Famke Janssen]
    Addison: Kevin Spacey
    Devian: Maggie Q
    Francis: Michael C. Hall [or Edward Norton]
    Grady: Sam Elliott [or Tony Sirico]
    Mac: Michael Chiklis [MUST-HAVE-HIM!!!]
    Matheson: Clive Owen [or Daniel Craig or Tom [Cruise of course!]]
    Murdo: Sean William Scott [or Dane Cook]
    Rage: Danny Trejo [NO BRAINER]
    Sullivan: Vin Diesel [or The Rock]
    Val: Monica Bellucci [or Angelina Jolie]

    Wrote it down just for kicks, anyway…!!!

  20. Cdraz Says:

    NotStephenColbert who are u and come out with it u are a afront to society

  21. Cdraz Says:

    NotStephenColbert who are u and come out with it u are a affront to society

  22. Cdraz Says:

    dude sorry just tripled that didnt mean to

  23. NotStephenColbert Says:

    Well, you’ve just lost all your credibility in my eyes.

    Society is peanuts. Let me know when I’m an affront to God.

  24. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Also, we now know that AFP turned Sullivan. If Val liked him so much, why didn’t she do it?”

    She wanted to badly, but he wouldn’t have it, and his force of will was so great and she respected him so much that she didn’t impose her will on him and let him be what he wanted. But then Francis had to go and do his evil shit and Sullivan found out and blah blah blah — read the upcoming sequel!

    “#1 Vampires appear to be completely kick ass, bad ass, insane fighters, yet are completely unable to save any other humans on the entire planet.”

    Nothing can stop a schaemiac who is trying not to be stopped and not being a fucking moron whiny little bitch who goes all googly eyed for the granddaughter of the girl he used to love. No time right now to address your other points, which I’ve addressed a million times already (almost literally), and others have already partially done so.  There definitely aren’t any plot holes.

    “is this the first copy of it all? I mean, do you go from comic to comic, planning a little as you go along, basically having everything evolve as you do it?”

    Basically, but I’d say more than just planning “a little.” A lot of planning, but just actually writing it as I go along. Haven’t even scripted 109 yet, argh, doing that right now.

  25. Jesse Says:

    Bobby or Owen, is there a resource you would recommend for someone wondering what the “proper procedure” is for creating a comic? I mean some sort of step-by-step of generally accepted order of operations (basic outline of story, storyboard, script, artwork–and what actually needs to be done to make that artwork; are individual panels done on larger sheets then scanned onto one page, or is it just one larger page, or is it exactly the size I’m looking at with those panels drawn directly on it–you get the idea). I am bursting at the seams with a comic idea that keeps getting bigger and cooler the more I think about it, and I’ve been thinking about it for a couple years now without having the time to pursue it. Now that I’ve found a webcomic that’s not only really good, but also has a writer and an artist who aren’t too busy to respond to fans, I thought I’d ask you guys.
    Any suggestions?

  26. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Jesse: No suggestions at this time from me. Good luck!

    By the way, FirstTimePoster is the same moron who was whining about the pile being too large last month and various other retarded things that clearly show that he hasn’t actually comprehended anything that’s happened in the comic, like the fact that TFZ chose to let this town live.

  27. Tegu Says:


  28. Trilbydude Says:


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