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Page 89: Follow These Instructions

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

I also hope the children see the end of the movie. Would be pretty sad if they died before it was over. And I hope they’re watching Bee Movie, just to make them feel extra surreal and like they’re not actually being eaten by zombies, because they’re living in a crazy bee world where nothing matters.

Be sure to come back tomorrow to see a zombie doing something pretty cool.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of this page!

74 Responses to “Page 89: Follow These Instructions”

  1. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Ah, I get it now.

  2. Jay EZH Says:

    Umm, about the whole repopulation thing – Think about Frozen Fertilized ‘Eggs’. If Addison Payne has some of those, they will be Unrelated to the ‘kids’ and possibly help repopulate the Whole Human Race, even though it’s been said that it won’t be done. So the little girl, once she bleeds, she can breed. 😀

  3. Joseph Says:

    On a completely unrelated matter , I really love this this story 😀 The film will be awesome if done well good luck .

  4. Grrrrr Says:

    Why is there always a dunb-ass who types ‘First Comment’ when it’s the first comment… why?

    Anyhoo – good stuff. I really like the alternate take on the various legends surrounding Vampires and how they’re implemented here. I want to see more scenes of Zombies being slaughtered by Vampires.

  5. KayRis Says:

    No more last blood?……the mere thought of that makes me very sad. I really hope you do continue to do Last Blood and make plenty of prequels and sequels. I love the fact that I can get it from WOWIO for free because as a poor college kid I couldn’t afford it otherwise. Even if you don’t continue LB though I’m glad you’ll be doing other graphic novels. More stories for everyone!!!

  6. Krasno Says:

    You know who should direct the film? Quentin Tarantino.

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I hate Quentin Tarantino’s movies.

  8. Cindy Says:

    Ok guys. Drop the whole “re population” Bit.
    Mr. Bobby has already said that it does not factor into this story.
    Enjoy the story, don’t gripe over the parts that aren’t involved in it.

    And on a side note (and a much less whiny one the just now lol)
    I love the comic, I’ve been reading it for quite a while now.
    And I’ve been trying to get my local comic shop to get it.
    Is it possible for the comic to be in Canada?
    Sorry if it’s a dumb question lol.

  9. Golrog Says:

    Mac is adopting Addison’s ballin lean.

  10. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’m 95% sure that Diamond distributes to stores in Canada. Just ask ’em if they use Diamond, and if they do, they can get “Last Blood.” I think they’d have to re-order them now. Here’s the order codes —

    LAST BLOOD #1 SECOND STAB (MAY073272) [reprints the out-of-print FCBD issue]
    LAST BLOOD #2 (MAY073270)
    LAST BLOOD #2 INCENTIVE COVER (MAY073271) [“Black & White & Red” #1 variant]
    LAST BLOOD #3 (JUL073358)
    LAST BLOOD #3 INCENTIVE COVER (JUL073359) [“Sketch Cover” variant of #3]
    LAST BLOOD #4 (SEP073441)
    LAST BLOOD #4 INCENTIVE COVER (SEP073442) [“Devian Cover” variant of #2]

    If your local shop uses Diamond, print out this list and tell them you want these books ordered, I guess.  They might not be able to directly order the incentive covers, though — may need to order a certain amount of the regular issues in order to get a free incentive (usually four regular issues to get one incentive, I think).  I don’t know much about this stuff.  You can also order signed copies from me, and the third issue should arrive here by Tuesday —


  11. Aquamage Says:

    I would buy this book from chapters in canada too, I’ll see if they can order some in =)

  12. Jesse Says:

    Just kidding…

  13. simon Says:

    I know the answer is TFZ killed them, but what about the astronauts and cosmonauts?

  14. Allison Says:

    Found this comic through Marry Me (which I found off wowio) a while back 🙂 Downloaded all issues of both, I hope it helps 🙂

    Anyways, the last few page have been epic, can’t wait for p90

  15. Jeff Abercrombie Says:

    Ok this comic is great, and for me to say that it has to be. what i mean is i don’t read comics ever and i have read all of these so far and i am sad that i wont be able to much longer because i am in the army and ship out on Monday. so what i am trying to say is thanks for the comic, its great.

  16. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Simon: They can’t get back to Earth without help from the ground anyway, so who gives a shit. How many are up there at any given time? Is there any time during the year when no one’s up there? It’s also my guess that they’d try to immediately get them back down to Earth when ZOMBIES START KILLING EVERYONE ON EARTH. Probably brought them all back home on like Day 3 of this mess.

    Allison: Cool, thanks.

    Jeff: Thanks, buddy, and good luck. Make Murdo proud, even though he was a Marine. Should have two more pages by Monday (at least one, and it’s a cool one — 90).

  17. Jessica Says:

    Totally off-topic question, Bobby, (and you may have already answered it somewhere, in which case I’m sorry) but is Matheson’s name a nod to Richard Matheson, author of I am Legend (which was adapted into The Last Man on Earth starring Vincent Price)? Because if so, that would be pretty neat, and if not, it’s a great coincidence, eh?

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    On January 12 Owen said this in an e-mail to me: “How about Matheson after Richard Matheson the author of I am Legend the classic post apocalyptic vampire novel. They could call him Math, which would be funny cuz they are in an elementary school.”

    I still haven’t read the book (or any other vampire or zombie books). I don’t recall anyone actually calling him Math in the comic yet and I recently wrote a note reminding me to have someone do that before it’s over. Not sure if a good opportunity will arise, though.

  19. PsychoP Says:

    The end is near and dead stands up
    meet destiny, spot’s on the map
    dead raise their heads awaiting order
    their aim is only massive murder.

    None will stop them. You nor me
    remaining ones of what were we
    this undead march is without ending
    in dried blood we will be swimming.

    Death will come and all is lost
    we cannot win in any cost
    hope is but to meet it’s final
    stars will fall with the last thunder.

    We were proud and we were wrong
    none will remain to sing a song
    in memento of what we should be
    there will still stay one little bee.

    One little star within my heart
    still will spark in depths of dark
    there is no time to spend for us
    we will be crushed in this mass.

    I loved you and you did too
    life is nothing without you
    destiny made me to be their meal
    and I know they want to kill.

    So let me go and let me fly
    in these times when souls just cry
    death quietly whispers my name
    so I bow to meet this pain.


    Just wanted to say i like your comic. Rly nice and funny. This “poem” came across my mind yesterday in bus. I think its somehow connected to this so i decided to send you. Just to show that inspiration really comes even from seeing someone elses work. GJ pal ;o)

    To that poem. Imagine your love peacfully dying in your hands. She(he) dies and you know you have no chance of survival so you just go out to meet your last moment of living. And you die horribly with smile on your face and her(his) name on your lips. I know it sounds stupid, but for what is life that lost its sense?

  20. christine Says:

    Whoa! So with the youngest boy, and the youngest girl, the vamps are gonna do an “Adam and Eve” Project, huh? wow, when I thought this comic couldn’t get any better!

  21. Liam Says:

    iv been a reader for quite a while now and have been loving it the whole time. i would realy enjoy being able to suport you by dwonloading WOWIO but i live in canada.
    “Death will come and all is lost
    we cannot win in any cost”
    thats truly my favorite line in that poem and is something i could see a certain charecter saying =P

  22. Ben Says:

    I think “Lif and Lifthransir” would be more appropriate names for the kids…

  23. Tegu Says:


  24. Trilbydude Says:

    Edddie is my favourite so far.

    ah, that eddie…

    so much like lupin, but… y’know… a vampire.

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