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Page 103: Only One Girl

Friday, November 23rd, 2007

I hope someone kills Francis on the next page. He’s so annoying.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

121 Responses to “Page 103: Only One Girl”

  1. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Relationship trouble” and “getting dumped” is less than 1% of the reason for why Francis killed the world. The biggest reason is because his country just lost a huge battle in the Pacific and he thought for sure at the time that America was going to lose the war and that 65 years later the world would be owned by Germany and/or Japan. The second biggest reason is because his whole life basically he hated vampires more than anyone on Earth and then he’s turned into the thing he despises against his will by a vampire who very stupidly tells him of the only way to not only kill all the vampires, but also torture all the vampires for almost a century before killing them, and the only way to do that is to kill every human on Earth. The relationship trouble, among other things, are just extra reasons for why he became so sad and pissed off at the world that he could actually consider doing such a thing. No excuses, though — he’s the devil.

    “Sorry for the double post, but I just noticed that the tin can man just posted the following bit of idiocy while I was writing my previous comment”

    LOL. Your previous comment was filled with at least 50 times more idiocy than any other comment on this page, Herb.

    “Either the wizard of Oz somehow failed to give the tin can man a brain, or the tin can man’s button eyes just fell off, rendering him strangely able to operate a computer and post comments but unable to read. Anyone who payed any attention to either the comic or the comments . . .”

    This coming from the guy who in his previous comment somehow asked if animals can be turned into zombies, something that I’ve answered on at least 20 of the pages. He also thinks that if the inventor of something dies, the things he invented also die with him and no one else can use them. He should be amazed that telephones and computers work, I guess, since their inventors are dead.

    Vicky: The first two words of Page 104 are “Your grandmother.”

  2. Zaldaran Says:

    “Okay, yes, TFZ is a WLB. But, unfortunately, I’d wager that at least one of the people who have commented about this comic would do much the same thing, especially after torturing themselves for 65 years.”

    i probably wouldn’t kill the world, but the first thought i’d have after getting out of that coffin would be, “i’m gonna kill the next person I see”.

  3. Stormin Says:

    I know that it wasn’t done, but would the following have worked in this world?
    Turning about a thousand people into vampires and locking them up in Antarctica for two weeks (or anywhere that TFZ would be unlikely to search through for at least 2 weeks) until they go into a coma and become undetectable by TFZ. Then set up a time release blood injection set for lets say 10 years (long enough that the normal zombies are all rotted away).
    They would revive and unless very unlucky would still be out of TFZs several thousand mile detection radius, giving the newly awakened vampires time to hit him and free the trapped vamps (possibly finding them through implanted radio transmitters quickly).
    Hit TFZ while he is unprepared and has no allies and only a little warning. Kill him, free the trapped vamps then break out the cure.

  4. Krasno Says:

    “I know that it wasn’t done, but would the following have worked in this world?
    Turning about a thousand people into vampires and locking them up in Antarctica for two weeks (or anywhere that TFZ would be unlikely to search through for at least 2 weeks) until they go into a coma and become undetectable by TFZ. Then set up a time release blood injection set for lets say 10 years (long enough that the normal zombies are all rotted away).
    They would revive and unless very unlucky would still be out of TFZs several thousand mile detection radius, giving the newly awakened vampires time to hit him and free the trapped vamps (possibly finding them through implanted radio transmitters quickly).
    Hit TFZ while he is unprepared and has no allies and only a little warning. Kill him, free the trapped vamps then break out the cure.”

    TFZ still has 5 billion bitches at his disposal. Those vampires would be owned.

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Krasno, you quote the whole post but you didn’t read it carefully enough, like this part: “lets say 10 years (long enough that the normal zombies are all rotted away).” But it’s very possible that I’m going to decide that the zombies actually never rot away in this story, which may be crucial to something coming up in the sequel.

    Stormin: There’s a difference between not letting all the never-been-a-vampire humans die and making your own humans by returning vampires to humanity. Letting all the regular humans die is like the end of humanity in itself, even if the vampire cure worked — they aren’t regular humans now — they were once vampires and most of them are hundreds of years old. It’s just not the same. They want to save the last humans. Also, they don’t even know if the thing works — Addison just finished the thing like TODAY and hasn’t tested it on anyone.

  6. Stormin Says:

    “Addison just finished the thing like TODAY and hasn’t tested it on anyone.”

    That would be the big flaw in my idea I guess. It would have probably taken a couple years to set my idea up, building a base and making sure that the blood would be usable after ten years and setting up the equipment so it is 100% sure that it will work (maybe even giving each vampire its own independent injection system so if only a few revive they can do the rest by hand). AFP had 64.9ish years to set up, in that time having this built wouldn’t have been a huge deal. A backup plan to Sullivan’s.
    Even taking the zombies never rotting into account, it would be easy to change the plan and deal with it. Just have a couple revived beforehand and have them get into a situation where they can be sure they will meet WLB face to face, then detonate a suitcase nuke. I know nothing but a stake to the heart will actually kill him, but being blasted into radioactive dust might make him harmless. Even if it doesn’t, it would have been worth a shot 😀

    As for the main point… would it be so important being sure that those few humans currently left stay alive, would there be any real difference between them and hundreds of people turned to vampires, stored then revived and cured?

  7. Katticus Says:

    Heh, in the 5th panel it looks almost like WLB has pupils.
    Imagine him looking at a spider offscreen: OMG it’s crawling towards me, don’t come any closer OHMIGAWDSPIDER!!!!

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “would there be any real difference between them and hundreds of people turned to vampires, stored then revived and cured?”

    Keep in mind that not only do they not know if it would work at all, but they don’t know the long term effects. Maybe there would be problems down the line with those returned vampire-humans and maybe they can’t have children with each other but only with a never-vampire human and maybe they’d get diseases down the road or whatever.

  9. Cat Says:

    “Dang. I was hoping they were going to kill Francis by cutting out his heart and playing baseball with it (with a wooden bat). Finally, one of the most useless sports in the world could be used for something productive.”

    …And football and every other sport are not useless…how? Sports exist as a bonding ritual and to exhibit your physical acuity.

  10. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Cat, thanks for reminding me of that — I knew I was pissed at Herb for another reason too. Baseball is by far the best sport in the world. What an idiot.

  11. Vicky Says:

    “Vicky: The first two words of Page 104 are “Your grandmother.””

    and now I’m in love with the granddaughter. The stuff you get to do when you are immortal.

    Ya know, one of those quirks I noticed but never quite cared about it considering just how damn good te comic is, only idiots would complain, but it does pique my curioisty: “Its five billion zombies.”

    The world right now has 6.5 billion people, give or take. What happened to the other billion and a half? Are those the ones who died in the all out nuclear war? Sorry if its been discussed a million times.

  12. Endless Says:

    You know, I was lookign at the last page..
    Francis saying “got some scheme?” with that look on his face is one of the best things I;ve seen in a while


  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “What happened to the other billion and a half?”

    Killed in other ways obviously, like the nuclear war that was mentioned, for one. Math also talked about other survivors killing each other and committing suicide and so on.

  14. Altair Says:

    … human/vampire is fine by me (and cute too.) but human/zombie is nassssssstttttyyyy.

    Which is why I am SO glad that there will be no zombie kissing in this comic.
    But no kissing at ALL? That’s….um…well…yeah. My train of thought just went through a tunnel and I lost all communication with it.

    Loving this with many hugs!
    Die, WLB!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! If I was there I’d stake you!!! and then chop off your head and use it as a soccerball! (since soccer is one of the zombiehead sports we haven’t seen yet.)

  15. Krasno Says:

    “… human/vampire is fine by me (and cute too.) but human/zombie is nassssssstttttyyyy.Die, WLB!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! If I was there I’d stake you!!! and then chop off your head and use it as a soccerball! (since soccer is one of the zombiehead sports we haven’t seen yet.)”

    Necrophilia, yuck. Hey, what about zombie golf with their eyes as balls and their kegs as clubs?

  16. Krasno Says:

    “… human/vampire is fine by me (and cute too.) but human/zombie is nassssssstttttyyyy.Die, WLB!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! If I was there I’d stake you!!! and then chop off your head and use it as a soccerball! (since soccer is one of the zombiehead sports we haven’t seen yet.)”

    Necrophilia, yuck. Hey, what about zombie golf with their eyes as balls and their legs as clubs?

  17. Hevaess Says:

    Yeahhh…..thats the moment she should start to panic.

  18. Hugh Says:

    My first post, even though I have been reading for a while. I read up to around 91 or so without reading any of the comments. I am only about on page 50 in reading the comments, but it was funny how many things I completely missed until they were brought up in the comments.

  19. DarkKnight412 Says:

    I bet Val and Murdo kissed at least once. We just didn’t get to see it…

  20. Tegu Says:


  21. Trilbydude Says:


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