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Page 86: Addison Fucking Payne

Friday, October 19th, 2007

VERY MINOR SPOILER: No, that is not really going to be Addison’s advice.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of Page 86!

68 Responses to “Page 86: Addison Fucking Payne”

  1. Lydia Says:

    Owen, draw Addison leaning in a different direction in every panel. 😛

  2. Steve Says:


  3. Chris Says:

    Im the Goddam Addison Pain?

  4. matthew Says:

    did you steal that quote from bioshock?? one of the characters says that before you fight him. “IM SANDER FUCKING COHEN,” is what he says, then he fights you! I still like the idea and love your comic so keep it up, just wondering if that is where you got the idea for that line?

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “did you steal that quote from bioshock??”

    I don’t even know what bioshock is. “I’m [first name] FUCKING [last name]!” has been used many times in many different ways. The main thing that inspired me to use it was my buddy Adam Junglen’s nickname of Adam Fucking Junglen (he’s a professional poker player).

  6. Nara Says:

    Bobby, I have a question Im a little confused about, excuse me if its obvious. The schaemiac (who we normally call TFZ, but for the sake of clarity Im changing that just for this instance) That we have seen up to now (the one hiding in the bushes watching April, the one that came out of the sea, who has half his face eaten and half a head of hair. Is he Sullivan or TFZ?

    since they are both schaemiacs walking around at the present time, Im confused which one is the one we’ve been seeing, I thought it was Sullivan but if it is Sullivan then he was the one who came out of the sea.. which means he helped start the zombie out break which makes me wonder other things I dont want you to answer here (I’ll wait for the comic to explain) so I just want to know who we’ve been seeing.

    musings now.. no answers needed..
    If it is Sullivan I am excited to see what the truelly evil TFZ looks like (I think Sullivan can redeem himself) although I wonder if the vampires suspect that there are not one but TWO schaemiacs.
    as for Sullivan, I wonder if he come out when he sensed what his friend was doing/planning and came to stop him? or if hes helping… hmmmmm

    Thanks for keeping this up, it has been a fun trip 🙂

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    We’ve only seen the evil TFZ so far.

  8. Nara Says:

    Oh goody 🙂 Im hoping Sulli is slightly less decomposed! lol

  9. Nara Says:

    sorry for posting a page back, i was reading comments and forgot what page I was on 😛

  10. Bobby Crosby Says:

    No problem.

  11. Altair Says:

    One of THE best quotes from this entire thing.

    Other than the Hitler thing.
    That’s still my all-time favorite.

    This is so badass beyond belief. can’t…. stop… reading…. aargh….

    I will be first in line to see the movie when it comes out. Hell yeah!

  12. Sam Valentine Says:

    Addison Payne:

    Panel 3: Calm…calm…calm..
    Panel 4: calm…calm…calm…
    Panel 5: FREAK OUT!
    Panel 6: calm…calm…calm…

    Talk about a mood swing!

  13. Moss Says:

    Payne’s fangs in panel five remind me of a metroid for some odd reason.

  14. Tegu Says:


  15. Rich Says:

    I have to agree with a post i read earlier; John Malkovich would be a brilliant Payne, and with that quote you could even thread in a subtle joke to “Being John Malkovich” haha…

    And you said this is Act 2 of the movie, does this mean the end is nigh? Because (and if i could remember whose theory it was i would reference them) said that movies were split into 3 acts… So will there only be the 3 acts or are there more to come?

  16. Frank Says:

    Adison payne played my sammuel l jackson no question in my mind

  17. Trilbydude Says:


    Vinnie jones for payne! ^_^

  18. matthew Says:

    Panel 5 makes me think of Samuel L. Jackson should play as Addison Payne in the movie

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