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Page 71: Gravedigger

Friday, August 24th, 2007

Murdo’s having a bad day. Val seems to be nicer now since hearing Sullivan’s name.

46 Responses to “Page 71: Gravedigger”

  1. PZenteno Says:

    FIRST COMIC!!! YAY xD!!!! well… i feel kinda stupid if no one says something… I LIKE THIS COMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    peace out

  2. Rawr Says:

    whow first comment? rare

    almost didnt recognize Val lol

    Murdo looks so utterly badass in the 4th panel its awesome

  3. Rawr Says:

    arggghhh he beat me to first comment rawr

  4. Lydia Says:

    Val looks a little like Math there. Must be the sympathy in her beady eyes.

  5. Kez Says:

    *gasp* Surprise Friday night comic!

  6. Brellchild Says:

    Bets on his next word being “Die.”?

  7. Amy Says:

    Next two panels:

    Val: What?
    Murdo: Drop dead.

  8. Northstar Says:

    Well Murdo gets it. XD Wonder what he’s gonna say on the next page. I’ll find out next time it updates though won’t I? ^_^

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Wonder what he’s gonna say on the next page. I’ll find out next time it updates though won’t I?”

    Sorry, no! New scene (s) on next page.


    (Minor spoiler which I’ve said a few times before, but not in a while: Murdo will end this story as a vampire, and it’s a good bet that he’s thinking about that scenario in the last panel of this page!)

  10. BoBo Says:

    Bite Me!

    But will she . . .

  11. MaxwellEdison Says:

    Yes there is. I’d like you to kindly go impale yourself, and wipe the blood from your chin. . . ya hog.

    Angry Murdo FTW.

  12. Laura Dove Says:

    I’m must say I’m quite disappointed with Murdo. Becoming a vampire now is the stupidest idea ever: One more blood-drinking vampire, and one less blood-giving human?! (and a healthy one, even!) Men really lose their mind when it comes to a sexy girl. He should be sending her useless pretty ass far away right now, not asking her to transform him. Stupid guy.

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    His family’s all dead and now all that’s left is trying to save the rest of the town, especially the kids, and being a vampire makes him a million times stronger, which will help him to protect the rest of the humans. He’s smart enough to know that with the tiny amount of humans left, the human race will be done for anyway before long, not enough to properly repopulate the species, so now the only goal is to give these last humans as good a life as possible, keep them alive as long as possible, and he thinks that becoming a vampire will help that cause, give him more strength to save them. He also is just so depressed that he has no hope for himself as a human anymore, considering suicide, of course, but decides he has to stick it out and see what happens to the rest of the town, to the kids, and help them as much as he can.

    “Men really lose their mind when it comes to a sexy girl.”

    Has nothing to do with that. He hates her now, but it takes a vampire to make another vampire, so he’s asking her, probably since he thinks Math wouldn’t agree to it.

  14. Lord Klingsor Says:

    She is beautiful. Very very beautiful.

    And I am feeling awfully bad about what is going to happen. VERY bad. I…. *sighs* Oh blast.
    I never knew I cared about humankind.

  15. achrin Says:

    she seems to have a bit more compassion with a fresh load of blood in her…as to how murdos actions and aprils ability to save what is left work together …. should be interesting

  16. aquamage Says:

    I think murdo is going to ask val a really lame question, like val will say what? and murdo will say protect the rest of them for me. Something along those lines or… he wants to get laid again =)

  17. Redrover Says:

    Jeez, aquamage. Read the previous comments before posting.

  18. Thelma Says:

    If the last remains of the human race disappear, would Math and Val rather commit suicide or become zombies themselves?

  19. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Val already made it clear she’d rather commit suicide. Math would probably do the same, but he has more hope than Val.

  20. Nova Says:

    Whatever happens after this point will really shake up the storyline.

  21. Den Says:

    Wow I like this page, seeing Val in a completely different light… even if she is just faking it. Now it will be interesting to see what happens with all those zombies closing in…

  22. Bobby Crosby Says:

    She’s actually not faking it, by the way. She’s genuinely feeling quite horrible and guilty, mostly because she knows now that all of this (world ending) is pretty much her fault (several other reasons too, though).

  23. vo Says:

    Dammit! I must have missed the comment that Murdo goes vamp, or forgotten, because the damn spoiler just spoiled it for me. Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!(Not dammit on you, Bobby.)

    Apparently, Murdo is one damn fine lover, because he just made a sappy bitch out of a hardcore killer.(Yes, I read the comment. It’s a joke.)

    Hmmm….I think I may be so stunned by this story that I have nothing else to say right now. I’m almost hoping for another mongloid fucktard to show up so I can rant again…….

  24. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Very minor spoiler: Next page is all GRADY and all WACKY COMEDY. Seriously.

  25. Irish Says:

    I’m very interested in the growing prospect of the movie happening. Very very interested. In fact, I can’t get it off my mind. I’m back here every day, looking for more info on that.

    Oh, and the next page. That too 🙂

  26. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Irish: Decent chance I might have some very good news about that in the coming weeks. Got some things in the works (nothing anywhere near definite yet, though).

  27. aquamage Says:

    I just thought of something… would the vampires be able to drink the blood from say hospitals thats are in coolers? what about all of the blood around the world that has been saved from other people giving blood? wouldn’t that be enough to last them along time. So even though that has nothing to do with the story line and in the long run the humans would give them more blood i’m putting it out there that the vampires should also be securing that blood to as well as the humans. in case all the humans die they can still beat all the zombies.

    also how many vampires are there alive in worlds right now? haven’t seen that many yet and I’m not sure if a specific number has been put out there yet.

  28. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “would the vampires be able to drink the blood from say hospitals thats are in coolers?”

    Well keep in mind that the electricity went out basically everywhere by now. And sure, there’s some blood available from those sources, but they’re thinking long term, decades and centuries.

    “also how many vampires are there alive in worlds right now?”

    About 50 (I’ve said it dozens of times in the comments, just to let you know). You’ll see all of them very soon.

    “in case all the humans die they can still beat all the zombies.”

    Keep in mind that the zombies aren’t trying to outright kill the vampires.  Their (his, the First Zombie’s) goal is to cut off the blood supply (kill all the humans) in order to put the vampires through the same torture he just went through, 65 years of pain and agony without blood until they become a TFZ like him, except with no humans to make zombies of anymore and nothing to do but rot.

  29. Will Says:

    Is it me, or has Murdo done a Barry Bonds during the course of the last week or so (in story time). He didn’t seem nearly that jacked when we first saw him

  30. Marta Says:

    Did you get a new top banner or am I on the sauce again?

  31. Katticus Says:

    “Next page is all GRADY and all WACKY COMEDY. Seriously.”

    Yays! Don’t get me wrong, I like the character development/drama, but it’ll be nice to be able to laugh at this comic again. 🙂

  32. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Did you get a new top banner or am I on the sauce again?”

    New top banner, yes, just put the actual logo in there instead of the plain text version for the title.

  33. rawr Says:


  34. Vance Says:

    Cool comic. I look forward to the rest of the series and I’ll definitely go to see it in the theaters. Keep up the good work.

  35. Ben Says:

    He’s going to ask her to “suck” him.


    and not to start another grammatical debate again, but “A” and “Fucking” should be reversed.

    ok, I’ve wasted enough of your time.

    Back to work…

  36. Will Says:

    actually I think its the correct order… lets please not get into that one again lol

  37. Ben Says:

    It was a joke see, because he Fu…


    I’m just not funny.

  38. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “and not to start another grammatical debate again, but “A” and “Fucking” should be reversed.”

    Uh, no, it should not. He’s not specifically talking about having sex with her, he’s just saying for her in general, for a “damn vampire” or a “piece of shit vampire” or a “fucking vampire.”

  39. vo Says:
  40. vo Says:

    grr. stupid tags.


    It was a joke see, because he Fu…


    I’m just not funny


    I got it. very funny. I laughed.

    Marta – Just because the banner did change, doesn’t mean you aren’t on the sauce. Put the bottle down. Seriously. =D

    J/K. :-*

  41. Marta Says:


    But putting down the bottle means the comic will stop actually talking to me. And giving me pretty kickin’ advice on which stocks to buy…

  42. Northstar Says:

    For some reason the third panel really stands out to me the most on this page and not just because it’s the biggest. I really REALLY love the way Val is drawn, especially her hair. It’s really nice.

  43. e Says:

    WTF? Val is a completely different character here, and a much more boring one. My disbelief was just unsuspent.

  44. LivingTree Says:

    “would the vampires be able to drink the blood from say hospitals thats are in coolers?”

    HEy i’m sure you already know this bobby, but just in case you didnt. blood doesnt keep that long. even with proper refrigeration. by this point all the blood in the blood banks would have gone bad.

    I’ll also take this oppertunity to remind people to donate blood. it doesnt last that long and at least in california we are facing a pretty significant shortage

  45. Vo Says:

    Marta –

    Don’t listen to it. mutual funds are the way to go.

  46. Tegu Says:


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