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Page 5: Old Friends

Sunday, January 27th, 2008

Full color! I like it. For those who were unaware, all present day scenes will be in color and the flashbacks will be in black and white.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

68 Responses to “Page 5: Old Friends”

  1. albarn321 Says:

    wait…I wrote: “let’s” the rage-mania begins….sorry for that 😛

  2. Demon! Says:

    Always glad to help, Bobby.

    Looks like I am becoming a Last Blood geek 😀

  3. SMWhannell Says:

    Full color page! Very cool. I like the shadowing and everything, very well done! I missed this comic during the break . . . But it’s back now! Whoo hoo! Good on ya, and great page as always.

    Sullivan looks very cool on the bottom left frame, by the way. ^^

  4. vib Says:

    Im sure that Rage will be important in the disposel of Sullivans Zombies.

  5. Islam Sharabash Says:


    I don’t know if this has been asked before (I checked all your comments Bobby, so I know you haven’t answered, at the least), but, is the printed color version of Last Blood going to cost more than the first volume comics did? If you already know, how much? They look excellent…

  6. Bobby Crosby Says:

    There’s actually probably not going to be any individual printed issues for the second volume, but just a full graphic novel after it’s all done early next year. The reason for that is because of the cost of color and because the first four issues didn’t sell quite as well as we wanted and also because we don’t want any deadlines for this GN that caused so many problems with the first one and made things rushed. The second GN will probably cost a little more to purchase than the first GN because of the color.

  7. Ayashi Says:

    Terrific page as usual, loving the color! Owen have you done any other cover art for last blood, or perhaps a :gasp: wallpaper? I’d love to sport a LB desktop picture and have my friends say “what the heck is that?” only to be addicted to the comic sixteen minutes later 😉 Smashing job guys!

  8. Sim^moN Says:

    hmmm.. I was trying to find any flaws again I think to apply some well mannered criticism. A single flaw (with the blood on Francis) was already covered and will be corrected and its not even a mistake – It was just overseen in the creative process… There is nothing bad I can say about the new GN. Unfortunately ;P I have to admit that all the other comments are right. Your work (and I mean both the writer and the artist) is OUTSTANDING and getting better and better every page. Thumbs up and a lot of Yays for you!

    PS. Was it me or did the LB and Marry Me servers suffered a downtime lately? I wasnt able to open the comic and got 404 NOT FOUND.

  9. Demon! Says:

    Probably – last week both sites refused to open for most of the day. I could only access them in late evening. And during the day – 404 Not Found.

    It seems to be fine today 🙂

  10. fieldy409 Says:

    I often get trouble acessing this website.

  11. Frank Says:

    Does that mean the whole story so far was a flashback?

  12. Bobby Crosby Says:

    No, it does not mean that at all.

  13. Gugenheimer Says:

    Last Blood continues to be one of the best ongoing series being published on the web…keep up the great work!

  14. Jesse Says:

    Frank, did you mean “the whole story so far” as in this graphic novel, or as in the whole dang thing, including the first graphic novel?

  15. Tegu Says:


  16. Vicky Says:

    Bobby, any chance we’ll have a sixth page any time soon? 😛

  17. Trilbydude Says:

    *squeams* ouch…

  18. Krwawy Says:

    Why the zombie-vampire have hairs first and then he have no hairs but bandage?

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