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Pin-Up: Devian

Friday, April 20th, 2007

Sorry about no new page today (my fault entirely), but Owen came through with this cool Devian pin-up. Enjoy!

And hey, check it out, the Last Blood Free Comic Book Day issue in all its glory! The video’s not embedding properly at the moment, so click here to watch it for now.

On Saturday, May 5th, Free Comic Book Day, I’ll be signing that book at the Golden Apple comic book store in Los Angeles with Mac himself, Kevin McDermott, the actor who will be playing Mac in the movie! Check this cool page out for more info. If you can’t manage to get a copy of the book on Free Comic Book Day, don’t fear, you can buy it here! I don’t think I’m supposed to sell them until FCBD is over, so get your money together for May 6th! We’ll hopefully have some available that are signed by both me and Owen.

Also, Owen and I recently teamed up for an interview with ComicMonsters.com.

32 Responses to “Pin-Up: Devian”

  1. Bumtown Says:

    These pin-ups are all quite sweet.

  2. Euphoria Says:

    That is just plain amazing. Awesome sauce. Truely.

    Kevin McDermott looks nothing like how I imagined Mac would look like =[

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Ha, you’re crazy! Owen even designed Mac based on that picture!

  4. Nara Says:

    beautiful, this one is my favourite pin-up so far, and not cuz Im partial to Devian either!

  5. Mewt Says:


    You could totally be selling out a little, and selling poster-versions of these sorts of pieces to get some extra cash for something in the movie. I know I’d have bought two. :O

    And then all the oldschool fans like us can be like, ‘Yeah, bitch, we were part of Last Blood -first-. -Long- before you fools!’

  6. Chris Says:

    She does look pretty hot in this pin up. Though I imagine having that kind of spiky hairstyle will be hard to maintain in a zombie infested world… The other three pinups had a more brown tint to them, is there a reason why her’s is more more grey?

    Isn’t Devian Chinese? Can anyone translate the captions on the page, whom appear to be chinese as well? Crosby, have you chosen someone to play her yet for the movie?

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I believe Devian is Chinese, yes, which is mostly based on Owen telling me that he modeled her after a certain Chinese actress/model, but I can’t remember her name right now!

  8. Tibbar de Gniw Says:

    Dev is so cool……… But the words don’t make sense. xD Sorry, me being picky again.

  9. Lydia Says:

    I’m trying to read that, but it’s not making too much sense. I’m guessing it’s a formal essay because my Chinese isn’t advanced enough to comprehend such. I can only pick up phrases her and there. I don’t believe it has anything to do with the comic, though xD

    I am so gonna try to go on Saturday. Are they listed online so I can find directions from Pasadena? ^^

  10. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Oh yeah, they’re a huge store, got a big web site. I’ve never been there, though, since I’m not a fan of comics and haven’t been to a comic book shop since before most of the customers on May 5th were born (early ’90s).


  11. Euphoria Says:

    OH sorry! I was thinking of Math, not Mac. Yes he’s very much like Mac, many apologies!

  12. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Ah, cool, that explains it!

  13. Tibbar de Gniw Says:

    Lydia, as far as I know, it is not a formal essay. Bits and pieces do make sense, but basically it seems to be phrases that make sense strung up together in no particular order. So as a whole, it’s gibberish. (Am I gonna die for that?) (Just for credibility, I am Chinese and I took Chinese Lit, though that’s only at a high school level.)
    Anyway it does have nothing to do with the story, and Dev is sill cool. xD

  14. Schon R Boll Says:

    Ok. Love the posters of Math and Devian……… But where is the hot poster of Val, Laying on a bed or with her swords……… Come on you even have a poster of Pyane. ( I know I spelled it wrong ) But other then that still love the storry been here since the start will be here till the end…….

  15. Schon R Boll Says:

    By the way…….. Love the video…… Now that i saw it going to have to get the comic….. Looks great man…. Keep up the great work………

  16. TPYY Says:

    Beautiful picture, Devian is very pretty. Also, the story reminds me very slightly of Hellsing.

  17. OLLLie Says:

    im quite tempted to fly down to los angeles to get one of those comic books.

    the pinup is really sweet

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    You can get the free book all over the world, not just in Los Angeles! I believe most comic book stores in the world are participating in Free Comic Book Day, and I don’t know the exact percentages, but maybe somewhere around 1/3 of those stores have at least one copy of “Last Blood.” Call your local stores (if you have any) and find out!

    Also, Schon, there was a Val pin-up!


  19. Euphoria Says:

    Any chance somewhere in Northern Ireland would be giving it out?

  20. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’m not sure, but it’s my understanding that Diamond distributes to tons of countries, although I could be wrong. Gotta call your local stores!

  21. Schon R Boll Says:

    Sorry…… About that Bobby my bad……. Just been out workin and forget ….. Keep up the great comics.

  22. Vo Says:

    god, I sincerely hope some ship to my area. Or i will cry

  23. Lydia Says:

    Tibbar, I am also Chinese, but it doesn’t make any sense to me because I can only read bits and pieces. I guessed it was a formal essay of some kind because of the formatting.

    But I read enough to make the same conclusion as you, as stated in my first comment. :3

  24. Mewt Says:

    It’s 6:33 AM CST, Monday Morning.

    I see a lack of comic.

    I weep.

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    New page coming later in the day. Owen did another Addison Payne pin-up, though, which you can enjoy HERE. It will be the Top Web Comics voting incentive after Page 44 goes up in like 12-15 hours probably.

  26. C. Christopher Says:

    hm. maybe you should post a link to a voting page somewhere that is easily accessible. XD. I had to go to the Top Web Comics website to vote for this comic. but what I really don’t understand is… just how the hell is Last Blood only ranked 97th? It’s easily top 10 comics I’ve ever read, finished, aborted or ongoing.

  27. Bobby Crosby Says:

    You need some combination of tons of readers and/or great new voting incentives all the time to get ranked highly and LB only has about 2,000 readers and we haven’t been putting up many voting incentives. If we tried really hard with the incentives and such we could probably get top 25, but that’s about it with the current amount of readers.

  28. Tegu Says:


  29. Tar7arus Says:

    In case anybody still reads these, If that is a kimono, she’s wearing it wrong. It should be left under right, not right under left.
    OR, chinese clothing might be different OR She might be a vampire anyway.

  30. Trilbydude Says:

    Okay, she’s HOT.

  31. Niach Says:

    Woah! Great pin-up! Good job, Owen!

  32. coel Says:

    I had a cute idea.
    Devian was wearing what looked like to me was 19th century vintage clothing.
    What if she inspired J. M. Barrie to write “Peter Pan”?

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