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Page 98: The First Zombie Speaks

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

I could have sworn he was Sullivan Davis!

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

140 Responses to “Page 98: The First Zombie Speaks”

  1. Lex Says:

    Looks like part of Not-Sullivan Davis’s face was actually burnt away ? Just from the hair parted so far on one side of his head and the scar looking line on the side of his face missing the eye.

    PS – That dude looks cooler than any of those freaks from AF Payne’s Flying Circus. I’m joining his side.

  2. Sci guy Says:

    Hello everyone, new fan, just found the site yesterday. I’ve noticed most references to the future are under 10 pages, please tell me the comic is going on for an extended period of time and is not drawing rapidly towards a climactic finish.

    A quick question, I assume that the vampires cannot drink zombie blood (otherwise they wouldn’t need humans), and that rage was just snacking on brain for the fun of it that time. But, why then could Val drink Jimmy’s mothers blood? Jimmy, as a zombie, fed on her [his mother], making her a zombie. The rate of zombification seems to be dependent on the severity of the wound, and its proximity to a major artery/vein. He seems to have bitten deeply into her neck. Thus, she should be rapidly transforming into a zombie, which should make her inedible, right?

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    That was Jimmy’s grandma — Murdo’s mom — she died of a heart attack, never got bit, as Murdo clearly said.

    Also, first graphic novel ends on Page 112.  Might be more after that, might not.

  4. Nick Says:

    pretty awesome, i must say. And, for the hell of it – tfz (as we know him) was originally turning into a zombie (out of the first outbreak) but somebody (Sullivan Davis?) bit him before his transformation was complete, thus rendering him into a Vampire-Zombie?

    Well then it couldn’t have been Sullivan Davis I guess, because that would’ve been before his time?

  5. Lazarus Says:

    On the topic of the numbers needed for an isolated society to develop, 200 is a figure I’ve seen used by historians. But that that was in reference to the colonisation of New Zealand when the Maori first arrived. That was tooted as the minimum, and they would have died out with less.

    I don’t know what impact modern technology, virtually unlimited canned food etc, and immortal watchmen would have on that figure.

  6. Cat Says:

    “quote” pretty awesome, i must say. And, for the hell of it – tfz (as we know him) was originally turning into a zombie (out of the first outbreak) but somebody (Sullivan Davis?) bit him before his transformation was complete, thus rendering him into a Vampire-Zombie?

    Well then it couldn’t have been Sullivan Davis I guess, because that would’ve been before his time? “”/quote”

    ……….What the HELL are you talking about?

  7. nebelkrähe Says:

    who cares if he’s gramps – I want this guy to have a story and a reason, I want a twist.

    Wait, I got it: he’s Jeezus and this is the second coming!

  8. Sim^moN Says:

    right now I’m on the refresh clicking frenzy… and I impatiently wait for the next page! Keep up the awsome work you two!

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    It’s looking now like the page probably won’t be up tonight — I got Owen the script too late and the page ended up being more difficult than I thought it would be. Not sure, though.

  10. Dr. Hobo Says:

    This is my first post on this forum and I have to say, this is a bloody good comic, worthy of printing. I read around 120 web comics from which range from computer nerd comics to this kind of comic and its in my top 3 favorites along with “Earthsong” and “GOD MODE” , I love the plot and the art work great work and keep it up. Also i really want to know how the plot keeps going when the next strip is out you have made my day 🙂 i wan to say thank you once again

  11. Kimmie Says:

    “Nick Says:
    November 14th, 2007 at 11:42 pm

    pretty awesome, i must say. And, for the hell of it – tfz (as we know him) was originally turning into a zombie (out of the first outbreak) but somebody (Sullivan Davis?) bit him before his transformation was complete, thus rendering him into a Vampire-Zombie?”

    No, TFZ was a vampire created by Val. He willingly waited at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean for 65 years until his vampire nature transformed into a zombie nature. He still has most/all of his vampire abilities, but now can create zombies with his bite. He CHOSE to become a zombie lord. So did Sullivan Davis. They were peers both embraced by Val.

    I want to know if a TFZ can turn back into a normal vampire with enough blood, and can still create vampires if they choose. I suspect no, their change is permanent and they can no longer make vampires.

  12. Herbert West Says:

    I just saw the discussion about restarting the human race from two people, and the repercussions it would have, and I wanted to contribute my thoughts on the matter.
    Species do not need a diverse gene pool to survive. A diverse gene pool is a very good idea, though, to reduce the risk of deleterious recessive alleles. Anyone here who has been in grade 12 bio should know about recessive and dominant alleles. An allele is basically a different version of a gene. Every single organism in a sexually-reproducing species has two versions of each gene, one from each parent. Dominant alleles tend to override recessive alleles. For example, if I inherited a light-eyes allele from one parent and a dark-eyes gene from the other, I would have dark eyes. (Actually, eye colour is determined by the interaction between about half a dozen different genes, but about 74% of it is controlled by one gene, called OAC2, so eye colour isn’t too bad an example.)
    Natural selection will tent to remove deleterious mutations from the gene pool, but it will only affect a gene when it is expressed. If an allele is very rare, and is only expressed when two copies of it end up in the same body, natural selection won’t have much effect on it. In addition to this, there are some deleterious recessive alleles that actually help the organism in question if they only have one copy. For example, there is one mutation in humans which gives people dramatically enhanced resistance to malaria if they have one copy, but if they inherit a copy from both parents, they end up with sicle-cell anemia.
    The reason why inbreeding is usually a BAD IDEA is that people are likely to have the same recessive alleles as their close relatives. This increases the risk of those nasty deleterious recessive alleles being expressed. However, just if a family has very few of these nasty recessive alleles, then inbreeding isn’t quite as dangerous. If the human race were to restart from two humans who come from the same area, there would probably be a few problems – but nothing that couldn’t be overcome by just having lots of extra kids, which would be possible if the breeding pair was taken care of by vampires instead of having to fend for themselves. If these two people were from the same family, there could be major problems – but on the other hand there might not. You might end up with a whole bunch of deleterious recessive alleles, or you might be lucky.
    Luposian stated that the bible said that the human race was started by two people – Adam and Eve. This isn’t quite right. Later in genesis, after Cain has killed Abel, and is forced to wander the earth, he somehow finds a wife, has a lot of kids, and founds a city. The bible makes no mention of where Cain’s wife came from, or where all of the people who populated the city came from (surely Cain’s wife couldn’t bear THAT many kids, even if she was constantly pregnant and constantly gave birth ot triplets). I guess the guys who wrote the bible forgot that there weren’t supposed to be any other people on the earth at the time. In addition to this, the bible strongly implies that the sun goes around the earth, directly states that witches exist (and must be killed), implies that pi=3, and states that a particular well-known flood was caused by floodgates opening in the sky and giant underground caverns of water spouting their contents to the surface. The bible cant even agree with itself about how many animals of each type went on to the ark – first it said two, then it said seven of all clean animals and three of all unclean ones, then it said two again (if I remember correctly). Given all of this, I don’t think that we can use it to reliably inform our knowledge of genetics.

    I apologise for the excessive length of this post. This is my first time positing on any webcomic, so if I have broken any unwritten rules, I am sorry. Remember that I am a newb, not a noob! I have a bunch more to say (mostly about AFP, and the fate of the human race without his smarts to help them), but I think this post is already quite long enough.
    By the way, Herbert West is a pseudonym that I have been using for pretty much everything on the net, so as far as the net is concerned, it might as well by my real name. I’ll see if anyone can see the reference (hint – it has something to do with a horror story published in 1922).

  13. Deraymou Says:

    lalalal *ignores all comments cuz doens’t want spoilers*

    I’m so utterly on edge! he speaks! want moar pages now!
    excellent as always! XD

  14. Deraymou Says:

    so sorry for double post *bows repeatedly*
    Forgot to emtnion how completely horrifying panel 5 is *shiver*

  15. Wildfire393 Says:

    @Kimmie – Bobby has said that the Schaemiac process is irreversible. At this point he does not even get the blood “hunger pains” he would get as a vampire. So drinking blood will not revert him to one.

  16. DarkKnight412 Says:

    Ok this is probably a stupid/irrelevant question, but can TFZ turn people into vampires anymore? I know he isn’t really a vampire any more, but he technically isn’t really a zombie either…

    And for everyone that is apparently confused about TFZ (Not-Sullivan Davis)’s identity: For the billionth time, he is Murdo’s grandfather, Francis Murdo. Why is there confusion?

  17. Matt Says:

    So…if TFZ starves the Math etc. of blood for…what is it….65 years? Will they each become a ‘Schaemiac’? And would I be correct in recollecting that TFZ can only be killed by ‘Stake In The Heart’? And was that bullet wound from WWII?

  18. Anko Says:

    “So…if TFZ starves the Math etc. of blood for…what is it….65 years? Will they each become a ‘Schaemiac’? And would I be correct in recollecting that TFZ can only be killed by ‘Stake In The Heart’? And was that bullet wound from WWII?”

    Yes, if Francis kept them prisoners for 65 years they would all become schaemiacs. But that won’t happen. And yes, he can only be killed by being staked. And that bullet wound was from Murdo shooting him in the head.

  19. DuskbringeR Says:

    Francis’s the name of TFZ? Well, Murdo said he couldn’t believe that he just shot a “Zombie Private Ryan”.

    Well, guess what? The “fake” “Private Ryan’s”, in “Saving Private Ryan” (the first one they see), full name is James Francis Ryan. Though it was in Europe that they found him and not in the pacific and he was not an airman but a regular ranger.

    Still, I find the coincidence cute.

  20. Fondor_Yards Says:

    Speaking of that page, I have a question about that. I’ve read most of the comments and havn’t seen this asked yet, but sorry if it has. TFZ had his dog tags out when Murdo and Grady ‘killed’ and dumped him back then. How didn’t they notice then that he was Murdo’s grandpa then?

  21. Frank Says:

    I thought it was Mac until I saw the hair…

  22. Amanda Says:

    I tried to donate!! But it’s only available to states peeps. Sorry love!!! I am in love with this comic series… I started reading yesterday, and I got so upset when it stopped here!!!!

  23. FirstTimePoster Says:

    You could never re-populate the earth with a single boy and girl, it’s absolutely impossible. The best the vampires could do is create a breed of mostly retarded cattle like human to feed off of by forcing them to breed, but that wouldn’t be much of a life.

  24. Anko Says:

    “You could never re-populate the earth with a single boy and girl, it’s absolutely impossible. ”

    What makes you think that was the purpose of Devian taking the two kids? Anyway, she didn’t end up doing it, so it doesn’t come into play. We also never found out in the comic what that piece of paper said.

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Kimmie: Permanent change, yes. Also, SPOILER: Sullivan was actually never “with” Val and he became a vampire JUST to become a schaemiac and stop his friend, when he found out what happened, knowing his friend would follow through with it, knowing how evil and vengeful he was. It’s actually possible that Val didn’t turn Sullivan, but I haven’t decided yet. (Addison might have turned him.)

    Herb: Good post, feel free to post more!

    “can TFZ turn people into vampires anymore?”

    No, only zombies.

    “And was that bullet wound from WWII?”

    No, it was from when Murdo shot him. TFZ is the zombie they’re throwing in the dumpster on Page 6.

    “Will they each become a ‘Schaemiac’?”

    JEEZ. Try reading Page 85.

    “TFZ had his dog tags out when Murdo and Grady ‘killed’ and dumped him back then. How didn’t they notice then that he was Murdo’s grandpa then?”

    Wasn’t his dog tags. (That’s one of many things that will be changed for the screenplay, though, to avoid confusion.)

    SPOILER: The instructions that Addison gave to Devian simply say “Thank Sullivan for me.” Addison did a lot of these things just for motivational reasons, making sure the vampires don’t give up and kill themselves, trying to make it seem like there is hope and a possible victory, but he didn’t want to tell them about Sullivan (many reasons, the sequels/prequels will explain more).

  26. Sci guy Says:

    An angle on re-population I’ve never heard anyone mention before: sperm banks. Banks in colder climates would take longer to thaw out, if they ever did (and, if i remmber correctly, the story takes place during the fall, giving more hope for crucial cold temperatures). So only a handful of women could produce progeny with an Extremely large genetic base, and future generations can continue this.

  27. guzman231 Says:

    so are u going to write any prequels or secuels bobby?

  28. Fink6 Says:

    Woah, I have a thought that has to do with Sullivan’s change… if a vampire is “turned” and left without that quart of blood, do they get a “head start” on the schaemiac process, or do they just die. (fail to become a vampire)

    Your previous posts point to the latter, but the hunger pains have been compared to that pain, but we don’t know if there is a time-limit to becoming a vampire.

  29. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “so are u going to write any prequels or secuels bobby?”

    Almost certainly now, yes, since the first WOWIO payment just arrived in full (very happy and relieved).

    Fink6: Don’t get a head start — still takes 65 years. You’re not “officially” a vampire until you’ve had that PINT of blood, but for all intents and purposes you’re no different. It’s possible that Sullivan never had the pint of blood because he refused to “officially” become a vampire (but he still essentially is one) and because he thought the two weeks of no horrible pain would be pointless when you’re talking about 65 years anyway.

  30. Theinen Says:

    Hey Bobby or Owen, quick question, not revelant to story just a detail thingy. I’ve noticed that all the zombies are all decayed looking and such. Does the bite triggers acceleration in the whole decomposing process or is it just a personal touch of Owen’s? Just was noticing how like even Jimmy’s lips went missing after he was turned, or maybe he was just happy because his mom was good eats
    “That’s for not letting me watch Power Rangers!”
    Like I said, was just curious. Curious about the rest now, you said that Sullivan went thru the process to stop Francis because he knew how evil her was. Does the mean he was a cruel bastard before he was turned? Or did the hunger pains after being turned drive him mad? Don’t want these answered, unless they’re not going to be explained in the story.

  31. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Everything will be answered in the comics eventually (not all in this first graphic novel, though).

  32. Nickolai Says:

    “so are u going to write any prequels or secuels bobby?”

    “Almost certainly now, yes, since the first WOWIO payment just arrived in full (very happy and relieved).”

    Awesome! I’ll read and download any and all graphic novels you put out in this universe Bobby. Keep ’em coming!

  33. JT Cool Says:

    Hey this is something I’m wondering.

    Has there ever been a Schaemiac that no one ever knew about it? Like he was just a guy that was left for dead after a vampire drained him of almost all of his blood but never thought about drinking a pint of blood?

    Also does the Schaemiac process make you decompose rapidly?

    The Schaemiac seems like an incredibly powerful vampire and 65 years of pain sounds like a good trade off. Maybe just get knocked into a coma and hopefully don’t wake up from it.

    Damn man now that I think about it this would make a sweet MMORPG.

  34. nohface Says:

    Wait, why did she think that he was Sullivan Davis?

  35. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Wait, why did she think that he was Sullivan Davis?”

    Kinda gotta read the whole comic and pay attention to it to answer that.

  36. Jesse Says:

    Congrats on the paycheck, Bobby. I’d say you earned it.
    Just to be totally clear: If a human gets bitten and drained by a vampire, then raises and doesn’t get the necessary dose of the proper red stuff, he doesn’t ever officially become a vampire, but is still able to become a schaemiac if he just chills for 65 years?
    Reading that sentence aloud, I now realize how a trekkie feels.

  37. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Correct, but it’s a grey area in terms of when you’re considered to “officially” be a vampire. Some vampires might consider you to be one right when you come back to life, but others might not until you’ve had the pint of blood. The process isn’t really complete until you’ve had the blood, but almost no one in history has ever NOT had the pint of blood.

  38. JT Cool Says:

    Woah I read an “almost” in that!

    Forget it I usually read too much in to things.

  39. Tegu Says:


  40. Trilbydude Says:



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