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Movie News

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

For those who didn’t get it, yesterday’s April Fool’s Day joke was that it wasn’t a joke! I thought it was pretty funny. I enjoyed the confusion it caused.

I’m very pleased to be working with Benderspink, a great company that has produced The Ring, The Butterfly Effect, and A History of Violence, which was based on a graphic novel and was nominated for two Oscars, including Best Adapted Screenplay. There’s still an outside chance that I’ll be writing the screenplay, but that’s looking very doubtful at the moment. I should have finished it months ago obviously, but I was too lazy and busy with other things. Having a big name writer adapt it, though, will most likely help a lot with getting a green light, so we’ll see what happens. More details later!

New comic page within a few days hopefully!

It’s crazy how fast news like this spreads. Most of these were up within a couple hours after the Variety article was posted last night:



It was apparently mentioned on Attack of the Show tonight as well.

248 Responses to “Movie News”

  1. Vicky Says:

    hey, guys, just celebrate the movie and the fact we’ll eventually be at the confy chairs with popcorn watching Bobby’s work rendered into the movies. 🙂 How long we’ve spent other times without a comic, huh? I think we can survive this withdrawal.

    Take good care of yourself, Owen. 🙂

  2. Piper Says:

    I hoper there will be some newe pages sooN!!!

  3. Jade Says:

    I hope the movie doesn’t ruin the series… Movies have a habbit of ruining a good thing… Like the ending to ‘The Mist’ and both the ‘Fantastic four’s…. I’m sure there are more. But yeah. Looking forward to the movie. Now only to wait for updates…

  4. Jon Pander Says:

    Vicky: Not sure what movie theatres you’ve been going to…. comfy chairs?

    S.C.: I got the ha-ha the first time. Like Phil from Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law. Gotcha. Kudos for that.

    Micah: Yes Micah. Yes I am. And I’m sexhay too. You can’t prove I’m not. HA-HA! (how’s that, S.C.?)

    Personally I don’t mind the lack of updates. I read several of bobby’s comics and Marry Me has had 4 updates in a week …. so it’s all good in the grand scheme of things to me.

  5. Alan Says:

    ***Jade Says:
    April 20th, 2008 at 11:35 am
    “I hope the movie doesn’t ruin the series… Movies have a habbit of ruining a good thing… Like the ending to ‘The Mist’ and both the ‘Fantastic four’s…. I’m sure there are more. But yeah. Looking forward to the movie. Now only to wait for updates…”***

    There have been some that started the series too. Look at buffy the vampire slayer, it was a movie before a series, and the series lasted what, 6 years? I can’t remember exactly how long. Gotta always hope for the best, and i think this GN will make it big.

  6. Al Says:

    I’m really glad a quailty story line like this is going to make it to the big screen.

    But can you please post some more of the comic, it’s been almost most a month and the suspence is killing me. And not in that good way!!!

  7. Ryan Says:

    Stargate was a movie before it came out 😉 And it already has a spin off that priomises to last just as long!

    But, I agree, movies do tend to get lost in translation with a previously published piece of work.

  8. Devil's Advocate Says:

    What is going on here? There hasn’t been a new page in weeks?

  9. Rebekah Says:

    When is there going to be a new page? I’ve been waiting for weeks…

  10. shoebane Says:

    Remember when there used to be a web comic here?

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I hate web comics.

  12. phooks Says:

    in a hate-to-love manner? 🙂

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Nah, just hate hate hate.

  14. Shayna Says:

    I think I love Jade because she is reiterating exactly how I felt about ‘The Mist’ and the F4 sequel.

  15. Owen Gieni Says:

    Art update; Page about 1/3 finished but I’m epically behind on everything in my life! I hope to make some strides today though.

  16. Tegu Says:

    Take your time. If your life is a mess, than you don’t have time to draw.

    Could we maybe get an old sketch posted, or perhaps a transcript of either the movie, you just you two’s conversations? That should easy these hunger pains.

  17. Jade Says:

    Yeah, but the movie STARTED the series. That’s different. Usually a movie that takes after something ruins it. The first Harry potter wasn’t bad but have you seen the lastest ones? Uuuhhg!… Just look at Daredevil Elektra, I’m fairly sure Batman is one of the only movies that actually did good after a comic series. Same for video games. Movies like to ruin them as well.

  18. Shayna Says:

    Comic movies either revive the audience or kill it deader than a coffin nail.

    Example: SPAWN

    No. 1 Spawn comic went for $75 to $100 before the movie was released. Nowadays it doesn’t sell for $3 in auction.

  19. Sara Says:

    Jade, I have to throw Spiderman out there with Batman. Those movies certainly did well. Which is not to discount your previous comments, only add to them.

  20. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “The first Harry potter wasn’t bad”

    LOL. The first is the worst of them all and they’re all disgustingly horrible. Worst adaptations of all time.

  21. Nathan Says:

    dude… post another page… it’s been what two months??

    Get to work!!


  22. Euphoria Says:

    “Worst adaptations of all time.”

    Oh no. That prize goes to the film they made out of Lemony Snicket’s “A Series Of Unfortunate Events”, or perhaps the film adaption of “Eragon.”
    In the second case I simply turned the television off after ten minutes and just LEFT.

  23. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Eragon” is a horrible, unreadable book, so it’s impossible to adapt it poorly — anything would be a step up. The Snicket books are really good and the movie could have been a ton better, but was still watchable. The Harry Potter books are the best books of all time and every few seconds for every film you have to cringe in horror at the disgusting shit that they somehow put up on the screen.

  24. Willy Says:

    Whatever they’ve done to comic books pales in comparison to the travesty that is the “Videogame to Movie Adaptation”.

    I mean, just check out anything by Uwe Bolle…

    Although the mess they made of “A Wizard of Earthsea” just reeks of Hollywood dumbing down – even to the point of reversing Ged’s Truename (Ged) with his usename (Sparrowhawk) because “Ged” just doesn’t cut it as a name of power I guess.

  25. Shayna Says:

    Lemony Snicket was visually beautiful, but smooshing a series into one movie with an overactor (cough Carey) can really put the kibosh on it.

    Eragon…..(opens mouth and inserts finger)….Utter crap. The CGI alone was so expensively shitty that it guaranteed failure.

    As much as I loved the Potter films, Rowling’s success has created a veritable ‘Shitstorm’. Any author, who makes over 1 million in book sales, is optioned for a movie now.

    How in the hell are we supposed to promote literacy when the Hollywood Machine keeps slapping them on the screen before our kids are old enough to get a library card? There is no room for imagination anymore because of this exploitation.

    And don’t get me started on book-to-movie script adaptation editing; I will set my keyboard on fire with my wrath!

  26. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “As much as I loved the Potter films”

    Um, what? The FILMS? Pretty much a bannable offense to say you like the Harry Potter movies. Also, what you said about that “shitstorm” is just stupid nonsense.

  27. Shayna Says:

    Oh come on! I like movies, sue me!

    I made it a point NOT to read the Potter books so I wouldn’t be dissapointed about how badly the movies f***ed up the books.

    And you know I am right about the “shitstorm”.

    A good example is when Shrek became a success. Before then, 3-D animation was being played with, but not seriously used for mainstream cartoon production.

    When Shrek grossed $1 billion, the next 4 years spit out any piece of trash children’s film they could in 3-D format.

    Let’s be realistic here Bob.

    Stephanie Meyer just finished the ‘Twilight’ trilogy and already they are casting the first movie. Less than six months later, P.C. Cast tried to cash in by beginning her own trilogy with her daughter’s name slapped on so it would seem as a ‘young’ person wrote it.

    It’s disheartening, to say the least.

  28. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “And you know I am right about the ‘shitstorm’.”

    Uh, you said “Any author, who makes over 1 million in book sales, is optioned for a movie now” as if that started because of Rowling. That’s been the case for forever basically. You also very strangely/stupidly made it sound like that’s a bad thing. The Harry Potter movies have only caused more people to read the books, of course, not less, and yet you “made it a point NOT to read the Potter books so I wouldn’t be dissapointed about how badly the movies f***ed up the books,” which is the exact opposite of what you should have done and what you’re whining about. You’re saying turning books into movies makes it so people don’t read, which overall is nonsense, but you’re one of the cases it applies to, because you choose to simply watch the movies and not even read the books. If you care so much about literacy, why the hell didn’t you just read the books and not watch the movies?

    Anyway, you’ll probably be banned after your next post, but just in case you’re not, new rule for you: One comment per page, and you only get one more for this page.

  29. Katy Says:

    Interesting anecdote about Harry Potter (Love the books – love them love them love them – won’t get into the movie debate la la la *fingers in the ears* I can’t HEEEAAARRR YOU!! ’cause I don’t want to argue about stuff) – I was at work one night and a couple of us were talking with anticipation about the last Harry Potter book, and about the lines waiting to get the book at midnight, when one of my co-workers announced that she refused to read the books OR see the movies because they were full of Wicca (how she knows this withOUT seeing the movies OR reading the books I don’t know, but I guess that is beside the point). When I asked her in what way she felt they were full of Wicca, she REFUSED TO ANSWER, saying that if she did, she would have to TALK ABOUT Wicca, which she didn’t want to do! *rolls eyes* I mean – hello?? If you are going to have an opinion like that, be ready and willing to back it up with someone a bit more substantial than “I think, but I’m not going to tell you why because then I’d have to talk about this stuff I don’t like …”

    Wicca in Harry Potter. Sheesh. *shakes head* Anyhoo … Just thought I’d drop by – I do every couple days to see if there’s a new page up. Hope all is well with you – I guess you’re OK, Bobby, as I see “Marry Me” is still going strong – so Owen is the one I’m worried about. Everything OK Owen?? Take good care of yourself, now; we want to see how this all goes here and if you don’t take care of yourself so you can draw it, we won’t know! 🙂

  30. Swag Says:

    I didn’t read the Harry Potter books. I’ve seen every single movie.

    Later on, I’ll buy the entire series of books and movies. For now, the movies suffice. They take less time to watch than the book takes to read. I don’t see what the problem is with enjoying a movie adaption. I know that the books contain more content than the movies. Much much more. That doesn’t mean I feel the need to read the book ASAP.

  31. Owen Gieni Says:

    RIP Calgary Flames. Maybe now I can get back on schedule though.

  32. Jon Pander Says:

    I’m trying to figure out just where the comments changed from talking about the comic to this Harry Potter stuff. Funny thing is I’ve never read the books or seen the movies. Not my thing. Never saw Lemony Snicket or even knew it was based on a book, though coincidentially, I have the movie from Netflix and it’s been sitting on my desk for the last 4 days,

    heh, if the movie does well Bobby should probably see about a video game based on his movie. Apparently both the Lemony snicket and Rowling movies did that too. Actually pretty much any movie seems to do that nowadays.

  33. Cody Says:

    I read the first Harry potter book, but never read the rest, they just were not my kind of fantasy book (the writting didnt strike me outright). watched the movies out of boredom then watched the 3rd because the actress for hermoine was turning out to be fairly pretty so i thought wtf I’ll watch it.
    anyways. cat wait for the next page post it when you can, or what not. we’ll all read it and sing it praise cause god knows we are all losers 😛

  34. Sonusai Says:


    Idle curiosity though, when are you going to post the next page? I come to this site almost everyday hoping for an update.

  35. Rushee Says:

    Will Lastblood become a Schaemiac in 17 days ? 😉

  36. JT cool Says:

    Huh. I feel out of place here as I never liked the Harry Potter series. I pretty much lumped it in with Anne Rice and started reading the Necroscope series.

    Necroscope series is pretty similair to last blood in a few ways. Guy controls zombies,vampires(Though these are entirely different then what we know),and major governments of the world holding ESPionage branches.

    Harry Keogh will always be better then Harry Potter in my opinion.

  37. 13thclam Says:

    I expect it’s gonna be a while before they get around to updating the comic again. Getting a movie deal is probably pretty time consuming.

    That’s ok. I can wait. I can wait even longer if the movie film for theaters comes out before the next page.

  38. Bobby Crosby Says:

    New rule: Anyone who admits to not liking the Harry Potter books will be banned. If you somehow don’t like them, keep it to yourself. Don’t want such insane stupidity uglifying the site.

  39. Altair Says:

    Nathan Says:

    April 22nd, 2008 at 10:44 pm
    dude… post another page… it’s been what two months??

    Get to work!!
    Yeah You know what– comments like that are just… pointless. ((There’ve been too many on this page alone, not to mention the rest of the second GN)) Stop bitching. It’s not going to make it come any faster.

    Bobby Crosby Says:

    April 24th, 2008 at 12:09 pm
    New rule: Anyone who admits to not liking the Harry Potter books will be banned. If you somehow don’t like them, keep it to yourself. Don’t want such insane stupidity uglifying the site.
    Good rule. Should be a national law. 🙂

  40. Owen Gieni Says:

    Good news gang!! New page was sent off, could be up by tonight!! Bad news- I forgot how to draw and color this comic.

  41. Chris Gaudreau Says:

    Id just like to say, ive been reading the entire thing for a few days and I LOVE IT! I can’t wait till this thing becomes a film 🙂

  42. cappisman Says:

    the harry potter books were good, but i personally got tired of the story somehow after the fourth and halfway through the fifth. theres better books to read….in fact i think i started reading something else at that point.

    on that note, i think the movie of a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy was quite pleasurable to watch, not AS awesome as the books, but still a good adaptation in my mind.

  43. Alan Says:

    Just in case something happens, and it doesn’t get posted tonight… what if you drew like a intro to the new GN part, or a catch up panel… just a thought.

  44. Tegu Says:

    I just want to throw it out. I am responsible for Harry Potter in America. I went to England on a vacation, and got food poisoning on the plane. I was sick all week, so my parents got me a book with a wizard on it that looked like me. I loved the first one, brought it home, and gave it to a friend to read. We spread it around home, and a few months later, the craze started. I’m SO SORRY!

    It’s not that I dislike the books, I just hate the craze. I to felt like I outgrew Harry Potter, and I also think Necroscope is a sweet series. And about Wicca, anyone who has that kind of hate for no reason should be shot. They aren’t helping this world.

    Owen, glad to hear everything is better, and I certainly hope that you can remember how to work your own artistic magic!

  45. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “the harry potter books were good, but i personally got tired of the story somehow after the fourth and halfway through the fifth. theres better books to read….in fact i think i started reading something else at that point.”

    Banned obviously.

    “It’s not that I dislike the books, I just hate the craze. I to felt like I outgrew Harry Potter”

    Banned obviously.

  46. Stabby McGee Says:

    I foresee Godwin’s being evoked in the very near future.

  47. How to be Bulletproof Says:

    OH MY GOD! That is freeak’n awesome! CONGRATULATIONS! WEBCOMICS RULE!

  48. Alan Says:

    And this is what kills great stories. RIP

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