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Page 2: Mastering

Tuesday, January 15th, 2008

Last Blood was just nominated for a Broken Frontier Award for Best Webcomic!

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

73 Responses to “Page 2: Mastering”

  1. Ian Lee Says:

    long time no post… awesome page… thanks and keep up the great work..

  2. Katy Says:

    Just a random 2nd post – a couple people have posted that Sofia is dressed “like a Muslim” which, if they would look more closely, is a LONG ways from the truth. #1 – her clothes are form fitting, which Islamic women tend to avoid – they tend to wear loose, billowy clothing; #2 – her skirt is only about knee-length, which is not allowed by the strictest tenure of Islam, where woman are … shall we say “encouraged” to wear floor-length skirts or pants and #3, as someone pointed out – those f* me shoes … 🙂 The ONLY thing that is in the slightest like Islamic dress is the veil.

    I was thinking about this earlier today when I was going to bed after work. When I was really young there was a woman who lived out near my family who always wore a veil over the lower part of her face. She had what is termed a “hare lip” and cleft palate (I have no idea what the PC term is for this condition – cleft lip?) and this was before the surgery to correct it could have been done on her as a child. She was at that point too old to have it done. She would not ever visit neighbors for meals, etc., because it embarrassed her to be seen trying to eat.

    The point of my story? Lots of people can wear veils, for lots of different reasons.

  3. Vicky Says:

    You can also see, specially among older women, veils worn in churches, or black veils for mourning. I’ve seen that a bit.

  4. Kitey Says:

    Thanks for clearing that up Bobby i was just confused about all the pinning down zombie business. But god it must be hard to control zombies because after all Sophia has been trying to control them for what seven centuaries and she still has a bit trouble having them sit still. Its like kids that never grow up.

    Oh and Katy you are right there are lots of reasons for women to wear veils but its just that when a lot of people think muslim they think of women with their face covered its just one of the distinguishing features of how they dress

  5. Tomm Says:

    great job again owen. just a question. is sofia going to be an anti-hero of some sort? also i cant wait for the movie. it will truely be epic.

  6. sco3tt Says:

    Congratulations on the nomination!

  7. Altair Says:

    “Last Blood” nominated for Best Webcomic by the Broken Frontier Awards –


    oh, yes– most definently congrats. Can’t wait to see the outcome (even though LB is gonna win. There’s my rare moment of optimism for the month.) Is there someway we can vote for LB on that website? I looked but didn’t find anything… Oh well. (goes over to TWC.)

  8. Tim Says:

    Now i’m a new reader and havn’t been keeping up on the comments/spoilers, so feel free to correct me if i make a mistake, but heres what I think might be happening.

    Obviously Sophia is a schaemiac, so if we assume she can control other schaemiacs zombies, is it not possible that she(and a bunch of her own zombies) are holed up in the bulgarian(or anywhere for that matter) mountains, where they are accessible only by small groups, and as Francis’ zombies get close, she wrests control away from him, leaving her group invulnerable. Now this could easily be the 2nd kingdom to which AP refers to right before he dies. Which would also explain Francis’ anger at him saying that since he has tried to get to Sophia before and failed.

    This could also be where AP told the flying vampire to take the two kids.

    If so, then we can guess that AP, saw the possibility of a Francis-like person trying to take over the world, and has planned this whole contingency with Sophia, all the way back in the 12th century.

    If so, wow, AP just became the awesomest person/vampire ever in my book.

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Obviously Sophia is a schaemiac”

    This is a first — someone who spells schaemiac correctly but misspells Sofia!

    “as Francis’ zombies get close, she wrests control away from him”

    I can say that she never took control of any of his zombies while he was alive, and that that’s probably impossible to do.

    “Now this could easily be the 2nd kingdom to which AP refers to right before he dies.”


    “Which would also explain Francis’ anger at him saying that since he has tried to get to Sophia before and failed.”

    Francis never knew anything about her, had no clue what Addison was talking about.

    “This could also be where AP told the flying vampire to take the two kids.”

    We already saw the note he gave her, which just said “Thank Sullivan for me.” He knew she wouldn’t need to take the kids anywhere safe, but if for some reason she needed to, he probably would have told her to go to Sofia!

    “If so, then we can guess that AP, saw the possibility of a Francis-like person trying to take over the world, and has planned this whole contingency with Sophia, all the way back in the 12th century.”

    Correct, and you’ll hear more about that on Page 3.

  10. Anth Says:

    Sofia the schaemiac. Do i win?

  11. Anko Says:

    “Sofia the schaemiac. Do i win?”

    Am I the only one that finds it insanely hilarious that a person can spell ‘Sofia’ and ‘schaemiac’ correctly, but forgets or doesn’t bother to capitalize the letter ‘I’?

  12. Sawyer Says:

    No offence, and maybe I missed something, but Owen used to update pages so quickly…is he still ill? Or is something else delaying him?
    Get well soon, if you aren’t already!

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “maybe I missed something, but Owen used to update pages so quickly”

    There’s nothing unusual about this — you missed something. Many many times we’ve gone this long without putting a new page up. Check the dates of the comics.

  14. Lance Says:

    Hiya Bobby, I went back and looked through the first GN. So I think I get what a schaemiac is now. Props to you and Owen for a very interesting first two pages, but I do have a question. Sofia is a schaemiac and has been one since the 12th Century? Does that mean that vampires didn’t care that schaemiacs existed or saw them as any type of threat until Francis?

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Sofia is a schaemiac and has been one since the 12th Century? Does that mean that vampires didn’t care that schaemiacs existed or saw them as any type of threat until Francis?”

    It doesn’t mean that at all, no. Only Addison knew that Sofia was still around. Either way, though, schaemiacs are the scariest thing ever to anyone who knows what a schaemiac is (vampires).

  16. mark Says:

    “Last Blood” nominated for Best Webcomic by the Broken Frontier Awards – WINNER (at least in my book..so to speak)

    This has been one of the most creative stories I’ve ever had the pleasure to read and it keeps getting better.

    Awesome job being nominated, and hopefully you’ll win. (i checked and as of yet they haven’t announced the winners)

  17. Cicero Says:

    Love the comic as always. Keep it comin’!


  18. Tanaar Says:

    You’ve mentioned a number of times that when a schaemiac concentrates, they can get a zombie to do anything they could do in life. With the exceptional control Sofia has, does that include such things as speech, or more things that would require cognitive functions. For example, could she have one of her zombies go around a corner, see what was there (assuming it still had eyes), and report back? Actually, bad example, as I think you said at one point that a schaemiac could get a general perception of what their zombies could see, but as an example of complexity I suppose its valid.

    Also, I could have sworn you said Francis’s zombie would rot away at a roughly normal rate. I could be wrong about that. If Sofia’s controlling zombies from the 12th century, is her superior control the source of their “freshness”?

  19. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Tanaar: All schaemiacs can make their zombies do anything that they could do in their normal life, so that of course includes everything you said in the first paragraph there. It’s complicated, though. Sullivan and Francis would need to concentrate harder on just one zombie in order to get him to do something very difficult, whereas it’s much easier for Sofia and she could probably make thousands of zombies do complicated things at the same time, and from farther away.

    “Also, I could have sworn you said Francis’s zombie would rot away at a roughly normal rate.”

    I’ve never said it would take less than a year for them to rot away to the point of uselessness and many times I’ve said that it would take many years, if not forever. The last several times I’ve answered this question I’ve said that they never rot away, just like how vampires never rot away.

  20. Owen Says:

    Page finished and sent off. Sorry for the wait, I had a crazy week. Still in shambles. Next week will be better.

  21. Kitey Says:

    Yay new page coming and the wait is fine for most people cause if you push yourself too hard it makes an even longer wait later. Hope you can pull yourself back together

  22. Tegu Says:


  23. Trilbydude Says:

    I BET he is!

    *wolf whistles*

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