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Page 80: This is Everyone

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

Thus ends the third issue of the Last Blood comic and the second act of the Last Blood film. Going to print tomorrow with issue #3 and it should be in stores by Halloween.

This was my sketch for today’s page, if anyone cares.

137 Responses to “Page 80: This is Everyone”

  1. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Hope the movie comes in soon. Updates on that?”

    We have an offer from a production company for an option, but we’re still negotiating and may not take it. Lots more to say about the movie stuff, but I’ll wait until some solid developments happen before doing that.  At this point I’d say there’s somewhere around a 25% chance that I’ll eventually make it myself, and if that happens, it would probably be about a year from now (principal photography).

  2. IGOR Says:

    Bobby if you gonna make a movie can you include some flashbacks like to show whats happend all over the world and mexico and stuff like that.
    And good luck with youre movie.
    “she loved the fact that Math killed Hitler”

    I think lts of people loved I loved it too

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Bobby if you gonna make a movie can you include some flashbacks like to show whats happend all over the world and mexico and stuff like that.”

    That’s still coming up in the comic — some of it at least.

  4. Cuauhtemoc Says:

    I spy, with my little eye, Cassidy from “Preacher” in the top left-hand corner of panel one =DDD

  5. jon Says:

    Bobby Crosby Says:

    October 3rd, 2007 at 2:04 am
    I don’t have any confidence in my work. I hate my work. And I’m pissed off at all times. Big difference between being confident in your work and knowing when a specific thing is factually incorrect.

    i gusse the hardest person to convince that something is gr8 is the person who created it. Its gr8 work don’t worry so much. sadly the thing that bothers me the most is the spoilers in the fourms LOL. I dislike spoilers for comics makes it less fun when the plot twists 😉

  6. Cat Says:

    “Bobby if you gonna make a movie can you include some flashbacks like to show whats happend all over the world and mexico and stuff like that.”

    That’s still coming up in the comic — some of it at least.

    Oh, sweet. Well, I just got more excited.
    …If I were a dog, my tail might’ve just knocked out the mini fridge behind me….*looks over shoulder.

  7. Bobby Crosby Says:


    I’ve said dozens of times that a lot more info would certainly be given in the comic about TFZ and how and why all this happened. I’ve also said many times that we’d hear about it from the man himself (TFZ). That’s coming up soon.

  8. scarecrow Says:

    payne looks alot like agent 47 (hitman series)
    also, awesome comic, i seems zombie stories are everywhere, but its hard to find on that keeps you interested like lastblood does

  9. Cat Says:

    Yeah, I know, but I’m so freakin’ tired right now that I be forgetting things.

  10. Sakka Says:

    So…Cat reffered me to read this comic and I hate her for it…alot. Because i started reading today at around 7pm and I was hooked. It’s 3:45am right now, and many pages slowly loaded [took up to 5 minutes or more sometimes on my wonderufl dial up] and quirky T-shirt ideas later–i finished–a ever so sad and addicted person that is slightly ever so slightly craving more. Please. Amazing art [lol=from the both of you] and great story. Totally a winning team.

  11. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Cool. Good work, Cat.

    New page tomorrow probably.

  12. Sim^moN Says:

    …there… you did it again. I sit by the computer, and hit refresh once in a while… If I starve – It will be all your fault Bobby =D

    But seriously – see you tommorow then.

  13. Vulcanis Says:

    You’ve hit the nail right on the head, that’s for sure. I don’t normally apply labels like solid and concrete to film plans of a comic started on the web, but it certainly does apply here. You’ve tapped into something that creators like Romero, Raimi and Carpenter have perfected so well over the years.

    Keep it up, and I very much look forward to continued updates. I also sent you a rather extensive email about the film and how I would like to help. I really feel like this is something you should want and need to hoard for yourself. Finding money for a project like this, with as much credit you have built around it, good reviews, selling statistics, comic flying off the shelves? It is totally a non-issue. There is a reason you have a production company wanting to buy it.

    I say, run with it yourself and reap the grand rewards, rather than selling it for a few grand and then later wishing you hadn’t. I’m sure Hollywood can offer us numerous examples of films that were a great idea on paper, that were utterly ruined and soiled by whatever film company took it upon themselves to make it. Not to mention the writers name just totally dragged in mud due to bad movie reviews.

    Hopefully I can get in touch with you sometime today. Excellent comic, keep up the good work.

  14. Hevaess Says:

    You can imagine at least one of the survivors hearing that last statement immediately started running through the list of who they wanted to repopulate the earth with.

    -.0 sorry just a random thought, I stumbled across this comic a few days ago and I can honestly say that it kicks unholy ass with blinding precision.

    Awesome work

  15. Emily Says:

    Yeah, I really doubt these are the last humans on Earth on the entire planet…

    There are alot of humans on small islands, like the Polynesian Islands, or Hawaii, or on a boat, or a random island in the middle of nowhere! I mean, ok, clearly traversing the ocean isn’t that hard for a Zombie, but there are all sorts of pits and ridges on the ocean floor that would make crossing an entire ocean difficult, unless they can operate boats…. And even still, its pretty hard to smell something over alot of moving water, isn’t it? The wind alone would carry the scent miles away in all directions, so even if they *could* smell it, how would they have any clue where the scent was coming from?

    But anyway, they obviously can’t climb trees (as Mac proved), so why don’t we see entire colonies of humans living in massive Swiss Family Robinson-esque tree forts?

  16. Emily Says:

    Bah!! But there obviously is a point to repopulation! Even if it is just 30 people… well, we can hope they are from as diverse backrounds as possible… and humanity will be loosing a whole HECK of alot of genetic diversity, but with modern technology keeping them alive, every woman could have a child or two with every one of the men there, or they could have like, 10 kids each in monogamous pairs…

    you’d have a limited amount of genetic diversity, but exponential population growth. I mean, say there are 15 women out of those 30 people left. Each of them has 10 babies, you could have the population at close to 200 within 10 years, and then 1000 in another 10 years… over 5000 in another 10….

    you’d be set back genetically, but random mutation will restore diversity eventually…

  17. Bloodwrath Says:

    I just wanted to say that I’m not exactly a vampire/zombie type of buff, but this story has me hooked. Maybe it’s because both the vampires and the er, Main zombie, seem to have very human qualities about them that allow for a lot of personal and other struggles… usually, vampires and zombies just kill everything, and that’s just kind of boring.

    Good job, keep it up! 🙂

  18. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “There are alot of humans on small islands, like the Polynesian Islands, or Hawaii, or on a boat, or a random island in the middle of nowhere!”

    Ugh, annoying. There are NO OTHER HUMANS ON EARTH, as I’ve said a trillion times. This is a good example of someone stating something as a fact, by the way, when they’re totally wrong and didn’t take five seconds to do any research before making a long comment that says the comic is saying totally false things. These are the types of comments that I respond to in this manner (“Ugh, annoying”) and then idiots whine and say “Why were you annoyed by the nice fan who simply asked you a question, Bobby, you piece of shit?!” Emily did not ask a question. She stated a bunch of totally wrong things as facts. I’m not upset with her, though, because she didn’t act like a jerk about it like many other people have, but it is annoying when I have to repeat this stuff to people who are acting like their wrong stuff is definitely right, as opposed to nice people who ask questions.

    “And even still, its pretty hard to smell something over alot of moving water, isn’t it? The wind alone would carry the scent miles away in all directions, so even if they *could* smell it, how would they have any clue where the scent was coming from?”

    Um, we’ve already seen that Math can simultaneously smell things in Denver and Chicago, so why are you acting like “miles away” is some sort of problem? Many many times he’s specifically talked about smelling things from many many miles away. The wind is not an issue in any way and neither is the water. In previous comments I’ve gone into detail on how it’s no problem at all killing absolutely everyone EVERYWHERE. TFZ flies a plane all around the world smelling people out and dropping zombies to kill them and/or BOMBS.

    “unless they can operate boats…”

    Obviously they can operate boats, jeez.

    “But anyway, they obviously can’t climb trees (as Mac proved)”

    Huh? They can definitely climb trees. They can do ANYTHING they could do as a human and then some when they’re specifically controlled by TFZ. TFZ was 50 miles away from Mac at the time, though, and had no interest in killing him at that moment.

    And before you make me repeat more crap: As I’ve said many times, including very recently in this comments page right here, all of this will be explained in the comic itself before the first graphic novel is over (soon).

  19. Thrax Says:

    good to see there’ a black vampire
    Keep up the good work, I’ve been following this comic for awhile and i love it!
    P.S. my last name is addison 😛

  20. fieldy409 Says:

    “Nope, not sperm banks.” I suppose it wouldnt be very dramatic….

  21. Plite Says:

    International Space Station! Nuclear Submarines!

  22. Aquamage Says:

    i know this has already anwsered and I am very lazy for not going over the comments but how long has it been since TFZ started this war against humans?

    Has it been long or in a short time frame?

  23. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Um, it’s been answered in the comic itself at least three times, I think —


    TFZ bit the girl on the beach in Page 4 on September 29.  It’s now the night of October 30 and the first graphic novel will end on Halloween morning.

  24. Lance Says:

    Hey Bobby, I just thought of something. If the Zombies can do what they did when they were human when under the direct control of TFZ. Would one in theory be able to pilot a space shuttle when under his control if they knew how to do it when alive, or would he have to know how to pilot it?

    Just a weird thought that popped into my head 😛

  25. Moose Says:

    Bobby, I adore your sketches. they make me smile as much as the main comic =)

  26. IGOR Says:

    I just keep wondering are the vampire hair is fire proof too?????????

  27. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Only Addison’s clothes are fireproof, I think. Just because we’re not seeing something burning in two panels that show quick snap shots of what’s going on doesn’t mean they were never on fire. They could have put the fires out before those photos were taken!

    “Would one in theory be able to pilot a space shuttle when under his control if they knew how to do it when alive, or would he have to know how to pilot it?”

    I’m not sure. Good question. Perhaps they’d retain some of their brain power on those things when ordered to do something. I mean, if TFZ is controlling a guy who’s never golfed before and told him to pick up a golf club and hit a golf ball, he might even miss the ball, but if it’s Zombie Tiger Woods, he’ll hit a great shot. I think. So yeah, maybe a space shuttle pilot would be able to do the job, if he was told to, but in order to actually fly a space shuttle, you need the help of like a hundred people who do specific jobs, so we’re looking at an impossibility here probably.

    “Bobby, I adore your sketches. they make me smile as much as the main comic =)”

    Cool, cool.  Just spent like 90 minutes on the sketch for Page 82 — it’s a good one, I think.

  28. Baltazaar Says:

    Well, just to put my two cent in the pool, your variant of vampirism does not affect the DNA. Remember, folks, this is a theorie unless Bobby prooves it wrong.
    So, basically, you have some ladies, who donnate their egg-cells, some of the men, who donnate sperm, and now mister payne (badass of the month, as I just immagined him being played by Vin Diesel, who would probably lack the towering size) scrapes the DNA out of the sperms or egg-cells, and inserts carefully selected DNA into them, untill they get reimplanted in a new mother. I mean, carefulls selected DNA to enhance the genetic variety. The variety would even be greater if the Vampire and / or Zombie-DNA would be unharmed too, because then they could just basically have their pick. you know, fly in some dna from europe, some from Russia…..
    Just a theorie though. I mean, after all, we are in the age of artificially produced test tube babies, and I bet payne had his fingers in there too.

    To these pesky folks that say the time is to short to kill all people on earth.
    Read world war Z. Seriously. Humanity is not prepared, and much less will they be ready for such a thing. Plus, the zombies in World war Z are not even equipped with an intelligent leader. So, just to shut you critics up, it is possible.
    to the one who said that at least 8 women are needed:
    I know,even I have seen that movie where there is the nuclear war, and all that remains are eight women and over 100 men in the arctic circle. Joox. Keep your movie clichees to yourself.
    to the one that suggested sperm banks:
    Really, as far as I know, sperm banks rely on having power. To keep their content cool. And if their content gets bad, or even slightly warm, it gets unusable.

    I do know what will come. a few pages of Payne, explaining to the survivors what became of the rest of the world. A few pages of TFZ, telling his side of the story.
    But I know what I want. Two simple scenes, that will probably look better in the movie. One is the classical “WE ARE DOOOOOOOMED”, preferrably by a male in a squeaky voice, and the other one shouly be Payne and the gang, walking in on the sexy vampiress Val and Murdo, and Math says something like how could you, and the Vampiress again does her “OOOh shit”-face, and Payne bows down and reveals that she was not humping him, but making him into a vampire, and says something along the lines of “Indeed, how could she?”

    But I guess Bobby, you are out there, already having made something very much better then that miserable excuse of mine for a storie. Just go for it. if you need hairy vampires, or someone blonde who can sprout a beard, just drop me a mail.

  29. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “I do know what will come. a few pages of Payne, explaining to the survivors what became of the rest of the world. A few pages of TFZ, telling his side of the story.”

    No plans for Payne to explain anything. TFZ does the whole thing himself, although maybe Payne could help a little, yeah, if he’s still alive at the time (not a spoiler).

    “But I guess Bobby, you are out there, already having made something very much better then that miserable excuse of mine for a storie.”

    Mine’s very simple and I’m 99.9% sure that someone guessed it in the comments less than five pages ago and I confirmed it, so I’m continually surprised by people continuing to guess. As I’ve said, though, it’s not very important to the story. I’ll say that it’s on the last page of the graphic novel that we find out something about repopulation, something that will help (the case is opened), but it’s left pretty open ended (the repopulation situation, not the story itself).

  30. Arvid Says:

    I know it’s nice to theorize around a fictional work you’re in love with, but when the actual writer states something final, int’s final no matter what. Since it’s his own microcosm of a world no “factual errors” will change that. Som e people will always want explanations for everything.

  31. A. Says:

    Okay, I could SWEAR that the vampire in the back right corner is Cecania from SoreThumbs… it’s the braided hair. Yay, nay? xD

    Loving the comic, it’s fantastic. 😀

  32. Krasno Says:

    Is the chick vampire in panel 1 naked?

  33. Lord Klingsor Says:

    I have forgot to mention the vampire with the long dark hair in the top panel looks like a character of one of my unpublished comics, I hope you won’t somehow sue me for it… 😛

  34. Tegu Says:


  35. Dersi Says:

    Wow, I just found out this amazing webcomic today and I have been reading in a frenzy.

    I am sad im dead (fully destroyed or zombie) since I live in México but as Bobby says there are NO more humans anywhere. That gives the feeling of a last stand in that small place where they are now. And of course why (I think) the name of the comic.

    Regarding about the thins that have been pissing off Bobby I agree, if he says something in his comics and gives ideas, well it is for something. These zombies are nothing unlike the crappy ones in popular culture. They seem to retain some sort of muscle memory of what they used to do while alive. That it is as soon they can still physically do things.

    TZF and his minions seems to have something live a HIVE MIND, he is controlling them to some extend and they react to what they can do and return a feedback to him. Now that could explain why he could spread the zombie disease so much and so far in just a month. Given that we actually have transportation to any part of the planet. And the swiftness of the attack.

    I really, really like this comic is so dark but with so many lets say “colors” if you put feelings that way.

    Oh, I was thinking, since only by receiving a bite one can become a zombie and well, most of their physical functions are still active. A zombie could in theory be viable to be used for repopulation.

  36. Trilbydude Says:

    Ooh, hot scything chick!

  37. Jose Says:

    Well, they’re pretty much screwed if they’re really the last humans, specially since they were apparently a small town. Not enough DNA. Eventually the babies will be messed up a bit, if born alive at all. What they call “inbreeding”. They better figure something out. So many phenotypes extinct if they’re the last. And then no humans, like at all, regardless of some being available to procreate.

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