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Page 76: Need Scotch for This

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

Hey, we’re now #1 on WOWIO, where you can download free high quality PDFs of Last Blood with exclusive bonus features!

NOTE: WOWIO is currently only available to United States residents.

Also, I keep forgetting to link to this: Polish translation of Last Blood! Only the first nine pages are up so far, but more on the way, I think. A Polish student named Marcin is just doing it for fun.

48 Responses to “Page 76: Need Scotch for This”

  1. zero harmada Says:

    something tells me this will not end well 🙁

  2. zero harmada Says:

    oh and now that I sit back and look back over it… props to the artist… the vcr details are really good and the expression in the last panel is amazing 🙂

  3. MJK Says:

    He wants to be a vampire! Just another mouth to feed? Or a set of fists to fight?

  4. Col Says:

    woot, 3rd post

  5. Pigeon Says:

    I’m all for it 🙂

  6. Sim^moN Says:

    ..and how about porn? There were supposed to be scotch and porn! =P

    And yaay! I like the tempo of the updates =D

  7. Lydia Says:

    That’s a lot of shit going on.. and a lot of updates.

  8. achrin Says:

    memories in the video-camera or mourning the reality of the situation ….. once bitten time…i hope he recovers in time to be of use…and just where is mac cause if he can see them through the binoculars the truck might not be able to make it ..unless he has a monster truck to ride over them

  9. Amy Says:

    Maybe Math will throw Mac out the car ahead of the zombies and start mowing them down the the car to slow them down.

  10. The HellJack Says:

    Sweet mother of fuck…

    I thought I was the only one who ever said that.

    Damn man, I am diggin’ on this here graphic novel. Well done, amigo.

  11. Austin W Says:

    i know,this thing is awsome! i just cant wait for the zombie battle,can you say “we need more swords?”

  12. Chris Says:

    I can see that these are the calm before the storm slo-mo shots…yeah!

  13. aquamage Says:

    it sucks when your treasured moments are on a canera with low batteries…especially when your about to be envaded by rampageing zombies =)

  14. Jonathan Says:

    “He wants to be a vampire! Just another mouth to feed? Or a set of fists to fight?”

    That was my first reaction, too! I’m thinking the latter – y’know, the whole “If only I’d been stronger, maybe I could’ve stopped the slaughter” mindset. Easy to understand, considering he just lost his family.

  15. Miroku2235 Says:

    Dude in panel 5, his name escapes me for some reason, looks extremely pissed. Ready to rip off someone’s head.

  16. Brellchild Says:

    You know those scenes in the classic westerns where the calvary officer looks up and realizes there are Apache *everywhere* on top of the surrounding hills?

    Same thing here.

    Holy mother of fuck indeed.

  17. Ahmose Says:

    I don’t get it. If I was the Vampire community, I wouldn’t even worry about the humans if they were becoming extinct. I would just retreat to a safer location (like an island) with all my brethren and fed upon one another sparingly. You could also havest the animal blood. Are animals affected?

  18. Mewt Says:

    You simply have to love Grady.

  19. -JB- Says:

    Owen and Bobby, thanks heaps for the quick updates! It’s great to see the story progress, and the way it all works together makes it so easy to see everything happening on the big screen with surround sound and everything.

  20. IGOR Says:

    Wait a minute WHO says that Grady saw thousands of zombies comik maybe he saw Mac with something dangerous like tank or something

    Or he saw an airplain

  21. Will Says:

    how quick is the ‘turn around’ for the start of becoming a vampire and then becoming functionable to fight?

    and is it random what kind of ‘super power’ they get? ie; smell, flight, etc

  22. IGOR Says:


  23. Mike Says:

    woohoooo…they’re coming!

  24. Nekokaburi Says:

    nah, it’s gotta be zombies he’s seeing. A tank rolling his way wouldn’t be cause for scotch. Neither would an airplane. (Unless he can see they’re loaded down with zombies? :P)

    Math said that the first wave would arrive at dusk. In a place like that, where if your dog ran away and you had some really good binoculars you could track its progress for a week, you would be able to spot the zombies coming from a long way off.

  25. Bobby Crosby Says:

    “If I was the Vampire community, I wouldn’t even worry about the humans if they were becoming extinct. I would just retreat to a safer location (like an island) with all my brethren and fed upon one another sparingly. You could also havest the animal blood.”

    Only human blood is any good to them. Animal blood does nothing for them and neither does their own blood.

  26. Michael Cra Says:

    Man Bobby and Owen i love your Comic i hope you update soon. I can’t wait to see this all happen Murdo turn into a vampire and recover from it just in time to be of some use hopefully and April and her grandpa’s Reunion but im Curious to how vocal he’ll be XD you know the half missing face and all. Well thanks for the quick update again and keep up the awesome work ^_^

  27. fieldy409 Says:

    ‘Only human blood is any good to them. Animal blood does nothing for them and neither does their own blood.’

    good, its a bit of a copout i think when they go ‘its alright, the vampires dont need human blood’ in media.

  28. fieldy409 Says:

    oh and you have to wonder if murdos not gonna go a little crazy before he learns to control his hunger…

  29. BMB Says:


    Do you have any banners etc anywhere? I can’t see any and I’d love to put a link to your comic on my links page. 😀

  30. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Here’s the best one —


  31. mark Says:

    Murdo is either trying to become a vamp or refusing sex, tough choice.

  32. Brellchild Says:

    There has been some research done into synthetic blood and even into genetically modifying pigs (among other animals) so that elements of their blood can be used in humans safely. Any chance our favorite but not yet seen uber-medic vampire has done some research in that direction?

    Heck, if I were a vampire I would certainly investigate any viable alternative food sources…

    As to Murdo – if zombies stand up again within minutes of getting killed, then it’s entirely possible for him to be (functionally) a full vampire by the time the zombie horde gets there. Assuming he survives the transformation that is. It can’t be that easy to become a vamp or there would have been thousands rather than just 50 or so.

  33. vo Says:

    My bet is Grady sees the low flying Boeing on fire. He prolly either hasn’t seen the zombie mob yet, or is adjusted to seeing zombies. But how often do you see a plane crashing directly at your head? Holy Mother of Fuck, indeed.

    Plus, I think Bobby said something about the extra vampires from Mexico showing up around sunset. And I remember the cover to Last Blood #3 with the airplane crash on the cover.

  34. Christine Says:

    hmm, If someone says “Sweet Mother of Fuck, I need a scotch for this” I don’t think it will end well.

  35. Katticus Says:

    vo- if I remember correctly, the plane isn’t on fire until they crash it into the horde of zombies. (can you say kamikaze?)
    also, I believe that Bobby once mentioned that mac got inside only a few minutes prior to said crash.
    I love how it’s the most serious page possible, (slightly depressing too) and then grady just triples as a comment on coming hordes, the reader’s inside thoughts, and comic relief. 🙂

  36. Bobby Crosby Says:

    Brellchild, that’s also been answered many times before. No, synthetic blood or animal blood of any kind will not be involved.

    “It can’t be that easy to become a vamp or there would have been thousands rather than just 50 or so.”

    That doesn’t really make any sense. There could be thousands of different reasons for why there aren’t that many vampires around right now, a major one being that hundreds either killed themselves in the past month or are currently becoming schaemiacs from losing their blood supply, which was almost Math’s fate until Val found him and got him blood just in time a couple weeks ago, as he says on I think Page 32. Also, I’m going to lower the number of vampires to about 30 — similar to the amount of current human survivors.

  37. fieldy409 Says:

    so wait a minute. TFZ might not be the last zombie with vampire powers?

    So what if another one just takes over? can they take over other schaemiacs zombies?

  38. Bobby Crosby Says:

    It’s a 65-year process. Won’t be another one for at least 65 years in terms of the new ones who just started because they ran out of blood and became paralyzed and didn’t kill themselves in time/chose not to. Read Page 32 again.

  39. Eltharrion Says:

    “It can’t be that easy to become a vampire”

    Yeah, for different places come different legends how to turn into a one. Some say you must be a virgin and be bitten by a vampire who drinks your blood, ALL of it, and you turn into one, and upon turning you’ll be really, REALLY hungry bastard. If you’re not virgin, you only die or become a ghoul (if this is gonna happend, I’m little sorry for our great marine-soldier friend).

    Other story I know is that a vampire drinks ALL your blood, and then drops a few drops of his own blood on your lips. Chance for successful transformation are not that big, only around 30%. One reason why vampires don’t do thing so easily in this story is that they give some of their life force to grand unlife to the new “brethen”.

    Yeah, I’ve wached some things about vamps, and if you would start to take every legend in count, they wouldn’t go out at rain because of flowing water, would start to count every possible thing in the gym and so on…

  40. Islam Sharabash Says:

    Wouldn’t it be smart for Murdo to drain as much blood as possible so that they can have a store for him, or for others, before he’s a vamp? And what super power is he gonna get? What’s math’s Supa powah?

  41. David Kastrup Says:

    Val doesn’t cuddle.

  42. Thesis Matt Says:

    I propose the un-official Last Blood drinking game.

    Every time April cries, you take a shot.
    Every time Math’s brow cast a shadow over his eyes, you take a shot.
    Every time Murdo’s personality or character design changes, you take a shot.
    Every time someone drops the F-bomb, you take a shot.

    Extra Hard Mode:

    Every time a zombie gets decapitated, you take a shot. Headshot bullets count. (Page 26 will separate the men from the boys.)

  43. aquamage Says:

    i was just re-reading the comic, didn’t murdo kill TFZ? why would he play dead and let them throw him into a dumpster? that doesn’t make any sense was he healing or something?

  44. Bobby Crosby Says:


    Lots of reasons for that, one of which is a big spoiler that I can’t reveal, but I can say that he wanted to get closer to them and see what they were like without them knowing who he was. He also wanted to see what a bullet to the brain would do to him — he figured it would be nothing, but he wasn’t sure. Keep in mind that he’s waiting all this time on finally finishing off humanity, partly because he’s setting a trap here for all the vampires, but also partly because he’s having second thoughts about killing the rest of his hometown and at least one living relative (not April, no). He has the 200 in Mexico surrounded, but he’s not actively instructing those troops/zombies, but he could any time he wants and he expects all the Mexicans to die soon anyway, even against “dumb” zombies, since they’re up against hundreds of thousands of them. Most likely most of those Mexicans are military, by the way, and they’re probably in some underground bunker which is defended somewhat well. Anyway, once Mexico is gone, there’s only going to be 31 humans left, so TFZ wouldn’t even need to kill them, really, since there wouldn’t be enough for long term repopulation and the vampires would die out anyway. So even if TFZ died right now, he still would have accomplished a good deal of his mission, but probably nowhere near all of it, because there’s a good chance that most of the remaining vampires would commit suicide before going through the 65 years of torture if TFZ doesn’t trap them all.

    TFZ wanted all the vampires to go through the same torture he went through, wanted them to feel as much pain as possible. He had two options for how to do this — one is to just seek out and capture all the vampires, and the other is to kill everyone on Earth. He chose to kill everyone on Earth, since it would be basically impossible to find all the vampires. Once he has them locked up, though, he wouldn’t really need to kill anyone else, but he does want to account for all possibilities, like them breaking out, although after the first couple weeks they wouldn’t even be able to, without help at least. So anyway, TFZ is now trying to decide if he wants to let the humans live or not, wants to see if they’re worth it, and one small way of doing this was to get close to them and listen in on their conversataions.

  45. Katticus Says:

    wait, not april?

    I thought you said earlier that it WAS april! …
    I’m so confused….

  46. Bobby Crosby Says:


    You must have not read my previous spoiler (s) where I said that there’s a major change to something I spoiled before and that TFZ is no longer Sullivan Davis.

  47. Tegu Says:


  48. Trilbydude Says:



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