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Page 90: Addison Payne is Never Wrong

Friday, October 26th, 2007

That First Zombie sure is mean, blowing up those vampires like that!

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

173 Responses to “Page 90: Addison Payne is Never Wrong”

  1. Jaime Says:

    Thanks for that, Bobby.

    I was tempted to explain how it’s not simple to fly around the world killing people, but I can’t really be bothered.

    Thanks for making it perfectly clear to me that you are unable to continue to offer a good read, either in your comments or on the comic script.

    Enjoy the pats-in-the-back game with your fanboy base, I’m sure not interested in browsing this again, so don’t bother thanking me for my leave 🙂

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I was tempted to explain how it’s not simple to fly around the world killing people, but I can’t really be bothered.”

    LOL. What a fucking idiot. I 100 percent seriously could have written your reply for you and gotten it almost exactly right. You’re all so similar and so stupid, all clones of each other.

    “Enjoy the pats-in-the-back game with your fanboy base”

    HA! Yeah, that’s what I have, sure. More proof that you not only haven’t read any of the comments, but haven’t even read YOUR OWN. I doubt many other writers would have even allowed your retarded shit to be posted, and they certainly wouldn’t have allowed the nonsense manwhat said to be posted (among dozens of others like him in the past 10 months), but yeah, keep believing I’m an idiot who’s only allowing pats on the back to go through from my “fanboy base,” LOL. Kill yourself.

    “I’m sure not interested in browsing this again”

    It’s a 100 percent fact that you’ll visit this site at least five times in the next 24 hours and that you’ll read every page.

  3. Speakerftdead Says:

    Let the man tell the story the way he wants to. Yeesh.

  4. Aquamage Says:


  5. Jeff Says:

    Okay then, change of subject. I’m pretty sure this is a new comment/question that hasn’t been brought up. Vampires obviously still have some blood in them as shown when Catilyn(?) died. Are the hunger pains that a vampire feels at all connected to the amount of blood they currently have in them? And if so is that why the pain stops after 65 years, there isn’t a drop of blood left to hurt you anymore?

  6. Jeff Says:

    Actually I’m pretty sure at least half of that has been brought up before. Please excuse my ignorance.

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Are the hunger pains that a vampire feels at all connected to the amount of blood they currently have in them? And if so is that why the pain stops after 65 years, there isn’t a drop of blood left to hurt you anymore?”

    Interesting. That’s all new actually. I hadn’t thought much about it. That would make sense, because that would be why they can’t smell TFZ — no blood in his system at all. See, now THAT’S something constructive, people. Something that hasn’t been asked before and was said in a nice, constructive manner, as opposed to assholes like Jaime who act like I’ve made many huge mistakes, like I’m Gob Bluth or something. Also take note of the fact that Jeff used QUESTION MARKS as opposed to simply stating incorrect shit as facts like almost everyone else here does. He also said something SMART that MAKES SENSE. Thanks, buddy — gonna put that in my notes and play around with the specifics of it. Probably won’t be explained in the first graphic novel, but it probably would for the possible sequels.

  8. Brandon Says:

    Hey Bobby I love that you keep biting back at all the morons posting the same questions over and over. Your the writers so no one else should have a real authority over your work and other various notes. Thanks for taking all this BS with a grain of salt. Keep up the good work.

    Plus I was wondering if you were planning on changing the web site at all? To stop half the nonsense and bull. Just wondering if you have future plans for the site.

  9. Snake Says:

    if that is the case could TFZ give them like blood tranfusions to prolong their pain and suffering

  10. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Another interesting point — good thinking. Yeah, maybe he has plans to torture them forever (obviously won’t come into play, but maybe that could be speculated on in a sequel as well when the whole situation might be discussed in more detail).

    “Plus I was wondering if you were planning on changing the web site at all?”


  11. Wildfire393 Says:

    “if that is the case could TFZ give them like blood tranfusions to prolong their pain and suffering ”

    That’s actually a interesting question. From the way things have been described, if he was willing to risk re-empowering the vampires, he could give them blood to stop the schaemiac process, only to let it start again and prolong the torture. However, if there are no more humans, there is no blood (kind of the premise of the comic). Unless we assume that TFZ has stockpiled all of the transfusion blood from hospitals around the world. But even that has a limited supply (and, I think, an expiration date).

    Just what I think. I guess it’s really up to Bobby whether or not something like this is plausible. I’m guessing not. 65 years of torture is a lot, and there is no way the transfusion blood would last longer than that, so it would only be able to be prolonged by a few months tops.

  12. Theinen Says:

    Hey Jeff that is a good thought, now you have me thinking lol. Bobby don’t let these guys get to you so much. This is the kind of senseless crap I had to go through as well. Something I realized is if you ignore them long enough they’ll go away, but that can also hurt as well.

    Anyway, to the naysayers who say the guy is too old to know how to use the RPG, plane to drop bombs or whatever, I know Bobby himself said that the EFZ (like how someone abb. it as evil first zombie) flew around personally eliminating the stragglers, he himself wouldn’t have to do that. He can command his zombies to do anything that that could do before he died. While he may need to concentrate on a group to make them perform such things, the zombie hordes seem to just kill humans on “auto-pilot”. So how simple is it to sic millions of zombies to just run loose and concentrate on 2-3 pilots going around in a stealth bomber? Or maybe once he made his way into the pentagon he had those islands wiped out.

    Come on people just use your imagination a little bit it’s not really that hard! Though to some of the people that ask the same questions over and over, I can somewhat understand. Read old comments too much stupidity so you stop reading and just post your own, but if you keep doing that, you only frustrate the author because it seems as if the story isn’t being told properly. If you can’t suffer throught to read them all, then just wait for the comic to be finished.

    That being said, all the questions I’m wondering about I have to keep to myself lol. Mostly “what ifs?” and “what’s gonna happen next?” One question that only came after Jeff’s is what I have to ask though. You said Payne would kick the crap out of the EFZ if they were one on one locked in a room. Is that any vampire in general or because Addison…well because he’s Addison Fucking Payne? Maybe his true strength is not just his power but because of how he uses it, using a pawn to kill a king? Other questions just based off what Jeff said, so waiting on your answer for that.

    Again, good story guy. Even moreso because it’s original. Originality carries a heavy burden these days. Say it’s the T-virus and a human is going to save the day and everybody will love it though lol. I know they ask for an e-mail address but it’s not posted with comments. I want to ask a question though, but not about the storyline of the comic, I’m going to scroll up and get your e-mail, but let me know if it’s okay to send you an e-mail first. I don’t wanna seem stalkerish o.O

  13. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Theinen, why do you keep calling The First Zombie EFZ? You’re the third person now in the comments to call him EFZ and it’s really confusing and weird. Just more proof of other things I’ve said on this page, I guess.

    “Bobby don’t let these guys get to you so much.”

    Stop saying things like that — pointless and annoying.

    “You said Payne would kick the crap out of the EFZ if they were one on one locked in a room. Is that any vampire in general or because Addison…well because he’s Addison Fucking Payne?”

    Addison Payne would kick anyone’s ass. Not all vampires would beat Evil TFZ in a fight.

    E-mails are fine.

  14. Theinen Says:

    Don’t read all the comments, mostly pointless criticism or people telling you that you’re wrong about a story taking place in your universe. Just read today because no update and thought there was a reason in the comments, like when it would be updated. Don’t want to check back and see the same page, it’s like waking up too early on Christmas morning and being told to go back to bed. I thought “EFZ” was a new dub from an old comment since there’s one zombie, April’s grandpa, that’s not entirely bad with his own running crew. “The EFZ” I took to mean as “The evil first zombie” but it’s not something you dubbed so my bad. I’ll get that e-mail to you later though.

  15. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Ah, that’s actually my bad — I should have realized that. I’m an idiot. Always been horrible at figuring out what acronyms stand for.

  16. ShAmPi Says:

    I love Bobby’s responses as much as the comic.
    I myself had some blank spots about the comic as well.
    But none of which weren’t explained later on in comic and/or comments.
    I love you came up with the idea to let rage bend that zombies head to the same direction he’s watching.
    And I think that other zombie in the background finds it funny as well.
    As it seems he’s laughing.
    Congrats so far Bobby!

  17. Wesley Says:

    Haha, wow. I love the comic. Been hoarding this site for updates regularly. Read through all the comments though, and your insults Bobby are kind of annoying – no offense. Your writing is so good in the comic. But the posts lately.. eh not so much. Not that you care. Not that I care.

    Anyway.. Keep up the good work.

    Also.. traces of blood can be found in bodies of undecomposed bodies hundreds.. even thousands of years later. Mummified bodies from the eighteenth dynasty in Egypt have been found, and traces of blood used alongside hair in an attempt to compare the genetic makeup of peoples today compared to back in the day.

    Granted.. perhaps vampires “consume” the blood.. as opposed to just having it stored in them like we do..

    Just putting that out there.. shouldn’t be too hard for ya to think up of an answer I’m sure :).

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “and your insults Bobby are kind of annoying – no offense.”

    Get the fuck out.

  19. paul Says:

    This would be such an awesome movie. Is there any possibility of that ever happening?

  20. Cookie Says:

    oh my god.. run paul.. run for the hills..

  21. Tegu Says:


  22. Jessica Says:

    I came here by accident, but like it

  23. Trilbydude Says:

    yep, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off with my fz theory…

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