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Page 69: Garlic

Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

That’s a lot of zombies.

65 Responses to “Page 69: Garlic”

  1. Necavi Omnes Says:

    … *switches ‘but’ for ‘much’ and ninjas away*


  2. vo Says:


    If Zombies aren’t going after animals, I seriouly doubt the Vampires can. Remember, Zombies are just defectively infected vampires, essentially.

    God, I hope Chuck Norris is a Vampire though…….

    OOOOO, Bobby. If you decide to cover the Blood SUbstitute issue in a prequel or a later comic, please don’t just have it be unpalatable. make it so it drives them instantly insane or something along those lines.

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Remember, Zombies are just defectively infected vampires, essentially.”

    I’m not sure exactly what you mean by that, but keep in mind that ONLY THE FIRST ZOMBIE, only a schaemiac (as Devian calls them), was once a vampire. ALL OF THE OTHER ZOMBIES are just regular zombies, except they have the mental connection to the First Zombie, of course.

    Also, I’ve recently made a huge change to the end of the story, by the way, and many of the big spoilers I’ve given in the past are now untrue.

  4. Courtney Says:

    Ah ha ha… so now you will have been contradicting yourself all along after all! jk
    I assume the ‘new version’ is better than before, or you wouldn’t have changed it.

    I wanna know what you changed it FROM, but as that might give away too much of what actually happens now, if you ever did that, it would be later.

    Unfortunately, I haven’t been keeping track of comments as faithfully as I should, so I probaby didn’t get to read those spoilers. :,( it makes me sad. Misinformation, so long as you are aware that it IS misinformation, is still information.

  5. Vo Says:

    “Remember, Zombies are just defectively infected vampires, essentially.”

    I’m not sure exactly what you mean by that, but keep in mind that ONLY THE FIRST ZOMBIE, only a schaemiac (as Devian calls them), was once a vampire. ALL OF THE OTHER ZOMBIES are just regular zombies, except they have the mental connection to the First Zombie, of course.

    I was hypothesizing that the Zombies, while not having ever been Vampires, are still “descended” from Vampires. I know only TFZ was a Vampire, but I assumed that whatever “infection” that converts humans to zombies is a mutation of the vampiric “infection.” Since the Zombies ignore animals, I assumed that Vampires also did and that is where it comes from. Not that all zombies were Vampires, but that degraded vampiric instincts drove them. Course, i could be wrong.

  6. Nara Says:

    Hey Vo, thats some pretty cool hypothesizing there. makes sense to me, lets see what mr Crosby says..

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I wasn’t positive what you meant, but I just wanted to make it clear that only the First Zombie was ever a vampire, because TONS of people have wrongly assumed that all of the zombies were once vampires, which just makes no sense, but anyway, yeah. And also, yeah, animal blood does nothing for anyone in this story. They all only want/need human blood.

  8. Rawr Says:

    oh ok

    major change to end of story eh?
    lemme guess

    everyone dies except April and Mac?
    they find out Val gave Murdo crabs?
    TFZ ends up saying “april (darth vader sounds) i am your grandfather!”?

  9. JediAnn Solo Says:

    Aaaauuugh… FINALLY I’ve made it to the lastest page…!
    GREAT COMIC. I’ve GOT to see this in movie form!! 😀

  10. Mewt Says:

    I know this is pretty irrelevent, but I just realized what should have been obvious to me. People question why, after only one day, the humans would trust the vampires so much, but the garlic is proof that at least Murdo thought ahead. He kept the tunnel a secret from them as a place to hide and garlic’d it up in cliche’ anti-vampire style.

    I just felt proud for realizing that in a flash of insight.

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Mewt: Nice try, but actually not correct! The garlic was there long before the vampires showed up.

  12. Nara Says:

    Hey Mewt, I think Sullivan put the garlic there when he built the tunnel (before he himself turned vampire) which as I said earlier, is very interesting because it means Sullivan knew vampires existed, and I think he was trying to protect something (maybe the townspeople, maybe himself) from them, but I guess he didnt know that garlic did nada.

  13. Mewt Says:
  14. Patrick Says:

    Hi Guys,

    Caught your interview on the podcast of Slice of SciFi this week. I am really enjoying the story so far and I am looking forward to more!

  15. Tegu Says:


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