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Page 66: The Schaemiac

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

CLICK HERE to see my mouse-drawn MS Paint sketch of today’s page!

87 Responses to “Page 66: The Schaemiac”

  1. Sean Says:

    Bobby, SERIOUSLY, not everyone reads the comments. Some people jump on late, others just skip over them. In any event, these are people that took the time to read your stuff, meaning they are fans on some level. Don’t let the few argumentative ones bait you.

    Looking forward to the next page…

  2. Brellchild Says:

    While I personally have some doubts about *everyone* else being dead, the sad fact of this universe is that the only way they could stop the zombie horde is to find TFZ and kill him. Which is probably how they stopped the last one Dev mentions in the strip above.

    The initial cycle is pretty simple. TFZ bites someone to traqnsfer the infection then kills them – whereupon they almost instantly rise as a zombie much like the little kid a few panels back. TFZ does his mind-mojo on the victim to implant a few basic rules of conduct (avoid capture, bite somone at least once an hour, kill the bite victim immediately if possible, leave the area if you smell other zombies, etc) and he could easily have most of a major metropolis converted in 24 hours.

    Assuming other sets of orders for those boarding planes to other continents emphasizing stealth and you could have your zombie agents spreading worldwide as fast as the planes could carry them. If the zombie gets detected, it just acts sick until the plane lands and them it starts biting people.

    Heck, anyone who plays modern computer strategy games could come up with half decent rules for the zombies to use that would insure their spread worldwide. TFZ had genuine military training and what looks like several weeks walking across the ocean floor to work the kinks out.

    He could do it. The only ones that would know how to stop TFZ would be the vampires, and we have already seen that TFZ is good enough at hiding his scent to be watching Math from the bushes while he and the nice teacher lady were out by the swings.

    He could do it. Maybe not as quickly as shown in the story, but unless the vamps got him that first day the human race is toast.

  3. dave Says:

    From the top then :
    Yes you can say its a 100% fact that something is possible, my point is it doesn’t mean anything. Anything is possible, saying that its a 100 % fact that anything is possible is superfulous. Yes its a 100 % fact that its possible I might die today, its also possible your really President Bush writing this as a hobby ( in which case Mr. President how about doing something about Global Warming). Anything is possible itsthe degree of probability that matters.
    If the Zombie vuirus takes 24 hours to kill but shows sickness after 12 then worldwide infection seems unlikely. A guy has to bit who is about to travel, then he has to go to the airport, wait, board a flight, travel and arrive and go through customs all before appearing sick. (

  4. dave Says:

    From the top then :
    Yes you can say its a 100% fact that something is possible, my point is it doesn’t mean anything. Anything is possible, saying that its a 100 % fact that anything is possible is superfulous. Yes its a 100 % fact that its possible I might die today, its also possible your really President Bush writing this as a hobby ( in which case Mr. President how about doing something about Global Warming). Anything is possible itsthe degree of probability that matters.
    If the Zombie vuirus takes 24 hours to kill but shows sickness after 12 then worldwide infection seems unlikely. A guy has to bit who is about to travel, then he has to go to the airport, wait, board a flight, travel and arrive and go through customs all before appearing sick. (

  5. dave Says:

    Sorry out of space.
    And this has to ahppen in EVERY country in the world in the first day.
    Granted if zombies can fly planes then all bets are off. Hell TFZ can have ’em parachute into uninfected countries if he wants.
    Lo, a reasoned argument without calling anyone a fucking moron, it is possible.

  6. Sean Says:

    That’s my whole point, Dave: reasoned argument is the way to go. Bobby, I totally get how infuriating it must be to have people question something you’ve obviously invested a lot of time, intellectual capital and love into. That said, you never know how old the commentators are, maturity level, etc. The fact that you made this amazing tale up means you are capable of a reasonable argument. A 14 yr. old probably isn’t. I used to be a litigator and it is STUNNING how often experienced lawyers get caught up in irrelevant minutia. I just ignore it and focus on the important stuff. My suggestion: don’t spend much (any?) time commenting to people who piss you off. As for those people who forget things, try to remember that you know all the details, while we read you once a week. We are bound to forget stuff. And the argumentative ones, well, if your story troubles them so, perhaps they shouldn’t come back. Asking a question once is OK, but hostile threads are quite another.

  7. dave Says:

    Well said, Sean.
    To try to follow your lead, I apologise for the overly sarcastic tone of my previous comment

  8. vo Says:

    Not to overstep my boundaries here. Bobby, you know what to say to me if I do.


    Who cares if TFZ could do what he did? HE FUCKING DID IT, DIDN”T HE?

    Did anyone keep track of blocks and steals in the 30’s? WELL, SOMEONE MUST HAVE, OR WHY IS IT ON THE DAMN BOARD?

    If Devian winds up in a schoolgirl’s outfit(hint, hint, Bobby), will a giant tentacle monster burst from the ground and rape her? PROBABLY NOT IN THIS COMIC!

    Bobby, you’re a genius. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us.

  9. vo Says:

    Oh yeah, Kaptain Kwanzaa, I really fucking hope you’re a black man. Because if you aren’t, I’m going to be really fucking offended.

  10. DarkKnight412 Says:

    Yay vo! That’s right!

  11. Alex Says:

    Bobby instead of complaining, as has been suggested before you should make a simply FAQ page and add a link on the top of the comic page. Put the most common questions and answers there.

    Surely have a FAQ would make sense!

  12. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Bobby, SERIOUSLY, not everyone reads the comments. Some people jump on late, others just skip over them.”

    What the fuck does that have to do with anything? I’m not even going to bother explaining to you why that’s retarded and makes no sense for this situation. You’re too stupid to understand it.

    “Don’t let the few argumentative ones bait you.”

    Never again tell me what to do. You’re banned.

    “the sad fact of this universe is that the only way they could stop the zombie horde is to find TFZ and kill him.”

    No, that actually would hurt their cause in this case. TFZ is the only thing keeping them all from being dead right now. The only way killing TFZ would have helped them is if they did it weeks ago.

    “Which is probably how they stopped the last one Dev mentions in the strip above.”

    Incorrect, as you’ll discover later.

    “If the zombie gets detected, it just acts sick until the plane lands and them it starts biting people.”

    And I thought you were someone who had read all my explanations before. Anyway, it’s extremely easy to just scrape your teeth against someone’s skin and give them a tiny little cut, right before they’re about to board those international flights, as I’ve said many times before. They’d have 24 hours until they turn into a zombie and TFZ wouldn’t even need to control them whatsoever during that time. By the time their flights land, they’ll just be feeling pretty sick, but so what? That won’t ground any damn planes. Then hours after landing they turn into a zombie and they have the basic zombie mindset of wanting to eat flesh, so they go do it. And he’d have tons of people like this going to each continent, after he stole a car and drove to LAX after biting those girls on the beach, then he kills people in an enclosed, private area somewhere near the airport, then gets those new zombies to help carry out his plan of just barely biting people, while wearing hoodies and sunglasses and so on, as their victims are just about to board international flights. It’s very fucking easy.

    “TFZ had genuine military training and what looks like several weeks walking across the ocean floor to work the kinks out.”

    Um, don’t forget the 65 years before that where he was also planning it all out.

    “He could do it. Maybe not as quickly as shown in the story, but unless the vamps got him that first day the human race is toast.”

    He could have done it a ton quicker if he wanted. A month is AMPLE time.

    “Anything is possible, saying that its a 100 % fact that anything is possible is superfulous.”

    No, it’s most definitely not, and even if it was, who the fuck cares? What the hell kind of complaint is that? People disagree all the time on what’s possible. These morons who were arguing about steals and blocks were obviously saying that they didn’t think it was possible, moron. Did you read their damn comments? Definitely not “superfulous,” jeez.

    “If the Zombie vuirus takes 24 hours to kill but shows sickness after 12 then worldwide infection seems unlikely. A guy has to bit who is about to travel, then he has to go to the airport, wait, board a flight, travel and arrive and go through customs all before appearing sick.”

    WOW. How about doing a fucking google search to find where I explained all this a million times before, moron? Would take two seconds. Obviously TFZ would bite them right at the airport, right as they’re about to board, as I’ve said 2,000 times before.

    “Granted if zombies can fly planes then all bets are off. Hell TFZ can have ‘em parachute into uninfected countries if he wants.”

    Again, google search.

    “Bobby, I totally get how infuriating it must be to have people question something you’ve obviously invested a lot of time, intellectual capital and love into.”

    HUH? It’s not infuriating in any way, and certainly not for that retarded reason, LOL (“to have people question something”). What I have a problem with is when morons like you criticize the way I say things and when morons like you act like they’re 100% sure that something in the story is wrong and doesn’t work, when they’re actually just retarded and entirely wrong and off-base. “To have people question something” is perfectly fine, though.

    “I used to be a litigator”

    LOL! Hilarious. No wonder people hate lawyers.

    “My suggestion: don’t spend much (any?) time commenting to people who piss you off.”

    Sure glad I already banned you.

    “As for those people who forget things, try to remember that you know all the details, while we read you once a week.”

    Once again, it has absolutely nothing to do with that, and I know that you can’t wrap your brain around that. Who the fuck cares if they’re forgetting details when they’re telling me for sure that I’ve got something wrong and that something’s not possible when they’re totally wrong and when they shouldn’t say insanely stupid stuff like that before reading my explanations earlier or doing a simple search for those explanations, or simply WAITING for the story to unfold and receive all those explanations there? Memory has NOTHING to do with it. It’s fine for them to question things, but to flat out tell me that stuff won’t work when they’re choosing to IGNORE everything I’m saying, that proves that they’re either just completely retarded or they’re lying on purpose to try to make the story seem bad because they hate it or me.

    “Well said, Sean.”

    And you’re banned too.

    “Bobby instead of complaining, as has been suggested before you should make a simply FAQ page and add a link on the top of the comic page.”

    And you’re banned too obviously, for once again making me find and link to this, something I’ve had to link to at least 10 times already —


  13. Michelle Says:

    You are talented! People who are hung up on factual details in a fiction story aboutt vamipres and zombies…have IQ issues…something you *obviously* don’t have a problem with.

    ^^Can you say “blind loyalty” kids? See, for fiction to work, you need to have something called suspension of disbelief. Basically, fictional and fantastic events still need to make sense within the limitations of the reality their placed, even though we know they aren’t real.

    In short, good fiction needs to be believable, which Last Blood, in my and other’s opinions, is not.

    Kaptain Kwanzaa…if you and others do not find this to be believeable…I have a suggestion for you.

    Write a treatment. Get a comic publisher interested and submit some samples…a good storyboard, synopsis, etc. See if you can get someone to publish it…and I am not talking about publishing it yourself at a penny-ante copy shop.

    Until you do all of the above…which requires work…and not sniping behind the computer monitor because things are not as you think they should be..I have no inclination to care about anything you say.

    My comments in regards to Last Blood are not “blind loyalty”, but rather admiration for a talented man who can do something I can’t…who has put himself out there…and who is doing this…unlike you and others sniping.

    If you don’t like it…go away. If you can’t get over this…go away. If you don’t have anything better to do than moan about the creative license of the author…go away. If your belief has not been suspended…go away.

    It’s simple, really.

    You don’t like what you see, don’t come back. 🙂

  14. Michelle Says:

    Note…telented MEN who put this together…Bobby and Owen, thanks for getting me hooked on the comic. 🙂 Props to both of you. 🙂

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Forgot to respond to this stuff earlier —

    “When you mean end if the comic doesn’t pick up steam do you mean just cut off in the middle of the story? Or just go online only?”

    In my post I said “online and in print.” There will be NO MORE “LAST BLOOD” COMICS WHATSOEVER after Page 110 or so, which ends the first graphic novel/first film’s story and the fourth issue of the series, unless orders for #3 and #4 through Diamond (through comic book shops) increase dramatically. So if you want more “Last Blood,” you gotta call every comic shop you can. I have massive plans for the story to continue (including with lots of prequels and origin stories) after this first graphic novel, but none of that will happen unless we start making lots of money off the comics, and the best/easiest way to do that is to get tons of orders through Diamond for the comic book series.

    “perhaps it is just me, but did you notice that both bulgaria and haiti share the same slogan?”

    I didn’t, no, and don’t feel like checking it.

    “Linking the supposed home of the true vampires (the capartian mountains) to the home of the zombies…..”

    Don’t know what any of that means.

    “also, did you know that people with red hair or people talking to themself are according to bulgarian folklore very easy to become vampires?”

    Didn’t, no.

    “perhaps it is just me, but I am almost sure that that payne-dude coined that name. it just feels right to assume that mister payne is an older vampire.”

    That would make sense, yeah. He probably did.

    “maybe mister payne gets his virgins by offering to show them his DNA-collection…”

    These vampires don’t need virgins.

    “if my assumption is correct, a great way of bringing us nearer to the final mistery of how vampires work.”

    Final mystery of how vampires work? I have zero plans for this story to ever explain how vampires began or how they work or any of that, really, even if it goes 300 issues.

    “Also, the comic is great. But I would have imagined it a bit different. I would have placed a reference to george a romero in there. You know, in the movie, just after that scene, when the last sentence is spoken, the camera scrolls downwards, you see the zombies walking, then the voice of mac:
    when there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.”

    Um, I hate all of his movies and that would just be crazy to steal that line. Would be the worst thing ever.

    And I was again confused by a lot of what you said.

  16. Mrf Says:

    Lovely! I get to read a very good comic AND see a lovely spiral of stupidity draw in more and more people.

    You people are great. The banning had me giggling like mad. ^_^

  17. Necavi Omnes Says:

    Bobby, I think that you’re doing a splendid job with this;; as is Owen. The time and effort you put into this astounds me. I really do plan on trying out for the part of April.

    And Vo, bravah. I loved your speech! You have some excellent points that people need to get slapped in the face with- such as, “his world.”
    Well, yeah, he’s the man telling this story, the populace needs to get over the fact that not every detail is going to be met on their whim. Stupid houis (yes, that’s spelled correctly– Hawai’ian word for a white person’s’).

    “Neca, I live for anime, but I thought Devian was chinese.”

    … Are the Chinese, suddenly, not Asian?

  18. Necavi Omnes Says:

    Wow, well, my post was cut in half, but I’m not going to bother typing it all out. Basically I said that anime, which stands for animation, is not confined to being Japanese or Japanese based. And Asian isn’t being held to the Japanese standard. It goes out to every Chinese, Korean, Thai, and all the others, also.


  19. Katticus Says:

    …..and thus the mighty flame war burninated my eyeballs. 0.0
    Also, Devian is teh awesomeness, and always will be. ^-^

  20. Nick Says:

    This is the part where you never come down from the tree. Ever.

  21. Teri B. Says:

    Wow, Bobby. You’re welcome to ban me, but I have to say I don’t think swearing at people and banning them for being “annoying” (when some of them were in fact simply telling you to relax and ignore the trolls) is really… just… whoah.

  22. Baltazaar Says:

    Bobby, I hope you are not disappointed, but the first comment goes to Owen
    oô? You comic dead sonja is GREAT!!!! Especially for a guy who has seen the spinoff movie that was produced by a man with insufficient glasses using a time machine and an austrian. I really think everybody should read this great comic. I have literally had the time of my life, reading that comic while waiting for the new comicpage.
    Now, just for the fun, let’s clear up a few facts about zombies and planes.
    1. bobby has already said that they simply bit some people just a little, and then placed them on planes. I hereby state that I do not encourage people to think otherwise, and have fully understood that it has happened this way.
    What pisses me off is that people still think in terms of “evil american bmovie zombie” about TFZ and the bunch.
    So, now, just for the fun of it, five fun ways to get a zombie to different parts of the world:
    1. Zombie-luggage: find a small child, zombify it, and then put it (hidden in a samsonite)on the cart carrying the luggage to the plane. if you do this multiple times, It could be a good surprise if a bunch of teenagers crawl out of the luggages in the unclaimed luggage area and begin to eat the passengers.
    2. give one zombie a record of you saying “I have a bomb. if you do not fly to europe, I wil trigger it. ” Glue it to his hands, if neccesary.
    then, dress him up in hoodie and baggy jeans, place him in a seat, and if the plane starts, have the zombie zombify all the passengers, and play the record through the barred door to the cockpit. passengers will be great fun to collect, if a plane full of zombies arrives at munich central airport. Avoid samuel L. Jackson at all costs.
    3. do it like the illegal immigrants. Go, climb up the weels of the plane, and hide between the electronics.
    4. can you say fedex express delivery? I bet it would be great fun to find a zombie in a box.
    5. can you say “Cargo container”? we simply need a bunch of zombies, the guy that has the equipment to seal the containers, and TFZ. TFZ heards the zombies in the container, and the guy he has killed and zombified seals the container. Is anyone going to check? I think not. and I bet if the airport people in the reccieving airport notice the stench and the ruffling, they are not going to think of it as zombies, and start to assume illegal aliens. I bet the police would hesitate to shoot illegal aliens, and would try to first capture and restrain them. I guess that would be a mistake
    well, I guess with me having thought that up in under 5 minutes, it is only natural that the zombie has such a cunning plan (the person who can place that quote gets a cookie)
    now, your comment, bobby, about a private enclosed area scared me. My mind suddenly imagines TFZ sitting on the public toilet, and zombifying people that want to use it. That is way to scary.
    But congrats for the method you found. The victim not only gets just the feeling of something weird happening to him…
    (but hey, it is america),
    and he is also able to avoid detection by simply acting naturally sick, and flies over there in a 12-16 hour period maximum.
    Now, as the victim leaves the plane, he might look a bit more thzen jtlagged, and will feel so sick that he will either go to a safe haven (away from most people), or to a public place (restroom, hotel or hospital). If he goes to a safe haven, a new zombie will have the perfect place to start spreading. he perhaps will not be detected for a long time.
    if he goes for a public place, he wil have the opportunity to spread the zombie-illness, and to very many people. Imagine a zombie-victim that has rested at the four seasons. Loads of necks to bite.
    I hereby gratulate you to the perfect most devilish solution on how to spread the virus without anyone noticing.
    Also, the thing with devian and Mac, sitting on a tree…..
    This is the whole big sceme, individualism versus blind masses, caring for people versus caring for results. The big weakness for vampires is that they have to care for the humans. Zombies don’t. Thus, by hunting mac up a tree, they have effectively put a vampire out of order, without getting one zombie killed. And just look at the way mac and the asian ladyvampire look at each other. she will sure as hell have her problems leaving him.

    also, no, I go for blind loyality. Any man pulling of such ammount of work (6 comics, a film and all in such different themes, plus having the comics printed and such ) is no longer a mere human.
    Bobby (and Owen, who has the most drawing, inking and coloring skills ever), you two are superhumans. If I would be anywhere near you, I would do the waynes world routine…
    I’m not worthy!
    I’m scum!

    You might not have understood all of my ramblings, but I hope you have the general tone. Bobby, you are wickedly cool!

  23. vo Says:

    “Neca, I live for anime, but I thought Devian was chinese.”

    … Are the Chinese, suddenly, not Asian?

    I was thinking in terms of the fact that, at least to me, the only crazy haired characters in Anime are Japanese, and the chinese characters seem normal by comparison.

    1. Zombie-luggage

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..LMFAO at that. I just imagine the zombie child exploding from the luggage like a pissed off cat.

    Avoid samuel L. Jackson at all costs.

    I would bet a Zombie Samuel L. might give Chuck Norris a workout. And then Chuck Norris would stop playing around. When TFZ goes to bed at night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

  24. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I have to say I don’t think swearing at people and banning them for being ‘annoying’ . . .”

    What? Where the heck did you get the idea that I banned someone just for being annoying? I’ve never banned anyone just for being annoying.

    “(when some of them were in fact simply telling you to relax and ignore the trolls)”

    “Simply”? You say that as if it’s nothing bad. Did you miss the part where I previously warned people that I’d ban anyone who tells me to relax or chill? Once again, I’m not going to allow the comments to be filled with the pointless ramblings of retarded idiots who want to waste everyone’s time by complaining about the way I say things to people or the things I do instead of talking about the comic, so you’re banned too, of course.

  25. Necavi Omnes Says:

    As someone who has been raised by all sorts of Asians (I’m from Kauai), I can honestly say that the Chinese animations make PCP look like a strong expresso.
    … *twitch*


  26. Lydia Says:

    As someone who was born as and has been raised by Chinese, I have no idea what you’re talking about, Neca. But honestly, can we just say animation is animation, and not split it up by ethnicity? Genre, sure, but ethnicity? Come on.

    Stereotyping is for chumps.

  27. Vo Says:

    I’m not spliting the artists. Just the characters. Ah fuck it. Anime is fairly fucked up no matter how you slice it. BRB, Watching Ninja Scroll.

  28. Necavi Omnes Says:



  29. vo Says:

    Neca, why do you sign all your posts when your name preceeds every one?

  30. L. Ivanov Says:

    Hello from one of your readers in Bulgaria.

    Wow, I never imagined we had an Undead King in the 12th century 🙂

    Good comic – I found it a few days ago, and I like it. Poor Jimmy…

  31. Not a reader Says:

    God damn Crosby, you are fucking insane.

  32. Redrover Says:

    Bobby –

    As vampires that were once human don’t age (a child turned into a vampire remains a child for eternity) how do vampires that were born vampires age? Or is it that only vampires that were human stop aging?

  33. Bobby Crosby Says:

    They reach a certain age and then stop — haven’t decided yet how that age is determined.

  34. Tegu Says:


  35. ZeM Says:

    “some story they would told us to scare us and make us appreciate the blood we had”

    lol, some cliché…

  36. Sertith Says:

    I have to say, this is one of the better stories I’ve read in a while.

    Also, the MS paints? Hilarious, I love how you put such things as, “There could be blood leaking from the eyes, that’d be cool.” Lulz.

    I shall check out the movie when it comes out, if it’s not already.

  37. Parrot Says:

    I LOVE Devian’s earrings!
    Haha, just had to mention that.
    I thought maybe they were in a nice calm part, chilling out – but then I saw the zombies under them. Made me go ‘o.o’

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