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Page 26: Mac Attack

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Mac slicing off three zombie heads with one swing of the axe while screaming at the top of his lungs is one of the good things in life.  Makes me wish zombies took over the world just to see that for real.  For months I’ve been planning on that being his signature move, so it’s great to see it in action.

21 Responses to “Page 26: Mac Attack”

  1. Alex Says:

    Go Mac Go. I’m really pleased to see him alive and well. Hope he gets back unbiten and in one piece. Mac is a badass and rightfully should be able to take 3 more zombies by himself alone 😀

  2. OLLLIe Says:

    macs a beast

  3. Tristan Says:

    Vampires? Who needs vampires when we have Mac?

  4. Arnuz Says:

    eat improved sunder baby!

  5. Schon R Boll Says:

    Kill them all Mac…………… And look out anything else that gets in macs way……..

  6. Lydia Says:

    Yay, go mac. I was wondering if he’d be alright since the moment he drove off. Alone.

    As for the movie on my end, we’re still working out a storyboard. Balancing school with this side project is difficult.

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Mac is a badass and rightfully should be able to take 3 more zombies by himself alone”

    Oh, there was a lot more than three, trust me! If there was only three, he probably would have taken them one at a time. The triple decap is only used when necessary to save time.

    Minor spoiler: Math doesn’t actually think Mac will be just fine, but he doesn’t want to risk trying to save him in the middle of a million zombies, because that could alert the zombies to the presence of the survivors at the school when they head back for home. Math and Val had to take a very circuitous route to get the truck full of supplies to the school without bringing a million zombies on their tail. And there are other things to consider as well, which I’ll keep secret for now.

    And Lydia, more info! Sounds fairly serious if you’re making storyboards. Feature length or short film? Genre? Budget? Who knows, maybe I could get involved. I sure need the experience.

  8. Alex Says:

    lol 😀

    Give Mac a Axe and a Boomstick and he’ll take the whole damn Undead army on himself 🙂

    Go Mac Go!

  9. Nara Says:

    oh man this is so intense, i lurve this comic! ok so i got stumped on the spoiler, once Bobby said it had to do with the creation of zombies. I thought the spoiler had something to do with Mac.. although i hadn’t decided if he becomes a smart zombie or if the vamps could save him with their blood. i still want to know if smart zombies retain memories and therefore perhaps personality? but that might be a spoiler too so never mind

  10. Nara Says:

    who here loves Bruce Campbell btw? XD

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “i still want to know if smart zombies retain memories and therefore perhaps personality?”

    Well, there are elements of that to the spoiler, but it’s on a larger level. Also, Mac has nothing to do with the spoiler. And I wouldn’t bet on him becoming a zombie just yet!

    Also, I’m not a big fan of Bruce Campbell, but I have read “If Chins Could Kill” and liked it a lot.   Only got about halfway through “Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way” before I had to stop, though.  Just got boring.  I also stopped watching “Evil Dead” about 20 minutes into it (SO BORING) and that’s all I’ve seen of the trilogy.

  12. Schon R Boll Says:

    ok ok whoa whoa…….. now Bobby on the Bruce Campbell hold on that….. You have to see Army of Darkness…….. other then that keep this comic comin and lookin very forward to the movie.

  13. mark Says:

    Yeah.. Army of Darkness, pwns all! That is a great zombie/undead film. Trust your fans Bobby, and rent Army of Darkness one day.

  14. Tori Says:

    H311Z Y34, M4C!!! K1CK T3H 4R53!!1!one

    Wow, lapsing into 133t5p33k at an awesome scene… I’m getting obsessed with this.

    For those of you who cannot read 133t5p33k, that said:

    Hell yes, Mac! Kick ass!

  15. Tori Says:

    And for some reason in 133t, ones (1) work as both Ls and Is…

  16. Sim^moN Says:

    I always though that this scene where Mac cuts three heads with one axe swing reminded me about somthing – I wasnt sure what was it.. But today I remembered!

    There was a novel entitled ‘With Fire and Sword’ written in 1884 by Henryk Sienkiewicz (a polish writer). The story is complex but all events are historically placed in XVII century in times of Ucrainian uprising agains polish noblemen.

    Getting straight to the point. There was a fictious hero (some heroes in the book are historical) named Longinus Podbipieta. He was extremely tall and strong and carried huge teutonic knight’s broadsword.

    He made a chivalrous vow – not to marry until he cuts 3 turkish heads with one swing in battle.

    Later in the book there is a battle where Longinus makes his swing.
    If you’re interested in the scene – you can findyourself a movie under the same title as the book. And this scene looks very similar to the one where Mac cuts zombies heads.

    damn – it took a long to write and find all this info =D
    Take care and keep up the good work!

  17. Raikoh_Minamoto Says:


  18. Tegu Says:


  19. Cruz Says:

    Dude I like the story, but u need like a badass swat team and a big zombie boss. If u need help on comments meet me in myspace.com look 4 haloplayer, cruz balentine or bigysmall

  20. ModdyPride Says:

    Hahh, sweet…. Wish I could handel an axe like that….

  21. Amanda Says:

    Everything is serious, until I get to the last part. Now that is just funny as hell.

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