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Page 77: Duck

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

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68 Responses to “Page 77: Duck”

  1. Bob Says:

    Sorry bout this…
    Here come da boom!

  2. Nekokaburi Says:

    So, if their mind still works the same as before they become a schaemiac, why would it be so dangerous for a vampire (who doesn’t want to see the world burn down, and then jump up and down on the ashes) to become one? I mean, if they didn’t already hate everyone and everything, and become a schaemiac by accident, why would they choose to create a zombie horde?

    Seriously, if a vampire in a vampire community started to starve, other than mercy regarding the next 65 years followed by eternity as a rotting corpse, what reason would there be to kill them? With people like Adison Payne around, surely they’d hope for a cure to be developed eventually that could return their friend to the way they were.

    As for my guess as to how they live through the night, it could be that Payne found a cure for becoming a schaemiac, something to reverse the process, but that seems unlikely. They could find and kill TFZ, and to be honest, with Math around I’m confused as to why they haven’t yet. (If he can smell everything living within a few hundred miles, why can’t he smell someone lurking around the corner?)

    My money is on anti-zombie virus. Or, a virus that targets vampires (assuming that the virus that causes vampirism doesn’t really change much, if at all, when a vamp becomes a schaemiac) which would give them a reason to cure themselves of vampirism at the end. (Since they currently have a supply of willing food sources.)

  3. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “So, if their mind still works the same as before they become a schaemiac, why would it be so dangerous for a vampire (who doesn’t want to see the world burn down, and then jump up and down on the ashes) to become one?”

    It’s not “dangerous” — it’s TORTURE. It’s 65 years of insanely horrible pain. It’s the worst torture imaginable. Math described on Page 32 how bad the pain was for just two weeks, but it gets a lot worse than just that even.

    Math obviously can’t smell TFZ — that’s another advantage to being a schaemiac — can’t be smelled yourself.

    “My money is on anti-zombie virus.”

    A virus will not be involved in any way in terms of how they survive. It’s nothing simple like that. As I said, it’s something very tough to guess, but possible. It’s not going to be anything that you could imagine many other people also guessing, like a virus.

  4. Nekokaburi Says:

    I meant dangerous for the rest of the world. 😛

    So if it’s not a virus, and it doesn’t involve fighting the horde, the only real plot device left is TFZ. So do they kill or cure him? I would suggest someone appealing to the shreds of his humanity, but that’s just a little too cliche.

    I just had a funny thought from a bad old zombie movie… anyone who has seen it will recognize the quote… “Send more paramedics.”

  5. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “So if it’s not a virus, and it doesn’t involve fighting the horde, the only real plot device left is TFZ. So do they kill or cure him?”

    #1, do you actually believe that killing or curing TFZ is something that wouldn’t be easy to guess? #2, I’ve already said multiple times in this page of comments that he doesn’t give up and let them live. #3, just to be clear, no, killing or curing TFZ has nothing to do with how they survive. #4, there are many plot devices left.

    To repeat, if you actually do guess what it is, it’s going to be a big revelation where you go, “Wow, I wonder if it could be THAT!” It’s not going to be “Oh, they just kill TFZ, right?” or “Oh, they just make some cure or virus, right?” No, not gonna be anything like that, so it’s pointless to guess simple/obvious things like that.

    I suggest reading this great screenwriting column about endings —


    In the movie it will have been set-up a little better, but I believe the ending of “Last Blood” will be decisive, set-up, inevitable — and unexpected. And as Terry Rossio says, that’s not easy to do.

  6. Mewt Says:

    I’d say ‘Scheamic#2’, but I’m pretty sure that’s been discredited before…

  7. Brellchild Says:

    I think it got stated somewhere that Scheamics can only control their own zombies and/or the people killed and turned into zombies by same.

    Having a second Zombie Master show up seems too easy. I also thing TFZ would have noticed unless the other Zombie Master was being incredibly sneaky.

    (There’s a zombie movie idea – two opposing groups of zombies competeing to be the ones who get to kill and eat our plucky band of heroes…)

    Curing or killing TFZ wouldn’t stop the oncoming horde, and curing/ killing the zombies by the means thus far stated have been shot down. Tricky part is guessing what could possibly affect that many targets without affecting the humans in the school or the vampires protecting them.

    It also has to be within the stated or explainable capabilities of the anti-zombie forces. Hmmm. An interesting puzzle.

    If someone manages to guess right do they get a lollypop?

  8. Fieldy409 Says:

    what if…they evacuate the humans via a bunch of helicopters or something, and then nuke the school with all those zombies there?

    And they wouldnt be able to use the airplane because youd need to land on top of the school or somewhere, no time for runways.

  9. kieran Says:

    hey Nekokaburi,

    i think thats revenge of the lving dead 2.

  10. Schick Says:

    Oh man. Oh man. This comic is awesome, you know it could be a tornado, cause that could like just wipe out all the zombies on the ground by just throwing them around or something.

  11. Nekokaburi Says:

    kieran: the first one, actually. except here it’s return, rather than revenge.
    Still, you get a cookie. They did re-use some quotes in the second one, but that wasn’t one of them.

    So no killing, no curing, no convincing TFZ to bugger off and leave them alone… that leaves what? Hiding their smell so he can’t find them? (Could that be why Sullivan’s tunnel smelled like garlic? So Math couldn’t smell them till they came out from under the stage in the gym?) Nah, TFZ’d have to be pretty stupid to fall for that one…

    Seriously, you’ve stated that they won’t kill him, won’t cure him, and he won’t change his mind. What does that leave? Breaking his control over the horde? Hiding their scent so he can’t find them? (As if he’d fall for that. Although it makes me wonder why Sullivan’s tunnel smelled like garlic. So Math couldn’t smell the zombies coming as easily, perhaps?)

    The only thing that’s really been set up about the ending so far (That I can recall from the comic, at least. I may have missed something in early spoiler comments, but then a lot of the spoiler stuff has changed lately.) is Math and Val thinking TFZ is Sullivan, and April being related to him/having to save them all, although spoilers given in recent comments have said that TFZ isn’t sullivan, and that Murdo’s the relative, but that it isn’t going to change anything.

    Here’s a few questions that may have been asked before… Is vampirism hereditary? Can vampires have children with each other? With humans? And, depending on the answer to each of those questions, what happens if they have kids?

  12. Katticus Says:

    I shall guess something so out in left field that it’s on the other side of the parking lot…

    All the zombies’ cells commit apoptosis. (wikipedia it and look in the 2nd section)

    of course this is highly improbable and most likely impossible because apoptosis is such a similar idea to a disease. However, I felt the need to say something stupid, and direct attention to an inside joke a friend and I have, so I did. 🙂

    (if you edit wikipedia and are irritated by that, I apologize to you. Feel free to edit it out- ’twas stupid whimsy.)

  13. Shadowsbane Says:

    My only guess would be another TFZ. Say Vampire 1 hates all life on Earth, creates a plan to destroy it, but is found out by either another Vampire or one of those pesky humans. If said other party attempts to expose or stop the Vampire from becoming a TFZ, would it not be in the realm of possibility that if Vampire 1 caught them instead of just killing the pest, he would cause them at least 65 years of torment, Sure they could escape eventually, but before the point of no return?

    Perhaps Sullivan has yet another part to play in this masterpiece. Only time will tell…

    Great story. Btw

  14. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “Seriously, you’ve stated that they won’t kill him, won’t cure him, and he won’t change his mind.”

    I have not stated ANY of those things, dammit. I’ve only stated that none of those things would be what saves them.

    “What does that leave?”

    A TRILLION THINGS. Please stop guessing. You’re never going to get it and it’s a little annoying when you misquote me and act like nothing could possibly work.

    “Although it makes me wonder why Sullivan’s tunnel smelled like garlic. So Math couldn’t smell the zombies coming as easily, perhaps?”

    I’ve explained this in the comments before. Not going to fully repeat it now, but the garlic smell was put in there long before the zombie outbreak began 31 days ago.

    “Can vampires have children with each other? With humans? And, depending on the answer to each of those questions, what happens if they have kids?”

    Devian’s comments on Page 66 basically confirm that vampires have vampire children. I do not know at the moment if vampires can have children with humans or what they’d be like if they did. Doesn’t come into play any time soon.

  15. Nekokaburi Says:

    “I have not stated ANY of those things, dammit. I’ve only stated that none of those things would be what saves them.”

    Everything I’ve been talking about HAS BEEN ABOUT what saves them. In the end they have to do something to remove TFZ from the picture or render him harmless, but neither of us were talking about that. Sorry if I wasn’t clear enough in the third post about the topic, but I didn’t think it was necessary to say “survive to the end” on every third line.

  16. CrazyJaylbird Says:

    Friggin awesome how the wipers are being used in panel 3. I can only imagine the blood wash , haha.

  17. Tegu Says:


  18. Irrevenant Says:

    Y’know, maybe you should stop telegraphing your most dramatic comments. There’s a reason commercial comic covers are either vague or have nothing to do with the contents. (But don’t do that 2nd one – it’s annoying :P)

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