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Page 39: Yes

Friday, April 6th, 2007

Grady and Murdo make their long awaited reappearance on Monday!

31 Responses to “Page 39: Yes”

  1. Chris Says:

    The last four panels are perfect. The shadows in the 2nd to last really gets Math’s true side. This would be a perfect dramatic scene in the movie.
    Though something seems to be weird about Val’s face in the last panel, looks like the bottom is protruding out too much or something, a bit like a monkey? I don’t know, it might just be me. And is Math really thinner here than before?

  2. Colt Says:

    Cue dramatic music

    Wow someones got issues, surely being nice to humans can’t be that hard even if you think of them as food.

  3. Kristian Says:

    Question: Is Val = Mariah Carey? If no, there must be some relation.

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Wow someones got issues, surely being nice to humans can’t be that hard even if you think of them as food.”

    Humans are horrible. Also, I don’t think it’s too tough for Math, really, but he still wants their blood, and a lot more than just enough to live on. He’s thirsty.

    Also, I’d worry about what Val might want for her last meal.

    Also, Val is Mariah Carey’s sister.

  5. Colt Says:

    Tender juciy mortals I’d guess is what she wants and lots of them. Those vamps could be a problem just as bad as the zombies, if not as numerous.

    Would I be right in asuming vamps don’t like dogs as well as humans or is that just Val?

  6. R3d Ra66it Says:

    wow! perfect movie scene as chris says, not so much dramatic tension but suspense. how can he be so calm about the fact that he just wants to “devour” them. panel 6 is really the one that does it for me, it just shows the truth of math’s feelings.

    and i noticed as well, math does look a lil’ thinner, is this because they are running low on red gatorade?

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    No, the zombies are definitely the bigger problem, by far. Also, it’s not really a matter of the vamps not LIKING humans, but they’ve just always considered themselves superior to them and Val thinks it’s very demeaning to act like they need the humans so much and try to act like they’re just friendly neighbors trying to help them with their problem.

    About Math looking thinner: Hadn’t really noticed it myself, but there’s no time for him to look thinner from earlier in the book, since he made his first appearance just about seven hours ago, and he was just drinking a nearly full bottle of blood about an hour ago.

  8. Mewt Says:

    I sorta feel like Math feels more upset that he wants to devour them, moreso than the fact that he can’t. Goes hand in hand with the idea that he was made into a vampire unwillingly.

    Ehh, I could be wrong, that’s just what I got from it. It just feels like he never really completely disassociated with them.

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    That’s probably correct, yeah, although those feelings are kind of new/returning to him, after not feeling that way for many decades probably. But after spending so much time with humans in the past couple weeks, he’s remembering more what it was like to be one and feeling more for them.

  10. Nara Says:

    Val is teh eeeeeeevil.

  11. Jim Says:

    Best page of Last Blood in a few weeks. Keep ’em coming.

  12. Daeris Says:

    Perfect. My new fav strip, just because Math has shown his true side. The story shifts now…

    p.s. – Hmm…who would play Val in the movie. She puts the HO in HOT, and I like it!

  13. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Love this page. Math is like a pig farmer worrying that whether his pigs resent him. Not sure what Val is trying to do though. Get him to flip out and eat everyone in a bloody rage, then realize what he’s done and get even more angsty? Methinks Val likes ’em emo.

  14. James Says:

    mmm… Resist the dark side, you must. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to killing. Killing leads to hunger. Hunger… Leads to suffering… I sense much anger in you, young skywalker. Wait. Meant Math, did I.

  15. Vo Says:

    Still no answer about hammerspace……

    I always knew Mariah Carey was a vampire….

    Any chance of a vampire sticking a straw in a humans neck a la tropicana oj comercials?

  16. Ledd Says:

    hahaha, that would be so awsome…
    if they just whipped out a pointed metal straw
    and popped it into a humans neck
    ya, i figured mariah carrey was related to a vampire

  17. Tzion Says:

    I think these people have stolen your plot…


  18. Lydia Says:

    Love the shading on Math’s face at the bottom. Man.. Val…..

  19. Mewt Says:

    How dare they make a video game out of what is honestly an all but obvious idea concept!

    Really, though. I’m sure stories like Last Blood have existed before and will exist again. Let’s just hope our story becomes the mold for the others to try ripping off, because that means Bobby did it -right-.

  20. mark Says:

    I agree.. Math in panel 6 looks like he’s ready to sink his teeth into the 1st human he comes across (please let it be Mr. Howard…) Also in the movie the look would come across great, a pure “evil” moment. Once again great work and hope to get the comic ASAP.

  21. Tori Says:

    Haha, hell yes. Die, Mr. Howard, die. Really fantastic page here, especially the bottom left panel.

  22. ShinoTenshi Says:

    I agree, I also get the feeling that Math isn’t entirely content with his desire to devour humans. It just seems that he’s such a personally conflicted mess about it. Oh, and I agree, Val must like ’em Emo with the way she keeps trying to fill Math with Angst.

  23. Colt Says:

    slightly off topic but Happy Easter everybody.

    beware the zombie Easter Bunny

    and back on topic Val sure looks smug in that last pannel.

  24. Hello Says:

    The Easter Bunny? What the fuck is that? Some kind of retarded spinoff of the Easter Cat?

    Oh hey, great comic by the way. Really original story, kinda wish I’d though of it.

  25. steve Says:

    Easter Cat? Now who’s talking spinoff, everybody who’s anybody knows that it was originally the Easter Mole, which is stolen from the Pagan Holiday of “Mole Day” (I never said Pagans were creative). Mole Day still being celebrated in nerdy chemistry circles on the 21st day of the 10th month.

    PS it’s already Monday, I need my fix!!!

  26. Penguin Says:

    I love that self-satisfied look in the last panel.

  27. RegularJoe5 Says:

    hmm, looks like valerie’s a naughty girl in more ways than one.


  28. Tegu Says:


  29. Amanda-Rae Hamilton Says:

    yeah I’m hooked. The story is truly original and the art has an upgraded-Frank Miller feel to it.
    I could ramble on but chances are it’s stuff you’ve already heard.
    Just keep making the graphic novel / webcomic industry proud.

    Much love,
    the kid listed above.

  30. Niach Says:

    This is just a random question. If we ask a question (like this one), and receive an answer back, will we get an e-mail to our account to let us know? Or do we just need to keep rechecking the discussion boards?

  31. summerfrog Says:

    I love Math!! he is such a great character
    before this I was thinking him as a wuss but now…YES!
    I want to see them drink some blood like real vampires! :[

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