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Page 79: Reinforcements

Thursday, September 27th, 2007

I like the fat vampire.

69 Responses to “Page 79: Reinforcements”

  1. Katticus Says:

    oh, and does the vamp lady holding the sword to the right looks like she’s gonna hit the zombie over the head with it instead of use it like a sword, or is it just me? (sry about the double-post)

  2. Thesis Matt Says:

    Well, Bobby said that he adjusted the number of vampires to about the number of humans.

    So….the buddy system?

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “how will they be able to keep all those vampires sustained on so few people?”

    This has been answered way too many times, including in the comic itself. Once again, the vampires need tiny amounts of blood to sustain themselves, like just slightly more than none. The conflict is just about surviving in general and keeping any humans alive (and then enough to repopulate the human race too, of course, for the long term), which is tough enough as it is.

  4. achrin Says:

    thank science for airbags…. standing there like it was just before a meeting giving orders …..black covers the smudges and dirt and asbestos to boot i bet… cause i don’t think he has to worry about any lung disease….anyway first wave down second wave incoming

  5. Katticus Says:



    in case one doesn’t work, click the other.
    the clan Matheson family crest.
    I thought it was neat. 🙂

  6. Lance Says:

    Buddy system, hehe.

    Well Bobby said there was thirty vamps on the plane,so there’s actually more vampires than humans now. Also, the situation in Mexico hasn’t been clarified, so it could be that there’s more than just 31 people to repopulate the world. Anyway, it’ll be pretty akward when it comes to the repopulation. Even assuming that there are say fifteen males and fifteen females all off necessary age in there, that’s only fifteen different groups of children. The math is complicated due to the number of variables, but still, weird much.

  7. Christine Says:

    Is Rage a werewolf? If he was, that would be awsome

  8. Lance Lostblood Says:

    I believe Bobby said something regarding the people in Mexico and the vampires in the plane a while ago in the comments. I think I know what it was, but don’t want to go through all/most of the comments just to find it and be sure. But it involved alot of collecting before boarding the plane. Don’t want to put anything else here cause it might be a spoiler/misdirection.

    Keep up the good work, and keep fighting those d***s that post in Marry Me.

    P.S.: If you didn’t get it from the name, I’m a big fan of Wicked Lasers too, until their whole Loop Laser thing.

  9. di'Taykan Says:

    …I think I want to marry the vamp with the eyebrow rings, and I don’t know why.

  10. Aquamage Says:


  11. Lex Says:

    I’t have to wonder if any “extra mouths to feed” were killed off. I’d prolly quietly kill off the fat one. Too bad the survivors can’t feed off him to survive…

  12. Aquamage Says:

    Is there a little boy vampire in the crowd? and if so he looks a little bit excited for this battle.

  13. Ryah Says:

    This comic is seriously SERIOUSLY bad-ass. Vampires, zombies, attractive vampire guys and girls, attractive human guys and girls, blood, and explosions… ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Thank you, Bobby and Owen, for making something so awesome.

  14. awsomereader Says:

    this panel is awsome love the vampire in the front that looks like a

  15. Dramagod Says:

    I have stumbled upon the greatest vampire/zombie related comic ever! huzzah!!!!

    anyways . . . .Addison Payne should totally be played by Ron Perlman

  16. Tegu Says:


  17. Irrevenant Says:

    Hmm, am I the only one wondering if there are enough people to feed all those vampires?

  18. Trilbydude Says:


    now THAT’S an entrance! =]

  19. Atan Says:

    now thats a FUCKING AWESOME LOT of vampires (and some kind of werewolf vampire dude??)
    awesome entrance, this is 100% original :O
    i want to be a vampire 🙁

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