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Page 105: Escape

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007

I hope a zombie never bites my ear off. I wish I was thin enough for Devian to carry me to safety.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

195 Responses to “Page 105: Escape”

  1. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Crazy Artist: I’ve answered that in the comments no less than 10 times, about once per page in the past 10 pages or so. Age to a certain point and stop, yes.

  2. NiamhBlack Says:

    I believe that you would have to list Mac number 3 on the list of badasses. I mean, not only does he cut three zombies heads off in one axe swipe, but he cuts through chain with the same ease.

  3. Jaysburn Says:

    Nice fix there, Owen, but… why not just flip the panel? It would still be consistant, you couldn’t really see their positions before and people are running all over the place. Then all that would need doing would be a little rescripting. Wich I know is hard, but gotta be easier than redoing a part of an already drawn picture. (or maybe not, I don’t know worth shit, just assuming.)

  4. Crazy Artist Says:

    First off, thanks Bobby.

    alright we’re gonna rank badassery

    1. Anko
    2. Mac
    3. Jimmy (b4 zombification)
    4. Murdo (b4 vampifirication)
    5. Grady

    TOP 5 BADASS VAMPIRES (some of these will probably be contested):
    1. Addison Fucking Payne.
    2. Matheson (he killed Hitler for fuck’s sake!)
    3. Rage
    4. LBV (Little Black Vampire)
    5. Val or Murdo, its a tie.

    1. Any zombie that managed to chain AFP. You have to be pretty badass to do that.
    2. Bob Barker zombie – you know he’s out there somewhere.
    3. WLB – only listed here b/c he did kinda take over the world there for a minute, despite how bitch his motives may be.
    4. Jimmy (After zombification) – a badass in life is a badass in death.
    5. Undecided – i’m leaving the place for Sullivan, but we haven’t seen him yet so i can’t make a judgement.

  5. Krasno Says:

    WLB is a schaemiac, not a zombie. You are forgetting Chuck Norris Zombie!!!

  6. Crazy Artist Says:

    I know WLB and Sullivan are schaemiacs, not zombies, but they needed a little recognition, and I wasn’t gonna make a top 5 schaemiacs list cuz there has only been 3 |:(
    And I thought about Chuck….but eh, I don’t see him as a zombie. He just covered his scent and is waiting for the right moment to save everything.

  7. NiamhBlack Says:

    Bob Barker zombie?! That’s hilarious, I could imagine him still standing there with his pencil-thin microphone all zombified.

  8. fieldy409 Says:

    So. Aprils crying out because she burnt herself? And she hasnt managed to stab herself through him too right?

  9. Cat Says:

    “So. Aprils crying out because she burnt herself? And she hasnt managed to stab herself through him too right?”

    No, April’s crying out because she lost the TFZ who was her secret lover.

    ….YES she’s crying because she burnt herself. Wouldn’t you if all the flesh on your hand just melted/blistered?
    And if there’s no blood on her shirt when we see her, I’m guessing no to the second part.

  10. Shmuck Says:

    Just wanted to pop in and say how much I love this comic, great work. I gather Bobby plays a role so great job with the story. Can’t wait to see Grady again, love that old guy.

    Anyway, I’m kind of interested in the whole filming industry, and I would like to know if you accept volunteers, just for any extra help, because I think that the opportunity to see how independent films are made would be great.


  11. Lazarus Says:

    I agree with Anko on his spelling comments. I know I don’t have the best of spelling, but if I think I’m spelling something wrong I check it! And criticism is a good teaching tool (within limits).

  12. Alex h Says:

    is anybody else reminded of the song i just died in your arms tonight

  13. Lazarus Says:

    Flipping comic art panels doesn’t always work, thats the reason why most Manga translations nowadays are in the original backwards format. In this case I held a mirror up to the screen, and it does look and flow better with the original layout (or at least it does to my mind).

    Congrats again to Bobby and Owen for bringing us such a unique and engrossing tale.

  14. fieldy409 Says:

    i meant was she crying cause she stabbed herself. -.-

  15. CarbonMemory Says:

    Been readin this comic for quite some time, and I must say, I’ve been impressed at every turn.

    Being something of an artist I can really appreciate Owen’s skill at drawing, especially since he managed to capture April burning her hand so well. It even looks like melted bits of skin coming away with it from the stake in the first panel.

    Hats off as well to Bobby for coming up with a very interesting story, which seems to constantly change from serious to silly in the perfect times and ways. (Example: Grady playing basketball with the zombies heads after quite a few somewhat important deaths.)

    Congrats on you two now, and ahead of time, seeing as how I cannot imagine how this will not make it to the theaters. Take care.

  16. Slizarus Says:

    She didn’t stab herself.. The stake sizzled in her grasp, burning her.

  17. Jhon Says:

    I volunteer to be a mindless zombie for the movie! I will work for cheap!

  18. Dylan Says:

    This might be a little late, but I noticed you had said you still didn’t have a name for the big, black vampire. Dunno if you’ve updated that or not, and if you did I missed the comment and apologize in advance, but…

    I recommend the name “Ajax” because he seems to be very strong — especially in the 4th and 5th panel. And he looks like an older version of a character in one of my comics, who is also called Ajax.

    =D Just some input.

  19. Nero Says:

    Please post soon, so I can go to bed…

    1) I’m not turning my computer off until there’s a post, and I have to get up @ five tmm.
    2) I really need to see more of this story. Seriously.

    I’m gonna try to snag the first post! Just kidding, I’ll probably fall asleep sitting here, drool on the keyboard, and totally ruin it. OK, so forget about the first post thing. I’ll just be sitting here, waiting… *sighs*

  20. Anko Says:

    1. Anko
    2. Mac”

    Wow, that’s strange, I just had a very confusing dream about Mac being all badass. Ha.
    Anyways, I’m flattered to make it on your list, Crazy Artist.

  21. Nessus Says:

    I feel kinda confused. As a Fire Protection Engineering major I had trouble wrapping my head around this one. If she sustained a burn in less than a couple seconds, first degree from what it appears, the wood would have had to been near combustion temperatures, which means the primary source, TFZ, would had to have been reeeeally hot, as woods thermal coefficient is not that high (meaning it doesn’t conduct heat as well as say a metal) , and the wood would have likely combusted, not to mention she would have probably had burns from TFZ, if what I’ve been reading about vamps being really hot when staked. I hate to be that one guy who is like, ‘har har! it doesn’t make sense!’, but I want to make sure that if willing suspension of disbelief should take hold (yeah yeah, zombies and vamps, hehe, but laws of physics.) that I should expect that kind of thing from here out. Actually probably just ignore this Mr. Crosby, as it might just make you upset, which was not my goal.

  22. Kat Says:

    For those who said April’s burnt hand is inconsistent it really isn’t. She burned her right hand from TFZ in panel 1 and in panel 5 she’s holding her right hand (careful inspection shows that it’s really the burnt one!) No inconsistency!

  23. Cat Says:

    “For those who said April’s burnt hand is inconsistent it really isn’t. She burned her right hand from TFZ in panel 1 and in panel 5 she’s holding her right hand (careful inspection shows that it’s really the burnt one!) No inconsistency! ”

    That’s because Owen updated the page. It was originally her left hand that she was holding before, then he fixed it after it was brought to his attention that it was an inconsistency.

  24. DeeJaye6 Says:

    Bobby (very kindly) wrote:
    DeeJaye6: Almost everything you said was confusing. Not sure what you mean. To simplify it: The humans and vamps are obviously jumping out of the opposite side of the building from where the giant pile of tons of zombies is. They’re running towards the direction where the 3,000 mentioned earlier are coming from, with the millions of zombies at the backs of the running humans/vamps. The humans/vamps currently see NOTHING in front of them, open space, but uh oh, what’s that coming over the hill? 3,000 zombies?
    Gotcha. I thought the side with the pile of bodies was from the 3000 side and that the millions were coming from the other side. And since I could not imagine our survivors choosing to escape toward the millions, I thought they’d be jumping out back toward the thousands they already had culled a bit. The fact that the point of view in the last two panels still has the building on the right of the panels does add to that confusion. Fortunately, your answer sets me straight. Thanks!

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I thought the side with the pile of bodies was from the 3000 side and that the millions were coming from the other side.”

    Page 84 says the opposite of that. Millions coming from the East, 3,000 coming from the West. But what you just said is still very confusing. I could ask 10 questions about it and I still probably won’t understand what you’re trying to say. Are you saying you think the pile is made up of those 3,000 zombies mentioned on Page 84? Or are you saying the millions of zombies strangely went up past the school for a half mile and then turned around so they’re now coming towards the school at the same angle as the 3,000 or what? Either way, there was zero reason for you to think what you thought.

  26. Sim^moN Says:

    “And I thought about Chuck….but eh, I don’t see him as a zombie. He just covered his scent and is waiting for the right moment to save everything.”

    Chuck is going to repopulate the earth – by himself… but dont ask me how… I dont know! Go ask Chuck =P

  27. Cat Says:

    Ugh, if I hear one more Chuck Norris joke, I swear that *I* am going to start biting ears off…

  28. Arilean Says:

    Rez: “Err…I expected something more…epic. WLB’s death is Lame, dude”

    UM, DUH
    He was a Whiney Little Bitch, who thought he was all that cause he zombified the planet. He deserves a lame death. Also, dramatic death sequences are overdone. Mad props to Bobby for challenging the norm in many ways!

    Also, screw physics. I personaly think that having the stake get hot is a really good idea. And i don’t see why people should argue over the stake being hot when they dont’ argue over vampires surviving swords and bullets and not stakes.

    Final point: Kick ass page, as usual.

  29. D.B. Says:

    Though i love the story, I’m still a little irked by the whole “middle frame missing” deaths that have happend. What i mean is: Has someone about to be killed, then just has them killed, no panel showing the stake flying through the air, or piercing vampire chest. Like with Addisson and Francis: Has addissons chest being exposed, then just has him dead, no Moment-Of-Impact shot. Same the Franky boy

  30. Jeremiah Jenkins Says:

    Not to nitpick here but how can a stake made out of wood go white hot and never burst into flames somewhere in between? I mean wood cant even go red hod without going into flames. Sorry it was just botherin me. Other than that another awesome page =D

  31. Linda Says:

    First time posting a comment even though I’ve been reading this comic for while (Last Blood = LOVE, btw)

    In any case I’ve got a question and I’m hoping nobody else has asked it because repetitive questions (especially ones that have been answered) annoy me. At the very least I didn’t notice my question in the first hundred or so comments.

    Now enough with my babbling and onto the question. Why is Math yelling “April, no!” Is it because he didn’t want her to kill the WLB and thus sicking the zombies on everybody, or because he was upset about her getting hurt?

    (Completely random note: Today’s my 20th birthday! 😀 Yay for me!)

  32. Arilean Says:

    Also, sorry for the double post, but i really think Bobby and Owen should be on the list of badass humans. Anko is indeed awesome, but really i think the initial creators are more worthy than the number one fan. No offence Anko, you rock too.

  33. Yojimbonz Says:

    Paint me a retard if I’m wrong, but she IS nursing her right hand…
    as far as wood nor bursting into flames, it IS sticking out of a dying ex-vampire zombie. Who know what could happen to it. If it burst into a caolorful flash of butterflies who would we be to say any different?

  34. SMWhannell Says:

    I just had to say Crazy Artist’s lists cracked me up. I completely agree with ’em! Anko, you are BA, but Bobby and Owen are, too, so at least honorary mentions, eh?

    Also, Yojimbonz, if you noticed some of the other posts, Owen made a correction after the initial posting of the page. Originally April was nursing her LEFT hand, but Owen made the fix after people pointed it out, so no harm done.

    And I totally agree with Nara, where’s our baldy Mac? He has to be alive. No offense, Bobby and Owen, but if he ends up a zombie I WILL FIND YOU AND HURT YOU!!! Just saying. ^^

  35. SMWhannell Says:

    Oh, and to add to that, I REALLY hope April wasn’t bitten there. Or even scratched, for that matter. That means she’ll be walking dead (not in a good way like our vamp sort-of-heroes) within 24 hours. O_O

  36. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Linda: Has nothing to do with a burnt hand, of course. It’s because he thinks her decision to kill Francis will result in the nearly immediate death of all the humans, even though it will be of course saving all the vampires. Luckily Math was wrong about that, though, mostly thanks to some quick axe work from Mac.  Well, not “mostly” — mostly because of Sullivan Davis, as you’ll see.

  37. Mariusz Says:

    Ok, 1st time for me here.

    1. nice story. nice drawings. truism.

    2. jumping direction thing. imagine yourselves in the vamps/humans place. you have bunch of brain hungry zombies on your back, going to eat you alive any second, and you will stop and wonder which window to choose to jump out through? I wouldn’t. Instead, i’ll just pick the NEAREST one. And then, if it turns out that the direction is not as right as i would like, i’d just run around the building i get the hell out of there (yeah, like it is anywhere to run to).
    But anyway, it’s not that important, cause correct me if i’m wrong, but were there ANY choice they could make in the “window case”? I mean, they were in a room where the humans were before the vamps were chained. and what do we see in panel 1 of page 96? Whats that by the window if it isn’t the pile of Zs? But of course, the room may have windows directed east and west as well. I don’t know how in States, but here in Poland classrooms usually don’t have oposit walls with windows, the glass is on one wall. Well, on two if it’s a room in the corner of the building. So anyway, my quess is EAST. But as well it might be any 😉

    3. I thought that the guy that lost his ear was Math. You know, the hairdoo. 😉

    4. I bet the kids names are Adam and Eve ;D

    Also, hug you! 😉

  38. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “But anyway, it’s not that important, cause correct me if i’m wrong, but were there ANY choice they could make in the ‘window case’?”

    Yes, tons of choices — windows all around.

    “But of course, the room may have windows directed east and west as well. I don’t know how in States, but here in Poland classrooms usually don’t have oposit walls with windows, the glass is on one wall. Well, on two if it’s a room in the corner of the building.”

    This isn’t a classrom — it’s the library, which takes up the entire third floor. How do you think dozens of vampires and dozens of humans and dozens of zombies fit inside this one room? They said multiple times that it’s the library, like on Page 89, as I recall. And you can see book shelves in various panels and that same poster with the owl as we saw earlier in the library when Math and April were there alone.

  39. Art Says:

    The whole problem with the stake burning the hand thing, for me, has to do with personal experience. I’ve never met a vampire, so I’m willing to accept that a wooden stake will kill one and that a dead vamp or whatever lets off a bunch of heat.

    On the other unsinged hand, I /have/ held on to many, many pieces of burning wood. The only time I got even a little burn was from spatter from boiling fire treatment off the end of a floorboard. (Irony in that somewhere.)

  40. Mariusz Says:

    “Yes, tons of choices — windows all around.”

    I saw a few, but “all around”? but then again, even if so, part of the directions were full of zombies, so again – tons of choices? Ok, it does not matter that much 😉

    “This isn’t a classrom — it’s the library, which takes up the entire third floor. How do you think dozens of vampires and dozens of humans and dozens of zombies fit inside this one room? They said multiple times that it’s the library, like on Page 89, as I recall. And you can see book shelves in various panels and that same poster with the owl as we saw earlier in the library when Math and April were there alone. ”

    right, i forgot that. So, if it’s entire floor, then it is.

    Anyway, next page and we see the jumped west, right? 😉

  41. Kerensky Says:

    Note to self: When faced with zombie leader, DO NOT impale leader in heart with stick. Only seems to make things worse….

  42. Rose Says:

    does anyone realize how hard it is to stab someone’s heart through the BACK?! almost impossible for someone REALLY strong, and a REALLY strong implement! Unless we count Massive degeneration due to zombieness, April could never pull it off.

  43. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Unless we count Massive degeneration due to zombieness, April could never pull it off.”

    Good thing we’re obviously counting that, then. Just look at the guy, jeez.

  44. Tegu Says:


  45. Trilbydude Says:

    Mac DOES beat windows! ^_^

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