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Page 24: Fucked Up

Friday, February 16th, 2007

Aw, poor April.  Somebody call the whambulance!

24 Responses to “Page 24: Fucked Up”

  1. Brick Says:

    Hey finally I’m the first one. I’ve been reading this religiously and I have to say it is by far one of my favorite comics. The art is excellent and the writing is great. Good luck with the movie, and if you film any sceens in Texas, look me up.

    Who hasn’t said “fuck” before? That would be about the first thing I would say if I ever saw one zombie, let alone a whole horde.

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    The beginning of the next page will help explain why she had never said it before. Or it will at least address that.

    Glad to have a fan in Texas, and thanks for the praise and well wishes!

  3. Tristan Says:

    I think this is a perfectly legitimate reaction for April. How far can a person’s perception of reality be challenged without breaking her?

    Given that zombies have been around for how long now? By now, the survivors must be fairly used to seeing decomposed remains of humans albeit animated. Speaking from experience, going into an Anatomy Lab at a college can be distressing enough.

    On the other hand, what about vampires that suddenly show up professing to protect you? Suddenly the enemies are not just the malformed shamblers outside. Since everyone around April was reacting to the vampires, she could not simply ignore them so the next sense of action is killing them. Extreme perhaps, but still a reaction.

    That’s just my two cents.

  4. Schon R Boll Says:

    This is a great story………. Very dedicated fan, think the movie would be awsome….. Telling all my freinds about it… All one of them……

  5. Lydia Says:

    xD Oh noes, the f-bomb! But seriously, after EVERYTHING it takes her this long to drop it?

    April doesn’t do anything for me, but it IS nice to get these good shots of her finally. Glad to see she’s slowly coming down. Hasn’t stabbed Math yet… good sign! I should give her credit. If it was me, I woulda thrown myself at him already.

    Oh, I noticed where you’re from by through you +EV comic, Mr. Crosby. I’m from Pasadena. ^^ We have a family business in ‘cadia though.

  6. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Oh, that’s cool, Lydia. I’ll be in Pasadena today.

  7. Hordecommander5 Says:

    Personally, if I were to encounter a horde of zombies, I would be more likely to say ‘shit’ than ‘fuck.’ It seems to me to be the more logical choice to mention excrement rather than sex when faced with sheer terror, especially since one would likely be forced to deal with exactly that in one’s pants.

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Just wanted to say that April has actually never been within 50 yards of a “living” zombie probably. Their town has been spared from any big invasion (obviously) and April has never had to go out and fight or anything.

  9. MaxwellEdison Says:

    I think Math was just looking for an excuse to show April his chest. Nothing calms a hysterical chick with a stick like chiseled pecs.

    Also, glad to see a page without a ‘skinny people in an expansive landscape’ panel. With such great work on the expressions, the minimalist panels don’t do it for me.

  10. Conor Says:

    Also, the paper seems to have gone from Sepia to Greyscale. Which is less distracting. Do zombies eat vampires? I mean, they’re not really human, but they are, at the same time. Curious.

  11. Mewt Says:

    Poor April…

  12. OLLLIe Says:

    well at least now she can check shooting a vampire, surviving past the rest of the human race and fighting zombies off her list

  13. Nara Says:

    I am loving this comic so far! zombies scare the hell out of me like no other boogie monsters can! (well except for Jaws, but thats cus I live on an island in the Caribbean!) its completely illogical but I am petrified of zombies, so if it were me I would clinging to Math like celo-tape! I see his reasoning perfectly, anyone knowing even the minimal about vampires would realise that zombies taking over the world would be bad news for vamps! and at least you can talk and possibly reason with vamps.. zombies are just yucky! still feel sorry for April, wouldnt want to be in her shoes either way!

  14. Nestor Says:

    Vamps should’ve got their act together sooner, I don’t think that’s a viable population remaining.

    LOL genetics.

    Also what was the army doing all this time, these zombies don’t look so tough.

    BTW mr. Crosby want to swap links with krazykimchi? I added this site to the big list o’webcomics on the index, a link back would be appreciated.

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Vamps should’ve got their act together sooner, I don’t think that’s a viable population remaining.”

    It’s complicated. They didn’t want to reveal themselves too soon to millions of people, and how could they help protect millions anyway? Or even thousands? They basically only can protect small groups. This is the only way it works.

    “Also what was the army doing all this time, these zombies don’t look so tough.”

    They were dying. Tons of nuclear bombs went off for various reasons — some strategically against the zombies early on, some from wackos like North Korea and various terrorists. All kinds of stuff going on, while the zombie population just keeps growing and growing. And the zombies actually are tough at times, as you’ll hear more about later.

    And thanks for the link, but for LB I’m only linking to other comics that me or Owen does.

  16. Behre Says:

    I just want to say I fu**ing love your comic! keep up the good work!!!

  17. Melissa Says:

    Just found this comic, and I’ve got to say I’m pretty intrigued. Mostly because zombie and vampire mythology is so well built up and (dare I say it?) “done” that it’ll be interesting to see what direction you take this in.

    So: Go you! 🙂

    So, care to clue me in as to how many people would be left in the lovely land of Australia? 😉

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Mostly because zombie and vampire mythology is so well built up and (dare I say it?) ‘done’ that it’ll be interesting to see what direction you take this in.”

    Just want to say that it’s definitely not done, and that I’ll be introducing a huge element in the next few weeks which I hope will become a big part of zombie/vampire lore.

    “So, care to clue me in as to how many people would be left in the lovely land of Australia?”

    None, sadly! All of the remaining survivors are in the Americas actually (but they might not stay alive for long!).

  19. Frauke Says:

    The drawing is amazing and the story really fascinating!
    Hope the update comes soon!
    Love your comic!
    Your new fan from Germany!

  20. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Thanks! Updating at about 4 AM Eastern time Monday morning.

  21. jessi Says:

    Actually i love April, she is the only person ive ever seen in these sort of stories acknowlaging the fact that THIS IS CRAZY! Reality shouldnt be like this! It would be really hard to wrap your mind around that!
    also i love that she has never said the F word before haha i dont say it either 😛
    Loving the story so far gonna keep reading now there are like 60 more pages to go!

  22. Arilean Says:

    “so if it were me I would clinging to Math like celo-tape!”
    I’m pretty sure i’d cling to him anyways…… 😛

    Also, April’s stance in the last panel is very effective. Sort of a giving in sort of lean. When i first saw it i thought she was gonna faint.

  23. Tegu Says:


  24. Atan Says:

    i would want to become a vampire, for the awesomeness of being strong, pretty immortal, theonly thing i want is that i can still eat normal food!!!!!!!!! would be so fucked up if i couldn’t :O
    why is she so anti-vampire… i wonder how i would do in a zombo apocalypse, i think i’d do pretty well

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