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Page 29: Red Gatorade

Wednesday, February 28th, 2007

I was right about Math killing Hitler. Also, Math is drinking blood, not red Gatorade. He had some saved up from the last failed mission.

EDIT: For those interested in hearing even more about this story and the characters and their motivations, I suggest reading the comments below, especially my very long one, which includes an e-mail I wrote to Owen.

44 Responses to “Page 29: Red Gatorade”

  1. Lydia Says:

    First comment, wee. I really dig this whole page in general. Red Gatorade? That’s cute. And the first panel where Math is smiling at the boy is creepier than the one where he’s killing Hitler………

  2. Alex Says:

    So Bobby can you confirm how much blood Vamps need? Well on average how much blood well they be needing?

    Also of course how are they going to… well take the blood? Its not like they have medical tools to extract it cleanly?

  3. Kristian Says:

    Nice one. I’m guessing you have something sweet planned for the first blood ‘donation’, but it would have fit nicely here with a panel featuring a small band aid on teachers arm after the gatorade panel.

  4. Northstar Says:

    Favorite page so far! Hehe Math killed Hitler! Yay! Hey is he out in the sunlight?! Because she started class at 8 AM as opposed to 8pm. Cool! I love the panel where he’s killing Hitler.

  5. Ulfur Thrainsson Says:

    Cool, Hitler impaled by a sword thrue the skull and out the mouth. THAT IS SO COOL!!!

  6. Ulfur Thrainsson Says:

    Puss by a vampire. That is even cooler.

  7. OLLLIe Says:

    geez alex
    theyll simply put a straw into their neck and suck it out like juice

    k, todays comic totally rocks
    that is the coolest picture with math
    stabbing the knife through the back of
    hitlers throat
    fuckin awsome

  8. Alex Says:

    er… what is your problem? Its a good and important question. The vamps gave their story to the humans, but when the time comes who is going to give their blood first?

    How willing will the humans be?

    Oh and its a Sword… not a knife ^^

  9. Ardamus Says:

    this may be my fav. page. besides the one where they blast the zombies.

  10. NickGXZ Says:

    Dude seriously, Math has a creepy ass smile in the first panel.

    Seems like April’s warming up to him too. Good to see but uh…”I’ve got the sword too, wanna see?”

    lol, reminds me of some kid finding a frog and showing it to the girl next to him in class.

  11. Oliphaunt Says:

    It’s well past 8 a.m. and it stopped raining hours ago…

    Evidently these vampires are not affected by sunlight at all. That’s a bonus.

    (honestly I was half expecting April to whip open the classroom curtains and go “ah-HAH!”, while Math completely failed to disintegrate. lol anti-stereotypical hoomorz! XDDD)

    But yes, Math is way creepier in the first panel. And fifth and seventh. Dude just… can;t… SMILE right.

    And “how will the vamps extract blood?” Well, probably the same way the Red Cross does. With the same tools. I mean, it’s not like the Red Cross is using the stuff anymore.

  12. Schon R Boll Says:

    Yeah I have to agree that smile is way creeper then him shoving a sword thourgh hitlers mouth…….. That is cool though. And I was going to ask about the sun thing but got beat to it…… So what is up with it… ( sorry asking again )

  13. Nick Says:

    Isn’t it kind of REALLY coincidental that here so happens to be the vampire that killed Hitler?
    Yeah, I realize you need to change facts a bit to follow through with a realism-based fictional story but that’s going a bit far..
    I’m kind of off about how he killed Hitler too. He stabbed him in the back of the throat with a sword. If he was right behind him, why didn’t he just drink his blood or something? Or was Hitler a zombie too? XP

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “So Bobby can you confirm how much blood Vamps need? Well on average how much blood well they be needing?”

    It’s complicated, and it will all be revealed in the story, but since I’ve been giving so many spoilers, here’s a little more: They need very little to merely SURVIVE (like none actually, in a way), but to have any energy whatsoever (and to avoid something else!), they need some blood, and (more spoilers) to have any chance to properly fight a billion zombies, they need a good deal of blood.

    “Also of course how are they going to… well take the blood? Its not like they have medical tools to extract it cleanly?”

    They do have medical tools to take the blood.

    “But yes, Math is way creepier in the first panel. And fifth and seventh. Dude just… can;t… SMILE right.”

    This is part of an e-mail I wrote to Owen last night in response to him thinking that Math was too nice and perfect of a character —
    I see what you’re saying about Math, yeah. One thing that would be good to emphasize maybe is that he’s ACTING, which we could touch on with his upcoming conversation with Valerie. See, he doesn’t REALLY like these people, these humans, and he HATES that he has to save them, but he has to ACT like he likes them and like he’s this great guy, so they’ll trust him, because he has to SAVE THEIR LIVES, no matter what. So he’s kind of in a frenzy, like a nervous laughter type thing of, “Hee hee, yes, I love all you humans, anything I can do to help???” That’s the context of this below the surface. I think it will be seen better in the movie (of course, everything’s easier there), and I think we need to just flat out SAY that in the comic, and we should do that soon probably, yeah. Maybe it would have been better to have narration by Math for the whole book, who knows.

    Also, Val is simply giving up basically, thinking they’re doomed and there’s no chance of saving all the humans, so she’s just pissed off, bored, but trying to help out Math for various reasons (hasn’t TOTALLY given up yet). But Math very much wants to avoid the torture of [MAJOR SPOILER REMOVED], and he’s not ready to just kill himself yet, as Val probably is.

    And of course Math will learn to like the humans, or at least like April, throughout Act II.
    So that’s why his smiles look fake sometimes, because they are! All intentional.

    About sunlight: Doesn’t affect the vampires in this story. I’ve never liked that aspect of vampires. It seems too simple and limits them too much, and I certainly don’t want it to be all night shoots for the movie. Lighting at night gives me nightmares. There will certainly be some night scenes, though.

    “Isn’t it kind of REALLY coincidental that here so happens to be the vampire that killed Hitler?”

    There aren’t many vampires in this world, only about 50, and Math is the one who cares most about the humans (for various reasons), although it is for selfish reasons partly. He interferes with human developments more than any other vampire except maybe one (we’ll learn more about him — he’s saved millions, if not billions of lives) and he’s a great fighter who takes on the toughest tasks.

    “Yeah, I realize you need to change facts a bit to follow through with a realism-based fictional story but that’s going a bit far.”

    A huge part of this story will be the revelation that vampires have been helping to stop the extinction of humans throughout history, and killing Hitler would be an obvious part of that, although they got to him a bit late! They don’t act until they absolutely have to, and sometimes they are late, as they might have been with this zombie outbreak, although there wasn’t much they could do until now, really.

    “He stabbed him in the back of the throat with a sword. If he was right behind him, why didn’t he just drink his blood or something?”

    Would you want to drink Hitler’s blood? Math sure didn’t.

    “Or was Hitler a zombie too?”

    Just a human.

  15. dc Says:

    the panel where Math is killing Hitler is one of the most kick ass panels I’ve seen so far. Well done.

  16. Carrin Says:

    Something I was wondering, wouldn’t the dog find Math intersting? Not saying he’d out-right attack him, but you have an undead in close proximity.

    Dunno, been wondering that since we saw the dog in the classroom last-time.

    And the first panel make is hilarious, Math looks like he’d rather be doing something else.

    And the last panel, with the sword… pricless.

  17. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Just a dumb hungry dog, happy to have beef jerky.

  18. R3d Ra66it Says:

    Great strip today, math’s smile in the first panel is kinda reminiscent of those primary school teachers you see that you think really hate kids … or is that just me?

    i love the spin of math killin hitler, great panel, doesn’t it explain a lot :-P.

    just outta curiosity is it just me that also thinks april is gonna be the first one to ‘donate’ blood ???

  19. Conor Says:

    Ultimately, Vampires are sentient beings as well. There’s only one kind of sentient life on Earth in reality. it’s really a big question if there were more, would they get along? Is it one of those silly “Humans are so damn stupid!” things in so many stories? Or something else? So very curious. Does someone turn into a vampire if bitten and not killed?

  20. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Is it one of those silly ‘Humans are so damn stupid!’ things in so many stories? Or something else?”

    Not really sure what you’re asking, but no, it’s nothing like that. Math used to be a human, for one thing, which is another reason why he has more sympathy for them than some vampires.

    “Does someone turn into a vampire if bitten and not killed?”

    Not in my story, no. Needs to be more than just bitten.

  21. garfalk Says:

    hitler’s death = awesome.

    cant wait to see it in the movie.

    and maths smile isn’t scary. i smile like that all the time

  22. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Mad props on the Hitler drawing. It certainly looks like what I thought Hitler getting stabbed through the head with a sword by an angry vampire looked like whenever I see it in one of my dreams. Also the first zombie was from WWII, Math killed Hitler…The mysterious bad guy is Red Skull and the first zombie was Captain America…ZOMG!

    Sorry about giving up the super secret-squirrel spoiler Bobby.

  23. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I forgive you.

  24. Hazel Says:

    He’d kind of _have_ to stab Hitler through his mouth, as I guess he was setting it up to look as if he shot himself in the mouth. Although he probably should have gone through the back of the skull rather than the base…
    Wait, does this mean that he killed his wife, too? What a bastard.

    It makes sense that the vampires would want to kill Hitler. Not because he was a threat to humanity as a whole, but because an organized fascist state might be more likely to notice vampires at work. Of course, it could be because Math thinks that ethnic jewish blood is tasty, and wanted to preserve that strain of his cattle.

    But who says he got Hitler late? Allowing the war to continue for so long might have been in their best interests. I mean, it’s not like they care about individual human lives…

  25. Mewt Says:

    I think I just caught on to a huge spoiler while reading all this. And not Maxwell’s silly spoiler.

  26. Charmee Says:

    *squee!* I really, REALLY keep seeing this as a film… I’m imagining all the possible jump-cuts and wide-angles and.. and…! XD Your comic brings out the film-student geekery in me! ^_^b

  27. Ken Says:

    Love the site, love the comic, and I’m looking forward to getting my hands on a hardcopy at free comic book day. Do you have any plans to publish any more comics in this series besides the “one shot” for FCBD? Also, just a suggestion for navigating the site (nothing too huge), but could you add a “First” button, and a “Last” button to the nav bar? When I bookmarked the site I start at page one, and have to go month by month to get to the latest panel. Not too important now, but when this puppy is a year old it will be murder flipping through 12 pages to get the latest strip. Keep up the good work!

  28. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Mewt: Yeah, this was a pretty big clue — “But Math very much wants to avoid the torture of [MAJOR SPOILER REMOVED], and he’s not ready to just kill himself yet, as Val probably is.”

    Ken: No need to flip through 12 pages or any pages. This address is always the latest page —


    And at http://www.lastblood.net it has a CURRENT PAGE button which takes you to the above address.

    Also, believe me, I’d love to have a FIRST and LAST (and PREVIOUS and NEXT) button, but have no clue how to do it, and neither does my brother, who set up the site for me. If you can figure out how to do it, please tell me.

  29. Mewt Says:

    Shush, you. Just because it’s obvious to -other- people doesn’t change the fact that I’m particularily slow when things are abruptly obvious.

  30. Paralda Says:

    Heh, that looks a LOT like the sword that Val was giving Murdo.

  31. Katy Says:

    Y’know, I just finished catching up on the Wicked Powered webcomic and couldn’t help but notice a VEEEERRRRRYYY similar scene to that in panel 6; is there a reason for that? (same colorist, writer, drawer?) I like the artwork in this comic – it seems like it is really gonna ROCK!

  32. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Same artist (Owen Gieni) and my brother writes it, yeah.

  33. jessi Says:

    WAHAHAHA ok its official i in love with this comic. The writing is just too freakin brilliant

  34. Crow Says:

    She’s totally smitten…

  35. Altair Says:

    “And of course Math will learn to like the humans, or at least like April, throughout Act II.”

    You do realize that, as the absoloutely crazy Fangirl I am, I will have a field day over that line, right? More like several field days.

    I love the Hitler thing–so hilarious.

  36. Don Gwinn Says:

    I don’t think it’s that odd that Math killed Hitler . . . . Math seems to be saying that he and Val were sent to protect these humans by a larger group of vampires. Who would you send? The vampire who wears a lot of lacy cravats and giggles Frenchly . . . . or the badass who ganked Hitler?

  37. corapntr Says:

    THe comic was great up until this scene which I can’t quite get over due to my set beliefs about hitler and his death. I feel this is an imaginary universe with imaginary villains. Unless it’s done very very very thoroughly (better than davinci code) I’m a bigger fan of fake villains or basing it on mythology turning to “real” in the story.

    Anyways this is just my opinion but if you are seriously making this into a movie I hope this will give you a critiques take.

  38. Tegu Says:


  39. ModdyPride Says:

    Sweet. Hitler was killed by a vampire.

  40. NuklearAngel Says:

    ….aaaand panel 6 just became my new screenpic for msn. who doesnt <3 hitler/ zombie (/zombie hitler?) killing vampires?

  41. Brent Says:

    So, these vampires can walk around in the sunlight?

  42. Amanda Says:

    Bad Ass! The Hitler being killed.
    Silly Brent person, they are day vampires.

  43. Christine Says:

    More WWII huh?

    I am sooo freaking confused…

    I’m just hoping my questions are answered soon…
    like why the first zombie was buried at the bottom of the ocean, and what took so long for him to get out, and what WWII has to do with it?

  44. Faryshta Says:

    I can only think two posibilities for this script:

    A) The author started to self-masturbate with his drawings. I mean everyone wanted to kill Hittler kids.

    B) The zombies are a nazi plot. Sorry if I spoil it.

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