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Page 82: Raisy Daisy

Thursday, October 11th, 2007

Poor Murdo.

107 Responses to “Page 82: Raisy Daisy”

  1. Sarge Says:

    Wow, this is an amazing comic, good job to Bobby!

    How long have you been doing this for? and have you done any other comics?

    sorry if any of these questions were asked before, but my friend showed this to me.

  2. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “How long have you been doing this for?”

    First page went up last Christmas. Owen Gieni is the artist.

    “and have you done any other comics?”

    I also write “Marry Me” and “+EV” — multiple links are on this page.

  3. xuegui Says:

    An observation; the fact that no one can figure out what’s up with the humans not-repopulating-the-whole-world, but not-all-getting-totally-killed-the-hell-out-of either, and fans keep asking about it? That means that you’re doing an incredible job as a writer. Fact is, none of us can guess what you’re cooking. It’s not predictable, and it’s not dense and inaccessible. It’s just written well enough to bug the crap out of everyone till you reveal the plot point that’s got us all hovering over the ‘Refresh’ button.

    Global mass media has been on a corporate-driven downward spiral toward blandness in the last 30 years or so. It’s getting to the point that halfassed manga starts looking like art, and folks don’t even realize the depth they’ve lost till they are hit in the face by a real PLOT and find the edge of their seats to be a heady place to inhabit. Like single malt when you’ve been taught that “booze” equals “budweiser.” That question you hear over and over is really just the sound of horizons broadening.

    BTW, do you know Matt R. Jones?http://www.hollywoodvampires.net? Your fictional universes should get together and make a bastard love child universe. I need it for my school project, if you’d be willing to answer a short questionnaire on what it’s like to birth a fictional mileu of kickass action-horror out of wedlock. thanks!!

    Oh, and BTW, I can spell “Schematic” but I don’t know what everyone else’s problem is.

  4. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “BTW, do you know Matt R. Jones?”

    I do not, no. Haven’t been to that site.

    Glad you like the comic.

  5. MJK Says:

    I wonder if she’ll be willing to cuddle now…

  6. Tegu Says:


  7. Trilbydude Says:


    you stupid bitch…

    One less human to feed on, well done.

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