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Page 4: Let Me See

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

This page reveals that the present day scenes will be in full color! I believe the next eight pages at least will be in color actually, but I’m not sure yet.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

72 Responses to “Page 4: Let Me See”

  1. nate Says:

    You should call this “Next-to-Lastblood”

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I assume Kitey refers to how the black border for the color panel matches the black background for the website itself.”

    Obviously, but that doesn’t make anything in the comic confusing.

    For the millionth time, Addison Payne is dead and he’s never ever coming back. He’ll be in many of the flashbacks in this GN, though, so be happy for that!

  3. XJPhoenix Says:

    Another page, and colour!!!

    Great job, guys. Lovin’ it big-time!

    (Plus, it scratched that monkey-on-my-back need for more of the Last Blood universe and all of it’s colourful characters!)

    AP is gone, but his memory lives on. I’ll draw some flack by saying it, but it’s better that he stays dead. Yes, he was pretty damn cool; but if he were to suddenly pop back up, his tragic death & sacrifice would be cheapened somewhat.

    BTW: Sofia is just damn cool.


  4. Lucid Says:

    Obligatory need to correct myself. The manubrium is not the largest bone of the sternum – that’s the gladiolus. I had been awake for like 72 hours when I wrote that and was basically delirious. Sorry for the mistake.

  5. Jesse Says:

    Yeah, jeez, Lucid. Like the manuthingie is the largest bone of the whatsit. And the gladiowhatever is just this little tiny thing! *forehead slap* What were you thinking?
    …not really.

  6. Cicero Says:

    Color!!! Woot!!!

    Nicely awesome yet again!


  7. Micah Says:

    Sorry that I misinformed people on the last page Bobby, I try not to do stuff like that. Though near the end of the last GN you said you didn’t know if you were going to have it work on zombies or not but that you were:

    Bobby Crosby Says:
    December 8th, 2007 at 12:23 pm
    “99.9% sure it wouldn’t work on Sullivan. Doubt I’d ever allow that.”

    Obviously that leaves room for change, though I really thought I remembered you saying it wouldn’t work on schaemiacs, but I’m probably wrong.
    Also, I don’t think you ever said in the spoilers that a cure had been made before, so AFP’s note saying, “I’m pretty sure it works” led me to believe it was a completely new invention of his solely to deal with the new TFZ, (which is why it wouldn’t seem to make sense in the flashback, me not realizing how long he took to make it.) You have since, of course, corrected all of my blatantly wrong assumptions. Just wanted you to know why I thought what I thought. I’ll try not to stick my foot in it again.
    Also, the borders are fine, obviously.

  8. Durbro Says:

    Not sure if anyone else noticed A.F.P’s glasses but i love how the change from one type to another reflecting the passage of time and all. Love the comic, and look forward to the movie

  9. Demon! Says:

    I wonder why I suspectthat Addison felt something towards her… he doesn’t look quite indifferent to me 😉

    It’s good to know that the story will go in color from now on – that will make it even more immersive…

  10. Burahn Says:

    Hey, long time reader, first time commentating. I’ve been a big fan of zombie stories for as long as I can remember. This webcomic delivers on so many fronts for the genre as a whole, that I don’t know where to begin. For me, what keeps me coming back is the writing. From the direction the story flows in, to the character development. It really grabs me to the point where I’m aching to see the next page just to see how things turn out. That’s a mark of genius and talent if ever there was one. I truly hope this does get made into a movie, so I can see it at the theatre the way all zombie flicks should be seen. In the pitch dark with a large tub of popcorn to be thrown about when one gets scared out of their wits. Ace work you guys, do keep it up.

  11. Antiok Says:

    first time i’ve noticed last blood is not colored D:

    im blind

  12. Owen Says:

    New page wrapped and sent off. I’m pretty happy with it.

  13. Krasno Says:

    WOW. I’ve been on vacations for the past two weeks and couldn’t wait to see the new comics. Just WOW.
    Have AFP’s glasses red lenses or they are stained with his blood?

  14. Demon! Says:

    Looks like red lenses to me… and it is nice detail.

  15. K-man Says:

    I must say it’s awesome!

  16. Owen Says:

    Yeah, red lenses. My original plan was for his shirt to be red as well but then the blood couldn’t be seen so he went back to a more classic white shirt. Color is so much fun.

  17. Kanian Says:

    YAY new page!

    You’ve gotten alot better at art since this Graphic novel began with issue 1, congrats Owen.

  18. Krasno Says:

    Well, you could color his shirt red if you wanted, you know what they said about Napoleon. He would wear red clothes, so if the enemy injured him, they couldn’t know, giving him an edge in battle (at least psychologically) 😛

    Im so nerd

  19. Tegu Says:


  20. Cleo Says:

    Whoo flashbacks FTW! And the colour, yummy. I was happy with the black and white, but colour’s a refreshing change. I was like, HOLY CRAP IT’S COLOUR. It startled me. (:

  21. Trilbydude Says:



  22. Phan Says:

    This must be Sofia.

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