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Page 92: Mac Attack #2

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Happy Halloween! I wonder how many of you will be dressing as your favorite Last Blood character while trick or treating. Probably all of you. For those of you who are very fat, I suggest dressing as the Fat Vampire and wearing only a bloody apron while wielding cleavers, as seen on the right side of Panel 2 above.

The most important thing for you to do, however, is to go to your local comic book shop and buy Last Blood #3, in stores today! If your local shop isn’t carrying Last Blood, kill the one who chose not to carry it.

I like Page 92, which is a callback to the first Mac Attack (the term for when Mac slices off three zombie heads with one swing of his axe) from Page 26.

I’m looking for names for the giant vampire in Panels 3 and 4, so give your suggestions in the comments below, but look out for spoilers.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

254 Responses to “Page 92: Mac Attack #2”

  1. ModdyPride Says:

    Mac is awesome…

  2. Trilbydude Says:

    Mac beats windows XD

  3. Mike Says:

    alight, couldnt help but notice the fat zombie in the last panel…. Is he only wearing an apron and weilding a butchers knife?

  4. Hefrak Says:

    Yea, he’s wearing ONLY an apron, and technically thats a meat cleaver I think…Did you HAVE to give us a rear view of him?!?!? *shudder*

    Oh, and I probably missed the official change…but didn’t Mac there used to have a fire axe instead of a battle axe?

    No wait, I know, he leveled up!!! Attack increased, Vitality increased, speed increased, size of cojones…already at maximum lvl

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