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Page 9: My Little Babies

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!Signed copies of Last Blood #4 are now available for you to order on this site! Along with all the other issues, of course.

265 Responses to “Page 9: My Little Babies”

  1. Ashley F Says:

    my friend eli showed LB to me. i’ve been on keenspot for a couple of years now.. and i have to say, this has become my all time favorite web comic. i saw that 10 (on bobby’s side) is done. c’mon owen, make us proud. 😀

  2. the glock Says:

    who can make a shadow puppet of shadow master?

  3. Kookookaed Says:

    hmmm, rage didn’t eat the comics, he ate owen
    btw its my birthday on monday…. so Bobby, could you please please get me a new page for my birthday

  4. Altair Says:

    page 10 coming…

    that’s the best news i’ve heard since i found out that Jack Thompson got fired or whatever.

    Or that the coffee maker is working again…

    I have no idea what the hell I’m saying. Looking foreward to the awesomeness.

  5. Alan Says:

    I CAN!

  6. margot asquith Says:

    freakangels.com actually updated every friday

  7. ModdyPride Says:

    Aww… no update… oh well, I’ll just have to be paitient and keep cheaking back.

  8. not_so_sober_ruski Says:

    Are you competing with Gone with the Blastwave and PostNuke for the slowest updating web comic? 😀

  9. Joe Bloggs Says:

    You’ll have to be more patient than this fella:

  10. luke Says:

    alan. no-homo.

  11. Anko Says:

    Jeez, people, what happened to the discussions about VAMPIRES and ZOMBIES? They would seem appropriate here, because it’s the comment section of a comic about vampires and zombies. Go ahead, post retarded questions that have been answered hundreds of times by Bobby personally! Let’s argue about the fact that the world was zombified within a month, and the supposed impossibility of that! Post something that is at least remotely Last Blood related, or please, just don’t post at all.

  12. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “freakangels.com actually updated every friday”

    Never heard of it, but did they put out 121 pages plus lots of covers and pin-ups in a period of 17 months? At one page per week it would have taken us well over two years to do what we’ve done, everyone should keep in mind. Everyone should also kill themselves probably. So fucking stupid.

    Anyway, new page later today. I wrote it 22 days ago. Been in the hospital for the past eight days, home now, hopefully I’ll somehow survive.

  13. Alan Says:

    # luke Says:
    June 17th, 2008 at 7:08 am

    alan. no-homo.

    lol nice catch.

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I also want to point out that I think the second graphic novel of LB is going to look fairly incredible. Mix of black and white and color and Owen is doing a very nice detailed job with it, very consistent high quality. That GN is gonna be a very nice book to own. Might not come out for another 18-22 months, not sure, but it’s gonna be sweet.

  15. Rez Says:

    Lol, no idea if anyone said this already, and frankly, im about 3 monthes late…
    But I like the zombie in the bottom right – “Blub blub bluuuuuub. Uh?”

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