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Page 95: Slow Motion

Thursday, November 8th, 2007

Great job by artist Owen Gieni on this page. He’s really nailing those facial expressions — love the Mac panel especially. I see this page as a slow motion sequence in the film with the only sound being some cool piece of music playing over the visuals. Music is extremely important and I’m gonna have to find somebody great if I end up making the movie myself.

I think a lot about the film, but I also think a lot about the comic. For example, when you’re reading these pages in the printed book, you’ll have Page 94 on the left and Page 95 on the right, and I like the symmetry of April featured on the top left corner of 94 and on the bottom right of 95. I’ve tried to do things like that a few times throughout the graphic novel. I want each page to tell a little story, each two page sequence to tell a little story, and so on. Can’t always do it, but it’s nice when it works out that way.

Click here to read a mostly accurate FAQ (tons of spoilers) for Last Blood made by the poster known as Anko from the comments!

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

98 Responses to “Page 95: Slow Motion”

  1. Wildfire393 Says:

    I dunno, who says the turning drain has to be done by one vamp? You could have two vamps, one on each side of the neck, drain each about half of the needed blood. Sounds like it’d work, but you’d be the final say in it.

  2. Atm Says:

    maybe they get traits from both vamps but not as strong as they otherwise would have.

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I think there can probably only be one turner, but there’s a decent chance that would never even be brought up in a hundred issues of comics, so it’s doubtful there will ever be a final say on it.

  4. Tegu Says:

    To answer the question about Math’s shirt, you can see a bit of his tie and collar, so yes, he is wearing one.

    We all know that each vampire has certain traits from the original vampire. Over the years, these traits have become specialized. Are we going to, in the few remaining pages, see an older vampire that still possess multiple traits, or a vampire child that inherits two abilities? I already suspect A.F.P. has brains and strength. While Bobby has drawn him with a sword, Owen has not.

  5. Crazy Artist Says:

    hey thar my question never got answered. Are the 3000 Sullivan’s bringing gonna make any difference at all?

  6. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “hey thar my question never got answered.”

    There was a good reason for that. #1 — It’s been answered a trillion times before. And #2 —

    “Are the 3000 Sullivan’s bringing gonna make any difference at all?”

    Why would they possibly be in the story at all if they don’t make any difference?

  7. Lydia Says:

    Well goddamn, that’s depressing as hell.

  8. Crazy Artist Says:

    ok sorry bout that, I”ll check old comments b4 asking another question, i just hadn’t seen it in the FAQ.

    kick-ass comic, can’t wait to see the rest.

  9. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Asking questions is fine, but if I don’t answer it, no need to ask again — I chose not to for a reason. I read all the comments. Glad you like the comic.

  10. D.B. Says:

    If two vamps with special traits, ie: Devian and Rage, had kids, would their offspring have both traits or would one take dominance over the other?

  11. Nick Says:

    3 cheers for an update!

  12. Steve Pirates Says:

    Emotionally powerful music over a slow motion sequence is always a nice touch. But, if you really want to drive it home, don’t forget to include the sound of a heart beating in the mix.

    Focusing on Mac or any other human character in the seconds before the slow motion, and the elevated heart-rate of battle…. and then shifting to a slow motion sequence where the heart-rate slows…. That’s powerful. Especially if Mac gets bit and the heart-beat stops.

  13. Narfen Says:

    I dont think you need a fishnet to catch Devian, a couple of chains thrown at her might do the trick, and since TFZ can control them it doesnt seem like a hard thing to do. Dumb girl should get the hell outta there.

    The kid seems pissed, and I like how “Big Black” is about to rip the face of the Chainer’ behind him.

    ?? – How old is the kid anyways? As vamps do not age im just curious to how long most of them have been vamps. Not A.F.P and those but the rest. I dunno if I would villingly be turned into a vampire if one suddenly shows up and asks me if it can have a “drink”?

  14. Allison Says:

    Brilliant job on the comic as always, the facial expressions are just stunning in this last page. I went through and read the comic from the start again just to appreciate all the little details like Devian’s mutiple studs and the dangly earing.

    I’m forcing myself not to go through the comments and read spoilers even though I’m dying to find out what happens next! Anyways, I’m off to google the nearest comic store in my area 😀

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “How old is the kid anyways?”

    Don’t know. Older than me at least, I can tell you that.

    “As vamps do not age im just curious to how long most of them have been vamps.”

    Varies. Average age is probably over 150, but Addison’s extreme age skews those results a bit.

    Thanks, Allison.

  16. Arilean Says:

    Panels 1,2, and 3= OH NO OH NO
    Panel 4= Yeah Devian rocks!
    Panels 5 and 6= OH NO OH NO
    Panel 7= *brain implodes from rage’s awesome*
    Panel 8= getting worried
    Panel 9= Whee glowing eye goo!
    Panel 10= I feel yah. *worries*
    SO much feeling! Every single detail is perfect!

  17. Fink6 Says:

    Thanks for answering our questions so far, but I have another on vampire specialization… does the blood drunk on becoming a vampire make any difference in abilities? And on a somewhat similar note: Do the vampires contain blood? I realize that it would be impossible to drink it (or they would be, such as when the vampire turned a girl to save her but could not get blood for an hour) but does blood remain in their bodies at all?

    Great job on the comic!

  18. Jade Says:

    Aii! x_x; Poor Mac doesn’t have vampire stamina! Hang on, let me run out there and give him a stamina shot… *toddles out into the vampire hoarde to energise Mac up* ^-^
    Have the zombies realised he’s human yet? I mean, probably. He’s not being all chained up or anything, so, I guess so?

    …Haaanyway. Is it just me, or is the li’l black vamp Melvin from Sore Thumbs? If not, the tennis-ball-head resemblance is uncanny. O_O

    Anyways, I’m going to go back into lurk-and-root-for-Math mode. Go Math!

  19. Mike Says:

    I scrolled past so I wouldn’t see any spoilers, so if this suggestion has been made already, I don’t know about it.

    Instead of the right slow motion music for each of those expressions my thought would be more of a slow motion flash, one single drumbeat punctuating each one, and flowing into the right music after the last flash.

    But then again, I am just a reader and not a comic genius.

    Great Job, can’t wait to see how this all unfolds.

  20. Jake Says:

    rage looks like a kid in a candy shop with those chains. i love it.

  21. Lord Klingsor Says:

    I have difficulties with swallowing. I feel I have become a Klingsor-ish version of April in the last panel. But Val… Val is so beautiful, so strong, so lovely… I’m going to worry about this page until next update.
    (Val is to die on the next page, is that correct? My heart will probably break.)

    A few days ago I and an ally of mine have talked about how I wouldn’t be that sorry for humankind if they all died, but I would, as soon as I died too, go and look for you in the Underworld so that I can ask what happened then in Last Blood.

  22. Lord Klingsor Says:

    Do I sound like a crazy fan? I’m not. But anyway.

    The blonde vampiress looks sort of pathetic though. I feel sorry for her but slightly despise her as well. Being scared is natural in such a situation, but she COULD be slightly more composed than that.
    Yes, yes, I know I am setting my standards too high.

  23. Dro Says:

    I know I’m reiterating what’s been said, but man, Mac is wearing out, and Devian should’ve flown away when she had the chance.

    I love the fact that the pigtailed girl and mohawk guy have a great facial reactions (other than the rest’s look of “I’m taking as many down as I can” look). Mohawk looks like he can’t believe he’s caught, while pigtail girl looks like she’s given up hope and surrendered, scared of what’s going to happen next. Hat off to Owen Gieni.

  24. Lord Klingsor Says:

    Okay, okay. She is composed enough for a situation like this. But if I were to have that expression in my eyes I would be ashamed of myself all the same. I don’t blame her. I really don’t. (I think I only said this and the things before this and everything anyway because I am VERY worried.)

  25. Teardropcatcher Says:

    I’m taking Airlean’s example in commenting this page:
    1st panel = The zombies look like armored monkeys O.o Nooo! Kid vamp prisioner! x_x Someone save him!
    2nd panel = Perfect emotional portrayal, I just love how this one came out. Great job, Owen.
    3rd panel = Math looks so tired and sort of defeated, I almost didn’t see the way he’s stabbing the zombie. I initially thought “oh, no, they’ve got Math!”, then looked better and sighed in relief, lol. Another great emotional portrayal. Goodness, you’re awesome Owen.
    4th panel = Why isn’t Devian flying away with the kids?!
    5th panel = Omg… This is the best ever. She looks so helpless, overwhelmed and just perfectly tragic… Gah, Bobby, you’d better give the Prissy vamp role to someone really good with face expressions, cause I want to see this in the movie.
    6th panel = Love the angle, just suits him so well… *drools a little*
    7th panel = Whoa Rage! He looks like some wild beast, chewing on his chains…*shudder* Scaaary. Though awesome. Cause, c’mon… who can break chains with their teeth besides Rage? XD
    8th panel = I love Mac. Even though he looks completely beat, like even moving a finger hurts, he still keeps going, killing and hoping. He’s such a fighter…Great work with his expression, Owen.
    9th panel = Oh, yeah, Val! Kick ass! xD Though reading through the previous comments, I’m scared of what might happen to her x_x.
    10th panel = April looks increasingly more worried, it’s a perfect end to the scene. She also looks slightly amazed, surprised… I wonder, what is she seeing besides the vamps and zombies fighting? (let me hope xD)

    Great page today. I loved it, you guys are genius. Pure genius

  26. Son of a Monk Says:

    Talking about the music for the slow-mo sequence, some really low key and toned-down orchestral strings with a heartbeat pace would really set the tone for the piece. And I am not sure about anyone else out there, But I think that Inhale by Stone Sour really fits the mood of the whole story just through its angry/depressed melody. If you disagree, I challenge you to start the song playing while you are reading this comic, preferably at page 10 as mac is leaving. Insanely good plot line, and characters. This would be the only zombie movie that I would feel compelled to see.

  27. Snake Says:

    if Devian and Rage has a kid it would be to much awesome. Imagine a smaller version of rage flying around, that would just be to crazy for the mind to comprhend

  28. Ziusudra Says:

    Hmm, is this evidence of a pre-Bulgaria schaemiac? 😉

  29. winski Says:

    GO RAGE!

  30. Szyronn Says:

    1word : terrific!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. Crocen Says:

    Dude..i’m pretty sur ei love you lol ^^
    Anyway I;’ve been reaidng since around page 70
    and seriously i love what you’ve come up with.
    its flipping insane.

  32. Amy Says:

    In regards to making a film: This scene has such potential for on screen realization. The whole comic does. I hope you find a good composer to do the movie’s score. A thing about the heartbeat suggestion someone gave: that could backfire because most of the individuals wouldn’t typically be considered to have a heart beat. It could convince everyone watching that Mac’s about to have a heart attack.

    In regards to Val’s death: I hated her at first. Not sure if I’d still classify her under ‘bitch status’ but she’s still not my favorite. She redeemed herself a little by ‘apologizing’ to Murdo and asking if there was anything she could do. Learning of her part in this whole fiasco didn’t exactly improve my view of her but, I’ll be sad to see her go. Sullivan’s old war buddy is probably going to do something terribly unpleasant to her.

    In regards to Sullivan: MOVE FASTER! There’s only 17 pages left.

    In regards to the upcoming end of Last Blood: No!!!!!!!!! I don’t want it to end.

    Finally, in regards to the guys who brought us Last Blood: When my friend first introduced me to this comic, I was reluctant at first but became hooked almost immediately. My friend has since stopped following Last Blood but that is her loss. I love this story, concept and the actual artistic execution. GREAT JOB, BOBBY AND OWEN!

    [okay, i’m done now, read on]

  33. BibbedyBobbedyBoo Says:

    This may or may not have been said but I’ll mention it anyway. Instead of music wouldn’t it be more chilling by cutting out all the background noise, maybe only hearing the breathing of the character (if we pretend vampires breathe for a minute, blood and oxygen do go hand in hand after all) who’s close-up was on screen.

    Just a thought.

  34. blargishmurgles Says:

    Just occured to me, and apologies if this has been answered before. What happens if, say, a vampire gets its arm cut off by a giant sheet of metal that stays between the arm and the stump? Would it not reform until the metal moves? Because that would mean that you could cut a vampire into chunks and shove bits and pieces everywhere. Would it boil through the metal? That’d be… odd.

    …Or does this have no significance at all?

  35. fieldy409 Says:

    dude. i just had a terrifying thought. what if a flying vampire became a first zombie? would the zombies fly?

  36. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Ha. They wouldn’t, no, just like the current zombies don’t have any vampire powers. But that schaemiac could of course fly, which would eliminate all the retarded questions about how he could fly a plane, jeez.

  37. Kenny C. Says:

    Hey, here’s an interesting question. Well, interesting to me, at least. Devian can fly because she’s a descendant of the first Flying Vampire, and I assume she’s currently the last descendant. But what I’d like to know is, why did that first flying vampire fly? I mean, what made him so special?

  38. Anko Says:

    “But what I’d like to know is, why did that first flying vampire fly? I mean, what made him so special?”

    A tragic overdose of Red Bull, mistaken for Red Gatorade.

  39. Ronin Says:

    Hey guys awesome comic, just got stuck in recently so I don’t know if you covered this but this would make a kick-ass game. Kinda like Max payne mix BloodRayne and a whole lot of bad ass fight sequences, with such a good story line and clear parts or “missions” (I hate that word) like Mac has to survive when he tries to get supplies or Devian flying and helping Mac. With such a wicked story and being original this would seriously own!

    Must say the chain gangs look bad-ass! I know they’r supposed to be the bad guys, but htese guys look cool.

    Keep up the excellent work guy, I’m definitely hooked!

  40. Phreaker Says:

    >.> To mention the Mohawk vamp the way he’s positioned looks like a zombie is violating him in many unpleasant ways.

  41. JT Cool Says:

    Well I remember that you said before that Murdo has super strength as his unique vampire ability so will the chains be able to hold him? If Rage doesn’t(not sure) have super strength and is four times stronger then the strongest human man how powerful will Murdo be? Juggle tanks strong? Or Lift cars strong?

    Also since I am such a huge Mohawk vamp fan does he have any particular ability? It may be my inner metal but he seems like the best character there. Tied with Rage of course. and Murdo. Matheson just seems plah. Not bad but Plah. Rage,Murdo,and Mohawk are unique.

  42. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Well I remember that you said before that Murdo has super strength as his unique vampire ability”

    I have no memory of that. All vampires are super strong to some degree. Even Devian is much stronger than a normal human of her same height and weight, which isn’t saying much, though (still not strong enough to carry 200 pounds, twice her weight, while flying for 50 miles). Not all vampires have some sort of unique ability. Rage was already very strong before he became a vampire, since he was a professional wrestler who worked out all the time, and becoming a vampire enhances most of your abilities as a human. So if you were already strong, then you’re gonna be super strong, even more than a normal vampire. A “normal” vampire is probably twice as strong as the strongest human in the world of their same height and weight, but it varies from case to case. Devian is weaker than a normal vampire, for example.

  43. Crazy Artist Says:

    see its scenes like this where I always love it when there’s some kinda music you wouldn’t expect, kinda like in the preview for AVP Requiem where all the violence is happening and Silent Night is playing. I think it would be more powerful is a disney song was playing (refrencing the movie the kids are watching). Something maybe like “Part of your World” or maybe sumthin like “Circle of LIfe” or “Hakuna Matata”. To me the contrast between the song and the events is more powerful than emotional music or no sound, though those are powerful too.

  44. Vo Says:

    The Slow motion is a good idea, but for sounds you either need no music and just the sounds of the battle or something like “It’s a Wonderful World” like Face/Off’s “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Something so diametrically opposed to the action and the mood that it has to fit. At least, that’s what I would do. What do you have planned?

    “But what I’d like to know is, why did that first flying vampire fly? I mean, what made him so special?”

    A tragic overdose of Red Bull, mistaken for Red Gatorade. ”

    I lol’ed at this. Now everyone in the library is staring at me.

  45. Ashley Says:

    RAGE IS A BEAST!!! XD I love that dude!

  46. Altair Says:


    (Has a Fangirl moment.)


  47. Tegu Says:


  48. Mattz Says:

    It would be awesome if I could contribute to the soundtrack 😀

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