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Page 94: Chain Gang

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007

Armored zombies are scary.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

132 Responses to “Page 94: Chain Gang”

  1. Adam Says:

    Ok for everyone trying to figure out the building to pile of bodies ratio crap, IT’S FRIGGIN FICTION. Who cares? BTW your math is wrong…

    My bigger concern is that AFP said that “These are the last humans on Earth” so one can safely assume that zombies can swim/float/surf/walk along the bottom of the ocean/canoe/whatever around to other continents.

    My question is what is takeing the youngest female and male human child going to accomplish? Cause after seeing said onslaught of the zombies here I started thinking these two kids and devian are screwed, doomed to a life of constant running away until trapped by TFZ again like they are now. Or they are going to hide in some secret hide away that zombies cant get to (Like an underground bunker). Cause I mean they cant go to another country I’m going to assume that 90% of the worlds population is dead and not still walking around, that that 10% is still alot of dead people that are still walking.

    But then how are they going to survive, if in said hidden bunker? And obviously they cant repopulate the world with that much inbreeeding they future humans will have so many health problems they might be better off shuffling groaning zombies looking for brains to eat. So what can they honestly hope to accomplish other then live out their lives in a bunker…or in a van down by the river.

    Anyways just wanted to hear the creators thoughts on that, out of curiousity, but honestly I like the story as is and by no means am going to blast apart an awesome work of fiction by fellow artists.

    (I apologize if this has already been asked and answered…after going through so many comments all the time I loose track)

  2. Kumatsu Says:

    So, I just finished going through the archives… this is a bombing comic, can’t wait to see where you take it.

  3. Anko Says:

    For those of you asking for a FAQ, I have an announcement to make. There is one now and complaints on that subject can be transferred from Bobby to me. 😉

    It’s unofficial but better than nothing, eh?


  4. Kenny C. Says:

    Hm, where are the animals on the planet? Probably being mostly ignored, and steering clear of the swarms of walking dead. Since they’re not important to either Vampire or Zombie, then I’ll bet that TFZ isn’t wasting time with them. If Bobby wants, he can borrow my official answer: “The animals are around four feet out of panel, you just missed them.”

  5. Grym Says:

    One of the vampires now should definitely say to Murdo: ‘Soon you gonna wish you hadn’t been turned’

  6. Jerry Says:

    I’m curious. You said when someone is turned into a vampire, they stop aging. You also said A.F.P. might have been born a vamp. How does that work? Would he age to a certain point, and then stop? Or is he not actually immortal?

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “what are zombies on other continents doing? just milling around moaning?”


    “The Zombies only seem to be coming from one way. If the vamps were smart, they would divide there forces and let half fight until tired and then let the others that have rested step up and take their place.”

    It’s not like the zombies are walking in a straight line. They’re coming from one basic direction, but there’s an endless supply of them and they’re still covering an area about 80 feet wide or so as they’re running up. Every vampire is needed to fight them off, and they never know when TFZ is going to decide to stop messing around with them and go after the humans for real. They need to kill as many zombies as possible.

    “Could a vampire be killed by a shrapnel stake to the heart?”


    “Why would all the vampires waste all their ammo on all the easy zombies straight away?”

    Because they didn’t know armored zombies were coming later and because they thought that there was no time whatsoever and that the zombies would overrun the building within minutes and kill everyone, like they just did in Mexico against a similar sized force of vampires. The only reason the zombies didn’t take over within minutes was because that wasn’t their goal — TFZ’s goal was simply to tire out the vampires and all of the zombies were just on suicide missions, as Addison just explained.

    “My bigger concern is that AFP said that ‘These are the last humans on Earth’ so one can safely assume that zombies can swim/float/surf/walk along the bottom of the ocean/canoe/whatever around to other continents.”

    So you’ve read NONE of the comment pages? Jeez. All of this has been answered 3,000 times, on almost every page. TFZ flew around the world in a plane smelling out everyone and dropping bombs and so on (and on and on and on — Google it).

    “My question is what is takeing the youngest female and male human child going to accomplish?”

    Google that, too. The answer is basically that it will let them live a little longer, maybe even just a week, who knows. Devian flies pretty fast. It doesn’t come into play, so it doesn’t matter.

    “Or they are going to hide in some secret hide away that zombies cant get to (Like an underground bunker).”

    LOL! Underground bunkers obviously aren’t safe. No place is safe from The First Zombie. How could underground bunkers be safe if these are the last humans left alive?

    “Cause I mean they cant go to another country”

    Huh? Who can’t? Devian can fly (extremely fast too) and so can TFZ (using a plane).

    “I’m going to assume that 90% of the worlds population is dead and not still walking around, that that 10% is still alot of dead people that are still walking.”

    No clue what you mean by that. Those numbers wouldn’t make sense under any possible scenario, though.

    “So what can they honestly hope to accomplish other then live out their lives in a bunker…or in a van down by the river.”

    Again, going into a bunker is hilariously pointless, and the thing they can accomplish is extending their life and hoping for a miracle. AND IT DOESN’T COME INTO PLAY IN THE STORY.

    “Anyways just wanted to hear the creators thoughts on that”

    And you didn’t think to read the comments for the page called “Follow These Instructions” which introduced the idea of Devian taking two kids away, where I answered this 2,000 times in massive detail?

    “You also said A.F.P. might have been born a vamp. How does that work? Would he age to a certain point, and then stop?”

    Answered this many times, and it’s in the FAQ Anko just posted a few comments ago.  Yes, age to a certain point and stop.

  8. Ian Says:

    $20 say that Mac steps up to the plate and saves the vampires that get chained

  9. Greendog Says:

    Ok…totally off topic, but everytime I see TFZ, all I hear in my head is Team Fortress Zombie.

    I think that game needs to be made.

    To bring it back on to track, kickass comic Bobby. Keep up the good work.

  10. Andrew Says:

    Hi, love the comic. Just a suggestion Bobby, since it seems to really piss you off when fans focus on catching up on the story instead of reading every comment, but maybe having a FAQ section that people could look at before posting would keep you from being asked redundant questions.

    I realize your busy, so maybe theres a fan out there somewhere who would be interested in such a project.

    Anywho, just a suggestion

  11. Andrew Says:

    Woops! Sorry, missed the last line of your last comment. Way to go Anko!

  12. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Just a suggestion Bobby, since it seems to really piss you off when fans focus on catching up on the story instead of reading every comment, but maybe having a FAQ section that people could look at before posting would keep you from being asked redundant questions.”

    You’re now literally at least the 15th person to suggest this in the comments and at least 15 times I’ve said that I hate the idea of an FAQ and given detailed reasons for why — Google it. Anko made a sort of FAQ and I’m linking to it because I don’t want her nice work to be wasted. Also, what pisses me off more than anything is when people say I’m pissed off about something.

    Glad you like the comic.

  13. Joseph Says:

    that FAQ answered a few questions I couldn’t be bothered to ask or to look for , hurrah!

    Although I knew from reading the story, the FAQ reminded me to HA! at maths no sex for 100 years , silly math :p

  14. ingledients! Says:

    Where did the armour designs come from?

    just imagined up, or are they from a certain period?

    helmets look 14th century, but the plate armour could be 16/17th and the legs and chainmail remind me of the saxon or viking chainmail and quilted cloth armour…

    actually they look like a really big folk/viking/power metal band

  15. Zaldaran Says:

    is there anything more innocent or precious than a child’s smile?

  16. Sean Says:

    I just have one thing to say here…

    Can we put aside any and all comments about how things are impossible, where things came from, how chains can hold vampires, what era the armor is from, and everything else that fits into the “shit that is irrelevant” pile, and just enjoy the damn story already? It’s a comic for Christ’s sake! Anything is possible! Sit back, relax, and enjoy a great story.

  17. Arilean Says:

    “actually they look like a really big folk/viking/power metal band”
    AHHHHH ha ha haha
    Wow ok i totaly claim naming my metal band “Last Blood” if it’s cool with Bobby!

  18. Raevyne Says:

    Someone had just pointed out this comic to me this evening, and I’m throughly impressed! The plot’s fascinating and the artwork… words can’t do it justice.

  19. doa303 Says:

    ingledients! mate to save bobby’s time in his sketch the armour base was a google image and the final product is all owens greatness

  20. LilDugas Says:

    Hey, awesome comic, fiending for more… 2 questions though, Does the kid have a name yet? and who in thier right mind turned Rage?

  21. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Does the kid have a name yet?”

    Not yet.

    “and who in thier right mind turned Rage?”

    Haven’t decided yet, but download the WOWIO books to read background info on Rage and why he was turned.

  22. LilDugas Says:

    I would love too, but the site tells me we Canadians aren’t special enough yet…

  23. ingledients! Says:

    cool cool, I think mr Sean over there needs to calm down a bit though…

  24. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I would love too, but the site tells me we Canadians aren’t special enough yet…”

    The vampire who turned him was a big fan of Rage when Rage was a professional wrestler and he or she turned him because he or she didn’t want Rage to ever die. That’s subject to change, though (in case the story does continue and we learn more about his background).

  25. LilDugas Says:

    Thanks 😀 I too am a big fan of Rage… I can’t tell if its the fact hes a lunatic, or the beard.. or maybe a little from column A, a little from column B…

  26. Altair Says:

    wooooooo creepy vampire kid.

    That is so badass. Everything is badass.

    Expecially the giant zombie mountain. That was too freaken cool.

    …and then come the zombies with chains. *dies*

  27. Tegu Says:


  28. Joe Says:

    So good I miiight just get this in dead tree format. I mean. This whole thing? awesome. But this strip is god like.


    “king of the hill, zombie rules”

    Just sayin.

  29. Snaggletooth Says:

    This has to be the best Vampire/Zombie comic I’ve ever read. The ideas you’ve come up with are bloody amazing.

  30. Weißer Says:

    I’ve just started reading this comic four hours ago. Yeah, I could have blazed through it, but the artwork is as amazing as the plot.


    Armored Zombies may be scary, but that little fucker tops any zombie ANYWHERE!

  31. Trilbydude Says:

    hah! little black vampire kid ROCKS!

  32. Parrot Says:

    Armored zombies are scary but tiny vampire children who blind armored zombies are AWESOME.


    How come the weight of the armor doesn’t make them just… disintegrate?

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