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Page 49: Nose Plugs

Friday, May 4th, 2007

Tomorrow is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY and I’ll be signing the FCBD issue of Last Blood at the Golden Apple comic book store in Los Angeles from 4-6 PM.  So if you’re in Southern California, please come down and get your free signed copy!  As an extra incentive, the creator of Hellboy, Mike Mignola, will also be signing at Golden Apple tomorrow.  CLICK HERE for all the details on the signing.

66 Responses to “Page 49: Nose Plugs”

  1. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Hey, Mac, great to see a comment from you on here! Thanks again for doing the signing (and for buying me lunch!).

    I’ll have a full report on the signing and FCBD in general in the blog post for Page 50, which should go up within seven or eight hours.

    “Do I have to wait till the next time I go to the USA to get one?”

    You can actually just order them directly from us on the site here and we’ll put up that order page soon (probably later today). I think I might give out a certain number of free ones this week (although you’d have to pay for shipping, especially if you’re outside the U.S.). Get a PayPal account if you don’t have one yet!

    Ken: Won’t be a “Marry Me” FCBD book, because the full graphic novel will be long done by then and we want to use FCBD to launch new ongoing series.  It might be “Princess Amazia” next year.  More info —


  2. Oraxia Says:

    Hum, this will likely get buried under there being another page an all but…

    Admittedly, I’ve only been skimming the commentary (there a lot!), but I guess I feel that April’s character isn’t completely consistent. I believe it was Mr. Crosby who commented at some point on Val’s appearance being a deliberate foil to April’s, because she is supposed to be more sweet and innocent (correct me if I’m wrong, my memory is terrible). I guess I just don’t see her as the type to sleep with a guy she’s just met, esp. that day :/ (No matter how hot!)

    In light of the fact that she’s the cohesive element of the human group and her seemingly sensitive/caring nature, I get the feeling she’d be more wary of how the others would feel about her associating all that closely with Matheson. As seen with Gary, this might alienate her from her little tribe, so to speak. Of course, I guess that doesn’t bother me that much, it’s mostly that she just suddenly seems to have switched gears.

    Here is where I’d wax poetic about the gorgeous art and awesome story, but I’m sure you get enough of that 😛

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I guess I just don’t see her as the type to sleep with a guy she’s just met . . .”

    What do you mean by “sleep” exactly? All they’re doing is laying down in the same bed and, minor spoiler, April won’t have sex with anyone in the whole graphic novel. I’m not even sure if she’ll kiss anybody.

  4. Oraxia Says:

    Alright, that makes me feel better (the spoiler, that is), but it did admittedly look like things were heading elsewhere.

    I suppose you’re gunning for the naivete of April not thinking anything would happen, then, and if that is indeed the case, then I must say that I find that quite refreshing 🙂

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Alright, that makes me feel better (the spoiler, that is), but it did admittedly look like things were heading elsewhere.”

    That was my intention, yes.

    “I suppose you’re gunning for the naivete of April not thinking anything would happen . . .”

    Well I think she’s just smart and knows what Math said earlier about how the most important thing to the vampires is having April’s support for their mission —


    She trusts him — she HAS to trust him — no other choice. It’s not like they could fight the vampires, and they can’t fight a million zombies either, so they need the vampires’ help. When the most important thing to them is her support, she’s not exactly worried about being pressured into anything. She has the power.

  6. Vo Says:

    SWEET MERCIFUL PANTS! I completely forgot about FCBD! Why didn’t somebody call me? poop. Well, guess I’ll have to go slog the trough looking for leftover copies.

  7. Ryah Says:

    Panel 6 Math makes me happy! ^_^ And yes, it does look like he’s copping a feel, haha. But I like how you described the look in his eyes as hungry- that makes him seem more “realistic,” and well, vampire-like. You probably get sick of people asking random questions about the vampires, but could April and Math really have a romantic future anyway? I don’t think they’re having a “romantic” moment here, though some people thought that. But they probably couldn’t have like half-vampire babies or something, since it seems like the half-baby would be too weak and genetically confused to survive long, right?

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “You probably get sick of people asking random questions about the vampires, but could April and Math really have a romantic future anyway?”

    That’s very possible.

    “But they probably couldn’t have like half-vampire babies or something, since it seems like the half-baby would be too weak and genetically confused to survive long, right?”

    Well, I won’t give a certain major spoiler, but I’ll say that they can have babies.

  9. imnosuper(wo)man Says:

    *Sigh* I really wish there were more than one FCBD. I swear I would’ve gotten a copy if I hadn’t been up 20+ hours moving out of my apartment, and if there was a comic shop that was less than a 30-min drive from my house. Still, I was VERY tempted to check it out, and I hope the fact that I was wanting to drive my lazy, sleep-deprived ass a half hour away to a comic shop that likely didn’t even carry the FCBD Last Blood comic says something about what an awesome comic this is :). Love the story and love the artwork. Please, keep it up!

  10. Freak Monger Says:

    I just have to say I love that man’s hair.
    Um. Vampire’s hair. Whatever.
    I love it.
    And I really really really really reeeeealllyyyyy wanna read/buy your comic, but I can’t find it anywhere! *tears*
    And, um. I can’t order it, for…certain reasons…*cough*
    But I think I’m going to hug that vampire for his hair.

    …Yes, yes I am. *hugs the vampire*

  11. didi Says:

    oh my gosh that was like the perfect pick up line that was so sweet

  12. Nero Says:


    And that just about covers it.

  13. Tegu Says:


  14. Jennifer Says:

    Found this as a link on a comic I read, and I’m enjoying it! It’s 2 am and I’ve been reading it (and your comments) for two hours… I should sleep soon.

    This is my favorite page so far I think! I love the one-liners throughout and the emotions that come through. You’ve got a unique, very enjoyable story.

    Also? Telling a girl her blood smells like perfection is possibly the weirdest come-on ever. Or even the weirdest compliment in recent history.

  15. Melissa Says:

    Math looked sweet in the sixth panel. ^-^ He looked so adorable X3

  16. Snicker Says:

    To solve the boob-grab issue in the movie, use a tight close up on her (upper) chest, overlayed with the rising sussurus of her blood flow (LUB DUB, whoosh whoosh). That will help focus the audience on what the vampire is interested in.

    To fix it in the comic, Owen, move his hand higher, so the palm is over her clavicle – no boob-touching at all.

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