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Page 104: Thank You

Saturday, November 24th, 2007

To anyone who might not have figured it out, April was not really happily thanking him and hugging him for real — was just pretending and getting close so she could try to kill him.

Also, to anyone who might say that Francis would have seen the stake, along with many other things I could say to that (like “No, he wouldn’t”), he didn’t think a stake could kill him — thought nothing could kill him as a First Zombie, especially after taking that bullet to the brain.

And to the people who will question how April got the stake: Math gave it to her during their hour of training before Page 73, which includes the line “Then we probably just wasted the past hour.” Math had a stake because he hoped to kill The First Zombie with it, then when he discovered that April’s grandpa was almost certainly TFZ, he figured she would be the only one who he might let get close to her, as his only living relative and most likely the reason why he of course kept this town alive while killing everyone else in the world. Math tried to teach her in that hour how to kill a vampire (or schaemiac) and coached her on various things to say which might help her get close to him if he gave her the opportunity.

But killing TFZ does no good if all the humans are surrounded by tons of zombies at the time, because then those zombies will still be dangerous and still want “brains” after they lose their connection to TFZ, who is currently stopping them in their tracks, frozen around the humans, waiting for instructions. If/when he dies, they’ll start eating humans left and right, and there aren’t many to go around! This is why April hesitated before killing TFZ, didn’t take any of the opportunities in the past few minutes, because she was petrified for one reason, and also because she still had a faint hope that he’d let all the humans live, since he still hadn’t killed them, had stopped the zombies. But she was so disgusted by the plans that TFZ apparently had for her on this page that she just had to stop this evil piece of shit from controlling the world for one more second. She decided his time is up, even if it meant the death of herself and all the humans.

I originally thought this page would be a really good one, but I’m kind of hating it at the moment. Oh well, hopefully I’ll get a second crack at it on a film set soon.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

269 Responses to “Page 104: Thank You”

  1. Random Zombie Dude Says:

    After reading the first comments about having sex with zombies (which I think is gross), I remembered a webcomic called hockey zombie where it’s “explained”, LOL, even if nobody is talking about zombie sex right now, I just had to give a link to the comic.

    I dunno if I can post links to another webcomics, since I can’t find any kind of rules about posting comments (I might be that stupid, you tell me), I guess that you could just erase this post.

    Here goes nothing.


    In some pages they talk about god and/or satan. In case you are offended by religious matters you shouldn’t read it all.

    It’s one of the latest pages, cuz, I don’t remember when it was “explained” first.

    Sorry if my grammar sucks D:

  2. Crocen Says:


  3. Crocen Says:

    YAY!! I R uber Excited for New page, Plus i love all the random zombie songs ive been hearing randomly lol.

  4. James Says:

    Oweeen! when are you going to post the new page? Im bursting at the seams here lol.

  5. Zaldaran Says:

    i’m pretty sure bobby thought about selling crack at one point, then realized this comic would be more addictive.

  6. Rapidwhirl Says:

    Wow, she really does have stickarm disease.

  7. TMC Says:

    I wonder if I can get a pair of glasses like Payne’s… I want some!

  8. Owen Says:

    Page sent. Could be up within an hour or two.

  9. Cat Says:


    ^—I got bored, so I decided to edit the first panel a bit. Hope you guys dun’ mind.

  10. Matt Says:

    …You’re kidding about April benching 240, right?

    Also, serious question (and I made sure to Google this one first): What does a hermetic seal do to a vampire’s sense of smell? Do they somehow smell past it? I suppose that would mean that a vampire’s sense of smell is more supernatural than physical, which has been strongly implied by the already-stated potency of said sense of smell.

    Although I guess we’ve all heard the aphorism about real physics and fantasy stories.

  11. Krasno Says:

    LOL cat

  12. ravenofpoe Says:

    wow kudos cat it’s not just sick twisted humor but indeed fits him as well.

  13. Anko Says:

    I bet 40$ on me having the first post on the next page. Well, actually, scratch that. I don’t have 40$. Instead, if anyone bets against me and wins, I can totally feature them in the fan comic or something. Or do some art for them. Or something.

  14. MJK Says:

    Math: Uh, April, he-he really didn’t set you up for that Lethal Weapon line. It really doesn’t work here.
    Math: That’s…better.

  15. Klosetti Says:

    “You smell like grandma”

    Weirdest pick up line ever

  16. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Also, serious question (and I made sure to Google this one first): What does a hermetic seal do to a vampire’s sense of smell?”

    I’ve said a million times that absolutely nothing stops them from smelling, other than going past their individual maximum distance, of course.

  17. DarkKnight412 Says:

    MJK…that was a great episode.

  18. Jase Says:

    Ohkay, I gotta say something about the stake on her arm. Wouldn’t it be a lot safer, and more practical to have the pointy end facing the other way?

    I mean, the way its facing, she would have to constantly keep her arm from bending, lest it go right through her joint…and wouldn’t you be suspicious of someone with their arm stiff?….and string around said arm? unless maybe he though it was um…watchamacallits..a splint, i think.

    Not trying to criticise, just observing and noting.

    Of course this could probably all be chalked up to the fact that its harder to draw these sorts of things than it sounds.

  19. Tegu Says:


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