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Page 91: He’s Here

Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

I want to see this scene in the movie, when all the zombies are slowly walking towards the school and then at the same time they all start running. Extremely hard to show in a comic and we have limited space as well (must finish by Page 112), but in the movie it would be awesome. The vampires know this moment well because they’ve seen it many times before in the past couple weeks, where seemingly “dumb” zombies suddenly charge and end a battle real quick, on orders from The First Zombie. It’s even more scary when this is the final group, the last humans on Earth, and you might have seconds left to somehow save them and save yourself from 65 years of torture. Do you kill yourself now or do you fight? What do you do when they bring out the chains?

Check out this cool review of Last Blood on YouTube! Do what the scary man says and hop onto the bandwagon!

Last Blood #3 arrives in comic book shops around the world tomorrow, Halloween Day. Buy it.

Interesting note: In the story it’s currently the night of October 30th (today’s date).

Minor spoiler: The story ends on Halloween morning.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

68 Responses to “Page 91: He’s Here”

  1. Ninmecu Says:

    ““I was saying it wouldn’t surprise me to see the vampires being shackled and chained in the end with nothing but the stench of despair to keep them company through the next 65+ years.”

    I guess you haven’t read many of the comments, where I’ve said a trillion times that the good guys win.”

    No, I’m not an optimistic kind of guy, as much as I like the characters, I would love to see them die/rot/live eternity as blood starved Vampires. But, if the good guys win, meh, thats life. Can’t wait to see how it goes down(I tend to skip spoilers)

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Well some of them definitely die, but not all of them, and none of them get locked up for 65 years.

  3. Snake Says:

    i love the comic, but please, please put a chainsaw in somehow, if only for pure badnessess, to whom ever weids weilds it.

  4. TheGreyWolfe Says:

    I just found out about this comic a little while ago and it’s the best I’ve seen in a long damn time. Great stuff here.

  5. Raze Says:

    “That’s because they’re screaming. Another reason why it would be a lot cooler in the movie.”

    Sorry, that was a mixture of me stating the obvious and remarking that it was rather cool. I need to stop trying to convey tone in these things (on the other hand I’m a writing student, so the fact that I can’t is kind of sad…)

    Great comic, though. Dreading the end, although I’m looking forward to se/prequels. I’m reading through the comments to catch anything I missed, and I love the direction you’re taking the story.

  6. Kamatu Says:

    Don’t sweat the Eddie/Rage thing, I only tripped once a few comics back and haven’t since. The current thing with Eddie looking hippyish and Rage looking more like a wolfman should do the trick IMO.

  7. Endless Says:

    Sweet monkey Jesus, I love Rage

  8. achrin Says:

    what do you do when you have to finish the job… bum rush the stage

  9. Scotdog Says:

    “TFZ flew around in a plane dropping bombs on humans that he smelled out in the past couple weeks.”

    Bit of a deus ex machina, there. Zombies in planes = no fucking sense whatsoever.

  10. Narfen Says:

    “Narfen: Search previous comments for the answers to all your questions.”

    Yeah sry.. just read it on page 84.. and hear I thought I read all the comments.. hmpf

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Bit of a deus ex machina, there. Zombies in planes = no fucking sense whatsoever.”

    LOL. Have you heard of The First Zombie? Have you read Page 32? Did you hear anything Addison said recently at all? He isn’t just a damn “zombie” — he’s retained full mental capacity and retained his vampire powers. He can do anything the fuck he wants, which is how he’s killed almost everyone on Earth. If you somehow have a problem with him flying planes of all things, then you should have an even bigger problem with him controlling all the other zombies with his mind and the million other things he does that are very un-zombie like. So many idiots read this comic.

  12. Aquamage Says:

    Question: If a human gets bitten by a zombie, say Mac got bitten, could he be changed into a vampire to save his life or is it too late?

  13. Phreaker Says:

    “Zombies in planes”

    I’m sick and tired, of these mother fucking zombies. In these mother fucking planes!!!!

  14. Skiptag Says:

    Bobby, I have a question. What happened with the animals on the planet? Can animals be zombified? Can we expect to see a horde of undead elephants charging the school anytime soon?

  15. xXAjaxXx Says:

    Great comic man! Mac is like the ultimate bad ass. He’s not as strong as the other guys has worse endurance, but he managed to escape thousands of zombies to get supplies and is holding his own in this battle as well. Rage may be awesome, but Mac is the bravest guy out there.


  16. Tegu Says:


  17. Sic Says:

    I say he jumps, like, real far. 😛

  18. Trilbydude Says:

    Is rage slaaneshi?

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