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Page 6: Zombie Private Ryan

Friday, January 5th, 2007

My brother Chris, who makes Superosity, among other comics, suggested the “zombie Private Ryan” line. In the original script Murdo just said that he couldn’t believe he shot a World War II soldier. The dumpster looks a bit smaller than I imagined, and the artist, Owen Gieni, from Canada, said that dumpsters must be bigger down here. I’m not sure if they are or not, but I know it’s gonna take a really big one to carry all the dead zombies they’re gonna be re-killing! I wonder if we’re actually going to have to throw an actor into a dumpster. If so, I’ll try to cast a real asshole as the first zombie.

14 Responses to “Page 6: Zombie Private Ryan”

  1. Paige Says:

    Can I sugguest two assholes for the first zombie??

  2. Jeff Says:

    Ooooh… Suspence is building up with that close-up shot into ‘Ryan’s’ head… I just hope the next bit isn’t predictable like other zombie movies with the head suddenly jerking up and looking at the audience.

    I want something different. Something that I will remember, something that will make this a good, memorable experience. So far, it’s shaping up to be a regular zombie film. But I want originality. Show me what you got, Bobbyc1012.

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Do I know you? BobbyC1012 is my AIM name, yeah.

    Anyway, the zombie isn’t even on the next page and you won’t see him again for like 50 pages, I think. Spoiler! He will be talked about between now and then, though, and we’ll learn a lot more about him.  And don’t worry about originality.  When we do see him again, he’ll be doing something that no zombie has ever done in anything, I’m pretty sure.  He’s also not exactly a “zombie.”

  4. Owen Says:

    I’m not a huge fan of my work with this page, It’s the first I ever tried doing 100% on the computer. I wanted to go for a Paul Pope brush stroke inkyness, but I failed miserably.
    I like how Murdo’s swearing, because now we know the strip isn’t for kids. I wish I got the dumpster right as well, I should have known better and drawn an industrial size garbage bin. Bobby, don’t give too many hints away, we’ve gotta shock these poor readers come “twist” time. It’s good stuff. ( I’ve also said too much…)

  5. Jeff Says:

    Yeah, Owen, lemme just ask a question… (if you’re still gonna read this) What are the ‘shadowy blobs’ in panels 2-3, on the left of the dumpster? When i first saw it, i was like: “AHHH! zombie is watching you!”, but then I realised it was nothing… Was it just there to fill in empty space? (I don’t know who Paul Pope is, so if this was what you meant by failing paul’s style, I’m sorry.)

    Oh, and it’s nice to here that you’re going to do art for your full time job. Hope you get enough to be able to support yourself.

  6. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Shadowy blobs look like trash bags to me, but I’m not sure.

  7. Grogo67 Says:

    Although an actual dumpster in the US is larger than is portrayed here I think the drawn size works well here and fits nicely in the frame. When shooting the film you will be using the real thing and it won’t be an issue. As a side note there are several sizes & shapes of dumpsters. I have seen dumpsters this small behind small businesses in the past. The one we have behind our store is only slightly larger.

  8. J. Says:

    Yeah, I’ve seen a dumpster that big here in New Zealand.

  9. Drew Says:

    The art here actually makes me think of a less cartoony version of some of the work by Norm Scott

  10. lakorp Says:

    ye, that’s the first zombie, later when he fires the rpg he has a bullet wound in his head, in the first page (in the sea) he don’t have that wound, murdo shoot him…but he’s not dead!!!

  11. Santarus Says:

    I love them!
    I’m totally addicted.
    A friend of mine posted a link to this site on my forum,


    Since I clicked that link, I have not stopped reading!
    Keep it up!

  12. Amanda Says:

    I’m just starting to read this! It’s great so far! You’re making it a movie? Yes, the dumpsters are that small in Canada. I live in the lower mainland of BC, and I’d say those are the right size. 🙂

  13. Tegu Says:


  14. Kayliegh Says:

    Looks like a decent sized dumpster to me >>;

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