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Page 84: Professor Payne

Wednesday, October 17th, 2007

Gotta praise Owen for today’s page. Love the drawing of the dead Mustache Man especially. You can expect four to five pages per week for the next six weeks or so.

CLICK HERE to see my mouse drawn MS Paint sketch of today’s page!

47 Responses to “Page 84: Professor Payne”

  1. Redrover Says:

    Excellent comic. Looks like Murdo is trying to go lone wolf on their asses…

    Wonder if he’ll be the one that kills TFZ?

  2. Unati. Says:

    I love the panels with Murdo jumping off the building – the style suits it a lot.

  3. Cookie_Mobster Says:

    Awesome panel, specially the lifeless expression on his face/head. Please make wowio accounts available to non us residents soon. Keep up the good work and kudos.

  4. Nekokaburi Says:

    lol “Sir, but they’re RUNNING”
    Awesome. It’s like old world war two movies where some Nazi peon runs into the general’s tent “Sir, the americans are attacking.”
    “So? Without tanks, they will never break our defenses!”
    *Tank runs over the tent*

    Oh, and I want to say thanks to Teardropcatcher for mentioning Stephen King’s Cell on the last page’s comments. I borrowed a copy of it today and just finished reading it. (Took like five hours, I should have been in bed two or three hours ago.) Really cool book. King always does a good job of portraying people whose sanity is out at the very end of its leash.

  5. BryanAckermann Says:

    Longtime reader, first comment (incredible comic, btw!!!)

    Did Owen actually use chalk to make the chalk and chalkboard LOOK like an actual chalkboard? It’s subtle, but a very effective detail…

  6. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Not sure, but I agree that it looks great. He’ll probably read these comments at some point and might respond.

  7. Calendula Says:

    I love Murdo 🙂

  8. Alex B Says:

    Head shot? 😀

  9. Chris Says:

    It sounds like Payne is explaining all this to a bunch of children rather than vampires. Has that kinda matter of fact teacher’s voice that could send anyone to sleep…its kinda funny given the situation.

  10. Northstar Says:

    April your Granddad’s on the way! Make him up a bunt cake will ya?

    Murdo is awesome. Let’s see small group comingfrom one direction and huge honking group coming from the other. I wonder why TFV did that.

  11. Northstar Says:

    Gah typo… I mean TFZ… >.

  12. Kalara Says:

    Just… wow. I am so excited about the upcoming events in this comic. Thank you for giving us this great comic to read!

  13. Anko Says:

    I hope we’ll be seeing more of Math. There seems to be so much more attention on Murdo lately. 🙁

    Plus, the next six weeks or so are going to be FUCKING AWESOME. No more agonizing over the time in between the updates. You guys really rock.

  14. achrin Says:

    ahh yes the confident ALL knowing teacher type supreme in his information and ego .. able to mesmerize an entire classroom into stunned drooling silence as he lectures with endless words pouring out of his mouth even as the things he lectures about swarm and eat them for lunch ..and then there is the lone wolf going out on a kill mission,looks kinda ninja’esqe in his getup..( i shouldn’t say this .. but)part of their style is to get you to hesitate by admiring their cool getup AS they kill you.. i wonder if mustache man has a few last thoughts in there before the blood finishes draining out of his head

  15. Kez Says:

    BWAH HAH HAH! Brilliant! The them/us diagram is my favorite.

  16. Teardropcatcher Says:

    Really love April’s and Math’s expressions, especially the one in the last pannel. Chris is right, Payne sort of looks like a teacher and Math’s the smart-arse kid, titling his head all innocent-like… Very funny XD.
    Btw, wow. Lots and lots of zombies o_o.
    Nekokaburi, glad to know I’m not the only one who finished all that in one sitting XD. I’m also glad you liked it ^_^.
    Lots of love from Europe! And I hope you get better offers for the movie, it’s already on my must-see list ^_^.

  17. Aquamage Says:

    lol it’s a math equation:


  18. Aquamage Says:

    didn’t show the

  19. Vo Says:

    Real Quick, Where the fuck did Murdo get the ninja suit?


  20. KayRis Says:

    I’m sorry if this question has already been answered, but does TFZ control all zombies ever, or only zombies that are bitten by him or by a zombie that was bitten by him? I’m wondering because if the humans die (hypothetically, I know they won’t) then there would be about 50 TFZs eventually from the vampires turning. If they can also control the zombies, it would be better for TFZ to keep just enough humans alive to feed them so that he retains complete control.

  21. Szyronn Says:

    As I understand[from this comicpage and some before thisone] that TFZ controles ALL Z[correct me if I am wrong]

    BTW nice opening to a great battle…….can’t wait.

  22. Bobby Crosby Says:

    SPOILERS (repeated from earlier comment pages)

    “Let’s see small group comingfrom one direction and huge honking group coming from the other. I wonder why TFV did that.”

    It’s TFZ, and he didn’t do that.

    “does TFZ control all zombies ever, or only zombies that are bitten by him or by a zombie that was bitten by him?”

    Only ones that were bitten by him or were bitten by a zombie that was bitten by him and so on and so forth down the chain.

    “I’m wondering because if the humans die (hypothetically, I know they won’t) then there would be about 50 TFZs eventually from the vampires turning.”

    I’ve always been confused by people who mention this as if it means anything, so I’ve made sure to include something in Page 85 that specifically addresses this. Keep in mind that in 65 years there will be NOTHING ON THE PLANET in that scenario of all humans dying and all the vampires becoming First Zombies. Who the hell cares if they have First Zombie “powers” when they have NO ONE to turn into a zombie? Also, 65 years later all these zombies probably will have rotted and died. I’ve said that rotting won’t be an issue at all, but that’s for the near future, not for 65 years down the line. Also, the vampires would of course kill themselves like Val kept planning on doing if they actually had control over themselves after all the humans died. Page 85 is called “Chains” and they discuss how TFZ plans to lock them up to make sure they can’t kill themselves, to ensure their torture.

    “If they can also control the zombies, it would be better for TFZ to keep just enough humans alive to feed them so that he retains complete control.”

    As I’ve said a hundred times, TFZ went through 65 years of torture for the main reason of making all the other vampires go through that same 65 years of torture. It would eliminate his entire goal if he crazily kept the vampires alive.

  23. Necavi D. Omnes Says:

    Payne is definitely my favourite– If it werent for appearances, I’d cast Christopher Walken as Payne.


  24. Anko Says:

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but are the runners controlled by the “other” TFZ? Sullivan Davis, I believe, or whoever decided to stop TFZ in his tracks? Or maybe I just hugely misunderstood some spoilers. Gah, I feel stupid.

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    MAJOR SPOILERS (repeated)

    “are the runners controlled by the ‘other’ TFZ? Sullivan Davis, I believe”


  26. Kanian Says:

    Another TFZ?!
    First commenter btw, I love this comic.

  27. Marieke Says:

    Actually.. I think technically… we might best be calling him TSZ, no? As obsiously, he was second… 😉
    Whether you translate it ‘the Sullivan Zombie’ or ‘the Second Zombie’ is up to you… *innocent whistle*

    Kudo’s on this page for the both of ya! I Loved the image where Murdo jumps from the roof!!

    The HummingBird ~ gone again

  28. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I’m actually against Second Zombie, since he’s at least the third (there was that one in Bulgaria and there’s probably been others too). It’s basically A First Zombie instead of The First Zombie. The first of this particular group that they’re the leader of. Original Zombie is another option, but I don’t like it. I just like having multiple First Zombies, or schaemiacs, a term I created to try to solve that issue, but I’ve never liked the word much and no one can spell it.

  29. MJK Says:

    Perhaps ‘Root Zombie’ that maintains controll over the ‘forrest’ of zombies, with each node a zombie, each edge or line between them representing infection and a zombie with no parent node is the root zombie.

  30. Lydia Says:

    Ho-lee shit. I wanna see Payne do something crazy. Other than fly a plane into a swarm of zombies, I mean.

  31. Katy Says:

    Great page – I love the diagram on the board. LEETLE tiny us GREAT BIG THEM and nothing of import from the west – only 3000 . . . heheh.

    Sadness that this is almost over – I’ve downloaded what has been available at WOWIO and will keep an eye open for upcoming availabilities, but I definitely want MORE MORE MORE 🙂

    Athens, GA

  32. maladjusted Says:

    Wow. Just finished reading up to here. I don’t have much to say but fantastic work, I really enjoy your work!

  33. Micah Says:

    Superb as always. As previously stated by so many others, the US, THEM diagram is brilliant. Bobby, Owen, keep up the good work.

  34. Northstar Says:

    “It’s TFZ, and he didn’t do that.”

    Yeah I typoed when I typed TFV. >.

  35. mariered Says:

    Four or five pages a week??? I…think I love you.

  36. KayRis Says:

    I know, right? I’m only sad that Marry Me probably won’t be updated as much because Bobby’s probably busting his butt trying to get all of this done, but it’s a worthy sacrifice.

  37. Bobby Crosby Says:

    I wrote Page 49 of “Marry Me” four days ago and Eisu actually finished drawing it two days ago (I think), but he’s having computer problems unfortunately (lost Photoshop somehow) and he says he’ll probably get it back by the end of the week.

    I should be working a lot more on everything and getting far ahead with the scripts, but I’m too lazy and depressed and spend too much time worrying about the WOWIO situation, waiting for that check to arrive and checking the numbers. More people should bug me on AIM (bobbyc1012) to get to work probably. Someone’s doing that now and I think it might be working.

    “Sadness that this is almost over”

    Remember to ask your local comic shops to order LB for you — every little bit helps and pushes us towards making more once the first graphic novel is over.  We could conceivably start up with the fifth issue (first issue of another four-part mini-series for the second GN/film) fairly soon after finishing the first one, maybe on Christmas Day again, one year after the first page went up.  We’re going to finish the first GN by early December.

  38. KayRis Says:

    Aw, don’t be depressed. Despite the mean comments and stupid questions (occassionally asked by me) there are a lot of people here who support you and really want to see you succeed!

  39. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Well, being depressed has nothing to do with any comments on any web sites. I appreciate the support of yourself and others. Thanks.

  40. Katticus Says:

    Group hug for Bobby!

    and I agree- Math is being very smart-kid-ish.
    “Uh, excuse me, Teacher? If they’re Running, doesn’t that mean that….”

  41. Cat Says:

    The Us v. Them diagram is terrific. I laughed so hard at that and my roommate gave me a funny look. Can’t wait to show Sakka this page.
    Glad for the massive updates a week that are coming, sad that there might not be anymore soon. But I’ll be getting those comics as soon as possible when I actually have the cash.
    Good luck in your endeavor. I really hope to see a second GN ’cause I love this comic so much and I’ll be doing my part to keep it going ASAP. =D

  42. Wizard Says:

    Seems like elder zombie guy is incoming with a zombie elite squad to outflank the vampires. Someone better do some recon.

  43. Cloudkeeper Says:

    Id really like to see this going into somesort of anime/movie

  44. Pasta_and_Tacos Says:

    “This is us, and this is the billions of zombies coming from the east.” “But sir there is another division to the west!” “Yes but there is only 3000 of them.”

  45. DarkKnight412 Says:

    Math seemed so cool and collected until Payne showed up…now he is looking a little flustered. Oh well, he is still kicks ass, maybe more than Payne, because how much ass can you kick in a lab coat? I LOVE his diagram!!

  46. DarkKnight412 Says:

    Yes, I realize that he is not wearing a lab coat, but since he is a good scientist I am sure he has one stashed in the plane somewhere. Or maybe he could find one in a science classroom somewhere…

  47. Tegu Says:


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