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Page 28: Jimmy and Hitler

Monday, February 26th, 2007

I think Math killed Hitler.

29 Responses to “Page 28: Jimmy and Hitler”

  1. Paralda Says:

    That comment. Priceless.

  2. Mewt Says:

    You have made it worth waking up on this dreary Monday morning, Bobby.

    This is so being added to my quote book.

  3. Axel Says:

    Let’s not be hasty, maybe he committed suicide to avoid Math?

  4. Nara Says:

    I second all the above!!

  5. AunnaTalla Says:

    >.> grandpa… ya thats right.. my grandpa.. >.>

  6. Lydia Says:

    XD! Beautiful….

  7. Schon R Boll Says:

    OK. The more and more I know about math. The cooler he gets……. Keep it comin. ( P. S it is good with out werewolfs )

  8. Viscupelo Says:

    Aaaaah this webcomic rocks.

  9. Jason Says:

    I think Math is Hitler. And what rymes with Hitler? Orange…

  10. OLLLIe Says:

    hahahah, what an excellent strip for a monday
    math totally rocks
    he looks alot more “human” in todays strip too

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Yeah, he doesn’t have two swords strapped to his back!

  12. ashuri Says:

    this comic makes me look forward to Mon, and Weds

    sorry i already look forward to Fridays!

  13. Carrin Says:

    I’d assume Vamps would have ways to appear more human. Otherwise they’d be somewhat limited in the ways that they could get you.

    Math was an Alli? Hmm…

    BTW, what nationality are Math and the vampire-chick-whose-name-I-forgot?

    Kinda odd topic, considering the first Zombie was a WW2 Zombie. Coincidence?

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Math was an Alli? Hmm…”

    It’s in the vampires’ best interest to keep as many humans alive as possible, really, so when someone starts killing millions and millions of them, they have to step in.

    Their nationalities are meant to be ambiguous, but they’re from Europe originally. But they’ve lived hundreds of years and moved around a lot, so they probably don’t have much of an accent at this point.

    “Kinda odd topic, considering the first Zombie was a WW2 Zombie. Coincidence?”

    Of course not!

  15. Markisa Says:

    am I the onely one that feels that April and Math are gonna get together?

  16. Paralda Says:

    Please please please please please please please don’t make a storyline like “The Nazis created a horrible serum that had the power to bring bad the dead as mindless killing machines.”

    I don’t want another storyline that glorifies Nazis as evil geniuses!

    Do you remember Hellboy?!

  17. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Paralda, there’s absolutely nothing to fear about that. This is actually an original story, and you’ll find out how the zombies started VERY soon.

  18. Paralda Says:

    Thanks Bobby, that makes me feel a LOT better.

  19. OLLLIe Says:

    are you kidding
    nazis will forever be the
    best bad guys
    theyre easy to hate and
    and super badass

  20. Carrin Says:

    —-“The Nazis created a horrible serum that had the power to bring bad the dead as mindless killing machines.”

    Not only that, but it’s been done. 😛


    —-Of course not!

    Figured as much.

    —-It’s in the vampires’ best interest to keep as many humans alive as possible, really, so when someone starts killing millions and millions of them, they have to step in.

    Back to being Ambiguous I guess. Silly me, hoping it’d be simple or somthing.

    I just hope there’s no raising of humans as cows (Similar to the matrix).

    There are two things I hate about comics, waiting for more, and having no more once it’s over.

    At least I only have too wait. ^_^

  21. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Won’t be any raising of humans as cows or anything like that at all!

    The waiting will be over soon for one key thing, or at least part of it.

  22. Mewt Says:

    I do wanna say as far as accents go that, the way basic psychology works, if you learn a new language -after- you’re roughly 30 years old, you’ll always have an accent. Then again, I’m not sure how much of this is the brain’s neurological growth which wouldn’t change for an undead ( Or would it? It would have to, for him to be able to think in any sort of original way as the times change ). Iono. I just like nitpicking silly things. 😛 But let’s face it, the women would be all over Math if he had like, a British or French accent at least. >.>; Well, and didn’t suck blood.

  23. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I do wanna say as far as accents go that, the way basic psychology works, if you learn a new language -after- you’re roughly 30 years old, you’ll always have an accent.”

    Obviously no studies done on that for people who live to be over 300 years old, though. Time changes a lot of things. But yeah, who knows. Doesn’t affect the comic at all.

  24. Baccory Says:

    From what i’ve been taught in psychology alot of the studies point at about 6 as the cut off for accents (ei you learn a language before 6 and you wont have an accent) but i always thought that was a load (but had to pretend to agree for tests) its interesting you say 30 because that completely shats on what i’ve been taught at uni.

  25. Mewt Says:

    I was taught 30. 6 is when it stops being so easy to learn a language outside the ones you’re raised with. From birth to 6 is kind of a the ‘Golden Age’ of language learning.

  26. Christine Says:

    Math is my favorite character; and I am currently shipping April x Math *sigh* sometimes I just can’t help to think like a fanfic authoress.
    Also, I think he’s hot >.

  27. Altair Says:

    The little Hitler joke is my favorit epart so far. When I read it in the book, I nearly stopped breathing. It was priceless.

  28. Tegu Says:


  29. ModdyPride Says:

    If Math DID kill hitler, then I like him like, 50X more now… Yeah… I don’t like Nazis…

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