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Page 97: Goodbye My Lover

Saturday, November 10th, 2007

Look, Val died.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

219 Responses to “Page 97: Goodbye My Lover”

  1. Steve Pirates Says:

    Wouldn’t the fact that the fetus shares a blood supply with the mother be a way for the fetus to get the pint o’ blood it needs to go from hunger pains to being a vampire?

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Not in time.  Explodes almost instantly.

  3. Ry Says:

    @Aqua, blood does not transfer between the mother and the fetus, though the blood carries nutrients and removes waste, it never mixes with the blood of the unborn child.

  4. Jesse Says:

    This is a topic that I would be very happy to see dropped, covered in napalm, burned, buried, then the earth above it salted so nothing ever grows there again.
    It’s a perfect example of what happens when you force Bobby to answer something that has no bearing whatsoever on the universe he’s crafting. Things get really effing weird.

  5. Jader Says:

    to answer a question earlier minimum requrered population is 100 non immidietly related individualsso no son or daughter or mopthers and fathers grandmother or grandfathers or cosins

  6. Katy Says:

    Wolfaitor (or something like that) pointed us to this page:
    “My proof? http://www.wickedpowered.com/d/20071112.html
    Oh, yeah, I remember when I first saw this page – it was about the time a similar page was up on this comic. Coincidence? Hmmm.

    BTW, a few days back we were discussing the shortage of brains nowadays amongst the population (which would probably lead any zombie uprising to actually starve to death before it could really get its feet on the ground). I was reading something today that gave some interesting ideas along those lines, but I don’t want to bring all that up here. If you click my name it’ll take you to my LiveJournal, where I make a post outlining what I learned.

  7. Arilean Says:

    “If you go by what Christians actually believe”
    well then, that’s QUITE the statement buddy.
    In my experience there are as many beliefs as there are people, and half of them aren’t sure. End of argument. I am SO sick of religeous arguments online, i do not want to see this site overrun with them, especially since it was started by soemone mentioneing a reason for the sun killing vampires, which it doesn’t in this story!!! Squabbling over religeon is such a futile thing… almost akin to humans fighting eachother in the face of a zombie apocalypse…

  8. Ting Says:

    First off, really nice work on this comic. just got linked here by a friend that thought I should see it, and voila I was hooked. So really exceptional work.
    When can we expect the next page to come out?

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    In about 40 minutes.

  10. ShavenLunatic Says:

    keeps getting better and better. good work you two

    fustratingly, as much as I don’t want spoilers I can’t resist reading the comments.. damn my lack of willpower

  11. Pasta_and_Tacos Says:

    How exactly does the bullet thing work? I remember April shooting Math, and it healing quickly, but where did the bullet go? Did it go right through him, is it still in his chest, Did his body’s immune system deposit it in his stomach?

  12. Slizarus Says:

    Wow, didn’t see that one coming..

    My first reaction was rather sad,

    But I’m more anxious to see this through to it’s end.

  13. Altair Says:

    I… am at a loss for words.

    This is/was/will always be Brilliant with a capital B.

  14. Altair Says:

    And I agree- we definently need more Matheson.

  15. Cryptic Says:

    Damn and she looked great in a corset

  16. Tegu Says:


  17. Hank Says:

    And another died when stating the obvious.
    don’t they ever look where they walk?

  18. ahaha Says:

    that’s right, all vampire’s going to die!!!

    Go Humans!!! or Zombies whatevers.

  19. Trilbydude Says:

    Xena got owned.

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