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Page 93: Bald Heads

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

I think this is the fifth or sixth time that Grady has yelled “Mac!” That would be the drinking game for the movie — take a shot every time Grady screams “Mac!”

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

134 Responses to “Page 93: Bald Heads”

  1. Dro Says:

    “also i’m curious whether that gun is actually called a MAC whatever because that would be pretty cool, grady shooting the zombie next to mac with a MAC. ha…”

    It isn’t a MAC, MACs (MAC-10 and MAC-11) are submachine guns.

    “Addison Payne recently said that he’d be covered in zombie blood soon. It’s just zombie blood. ”

    Question: the zombie blood, would it infect him if its on him? (through the pores, kinda, or if he got some in his mouth or open wound)

  2. Slaine Says:

    Ack! Sorry for the duplicate post! Stupid internet connection is causing errors. 🙁

  3. Kenny C. Says:

    I’m gonna guess that no, Zombie Blood doesn’t infect you. With all the emphasis on biting, or even having a slight tooth scrape, I’d think that the infectious agent is carried in the Zombie’s saliva, or even possibly in the plaque on their gross, unbrushed teeth. Ooh, or maybe being a Zombie is really just the final stages of the gum disease Gingivitis!

  4. Summer Says:

    I do not even want to imagine what the area must smell like with thousands upon thousands of zombies moving in. 😉

    And yes, panel 6 looks a bit like a Mac submachine gun. While they are a fun class to shoot and pretty accurate at short ranges (at least the ones I have used were) it makes me think of a line from a guilty pleasure movie:
    “Daddy would have gotten us Uzis.”

  5. Arilean Says:

    I WOULD download it if i could. In about a second. Because how long it would actualy take is meaningless in comparison to the awesome of this comic. But alas, WOWIO does not love us non-americans.

  6. Owen Says:

    The blood on Mac’s head is actually dried blood from when his truck crashed into the school. I figured he must have sustained some sort of injury, even with the airbag. There was lots of glass flying about and the impact was hard. April probably offered to bandage it up but Mac is too hardcore for that and just let it stop on it’s own. New page soon, feel under the weather lately but that won’t stop me for long. I just have to keep thinking WWMD (What would Mac do?).

  7. Ricky Says:

    Wow the stupidity of some readers is actually quite amazing….

  8. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “could you send me a copy of the books?”

    As I’ve said a million times, all the WOWIO-exclusives will eventually be made available for free viewing on this site. Just gotta keep visiting to make sure you don’t miss them.

    “Why create such a great Comic but not believe in the advantages that graphic novels have as a medium in their own right”

    Comics don’t have any advantages over movies.

    “e.g. the freedom granted to the viewer who can peruse at his own speed”

    Thank you for proving my point. The one example you give is a clear cut case where films have an advantage over comics. You’ve never heard of the pause and rewind and slow motion buttons on DVD player remotes or what?

    “but you would need a huge budget to make the film even remotely as kickass as the comic.”

    Totally disagree.

    “Why not stick to the medium you seem to have an effortless talent for instead of creating a low-budget version of a great story that is destined to fall short of the original?”

    #1: I’m at least a thousand times better at writing films than comics.
    #2: Neither of us know what the budget will be, but even the lowest possible budget film would be a trillion times better than the comic.
    #3: It’s very possible I’ll be selling the screenplay and then it will have a big budget, although I probably wouldn’t be directing in that case, of course. It’s also possible that I could raise millions of dollars for it.

    “the zombie blood, would it infect him if its on him? (through the pores, kinda, or if he got some in his mouth or open wound)”

    BITES ONLY. A zombie with no teeth is incapable of making zombies.

  9. Jesse Says:

    Arilean: Thanks. I strive to make people laugh and/or hate me.

  10. Nigel Says:

    At least Grady’s gotten rid of his miniature Air Arms S200T! wouldn’t kill many zombies with one of those..

  11. Nigel Says:

    (referring to Page 51: Unawares. Wednesday, May 9th, 2007.

    bet you thought no one would notice!)

  12. Austin W Says:

    this is so awsome. if you hadnt pointed out that rage was a wrestler i wouldve thought he was a nordic viking,who plundered and killed until addison bit him and turned to a vamp.

  13. Islam Sharabash Says:

    Hey Bobby,

    I think for the sake of clarity, in the movie, the fact that zombie turning is bites only should be mentioned. A lot of us assume (after viewing movies like 28 days later) that zombie blood is capable of turning. Or maybe it will just be understood in movie format?

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Or maybe it will just be understood in movie format?”

    Why would it need to be understood? It’s pointless to the story. There’s never a situation in the story where we need to know one way or the other.

  15. randomman Says:

    yo if zombie blood got into an open wound, would that constitute infection?

  16. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I just answered that two comments ago —
    “the zombie blood, would it infect him if its on him? (through the pores, kinda, or if he got some in his mouth or open wound)”

    BITES ONLY. A zombie with no teeth is incapable of making zombies.

  17. Wragrym Says:

    “The one example you give is a clear cut case where films have an advantage over comics. You’ve never heard of the pause and rewind and slow motion buttons on DVD player remotes or what?”

    Already thinking of the “straight to DVD” scenario, heh?

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Already thinking of the ‘straight to DVD’ scenario, heh?”

    If I make it myself, there would be little chance of a major theatrical release, but all movies end up on DVD anyway and movies in general are seen more on DVD than any other way.

  19. Kenny C. Says:

    Alright, so suppose this mess all ends, and some surviving human is walking away from the school weeks later to get away from the stink of rotting zombie, and they trip over a severed leg and fall on a zombie tooth that’s been on the ground since they were approaching the school. Would he be infected, or would the, I don’t know, zombie tooth bacteria be dead by then?

  20. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Gotta be a “living” zombie bite — head not removed, brain not destroyed.

  21. Zaldaran Says:

    DVD or theater, I’m seeing this movie.

  22. Vib Says:

    if it’s not on Bluray im gonna cry bobby, I swear it!

  23. Jerry Says:

    First comment made. I’ve been following this story for a month or two. When i really got into it, I read most of the comic in one sitting. Granted, it’s not long but I hope that will be a compliment all on it’s own.
    Favorite page(s): Either the page with Math killing Hitler or ADDISON FUCKING PAYNE!
    At any rate, this is an awesome comic. Story is well done and without plot holes from what I’ve seen. Art by Owen is fantastic; the animation style is absolutely perfect for the tone and mood of the entire comic. Any sequels or prequels of this will also be followed.
    And for what it’s worth: I’m terrified of zombies. I absolutely fucking hate them. Can’t play zombie games, can’t watch zombie movies, can’t read zombie books… The only reason why I can read this comic is its sheer quality.
    Please note: Not all of your readers are retarded dumb asses who can’t bother to read previous posts. 🙂 I’m sure you have a lot of intelligent ones hiding from the stupidity. After all, stupidity and ignorance are contagious. Just look at how stupid zombies can be and fast that plague spreads. o_o;

  24. Jerry Says:

    Please note: The afore post may be filled with tons of grammatical errors and missing words. This is due to an eight hour work shift and homework immediately after that. So where things don’t make sense, feel free to ask.

  25. fieldy409 Says:

    but bobby, some of those removed head zombies looked alive…. but they are alive and cant zombify you?

    you might wanna change that, cause i got an awesome mental picture of tfz ordering zombies to throw zombie heads at people.

  26. jon Says:

    “That’s how most of these arguments happen actually, based on things that never even happen in the comic, but retarded assholes are just looking for any possible reason to say I got something wrong and they love stating their insanely stupid shit as facts too (”zombies could not, in fact, swim across an ocean”)”

    Sorry for beinging it up i never ment it to be a huge argument i was just asking if they crossed the ocean to be there =[ people take fantasy far to seriusly.

  27. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “some of those removed head zombies looked alive…. but they are alive and cant zombify you?”

    The removed heads are dead and can’t do anything.

    “Sorry for beinging it up”

    No problem — Art was the one who stated an incorrect thing as a fact

  28. Luposian Says:

    I love the comic. I’m also looking forward to the movie. How far along are you, concerning the movie?

  29. Ifer Says:


    I LOVE Rage’s teeth.

  30. JT Cool Says:

    Hmm. I know this idea may sound kind of stupid but maybe you can ask donations for the movie?

    Don’t immediately right it off as a bad idea because one of the greatest movies “El Mariachi” was made with the budget of $7,000 which put most blackbusters to shame. Chances are you might be able to amass a large amount of money judging by your fan base.

  31. JT Cool Says:

    Woah I meant Blockbusters!!! Major typo! I’m not a racist or anything I was just a bit groggy when I typed that!

  32. Altair Says:

    “please hit the right blad head.”


  33. Tegu Says:


  34. Trilbydude Says:

    Or maybe he’s Khornate…

    I’ll just call him harry the hammer! ^_^

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